Chapter 35 : losing grip

commonly different






Chapter 35 : losing grip



Taeyeon’s pov



I can’t believe what she had said…

I was frozen at that moment…











“taeng…let’s break up” she said, it makes me froze for a moment.


I didn’t turn around…


“are you serious?” I asked her. She stands up from the tub as I can hear her footsteps and water drops on the floor.



“yes, I am.” She said. Then she gets her robe and covers herself.



So it’s going to end this way… well it’s easier that I don’t need to be the one who will break up with her.


No need to plan things…



Yeah plan things…


I looked at her, she pass my way.


“soonkyu…I guess it’s for the better right?” I asked, this is unexpected, I never did think even once that she will be the first one to said it to me, karma was acting fast right?


She ignores me and went to the dresser, she took some clothes and wears it, I just watch her, and then she sat at the bed.



 You don’t know how many billions of thoughts that are running to my head right now.


Should I pack my things up…

Should I leave her now…


Then I realize I was still standing there, rooted to the ground, I always say that she’s not ready to be away nor separated for me but the truth is that… it’s me…


I became dependent to her, I was never ready am I too selfish? thinking that she’s always there for me. I never realize that she was the biggest part of me until now... her worth and existence was all I need, that’s why one day I decided to make her mine for this heart that once shattered into dust was built again to a whole, the darkness of my world was gone and the ray of sunshine was visible again.



“you’ll catch a cold if you will just stand there the whole day.” She said and snapped my wandering mind.


“you, don’t need to leave if you are planning to…I won’t kick your of my place. After all your still my best friend right?” she said. Seriously, I wanted to cry… but I don’t want to see her seeing me miserable, she saw me once and if I will show it to her again, she might take her words back, no not because she’s deeply madly in love with me…


It’s because she might blame herself and pitied me.


I also wear some clothes…



“are we still gonna sleep at the same bed?” I asked.


“you can still sleep beside me, I don’t mind. You have no claws or fangs after all.” She said. Did she just insult me?


“taeng, can I talk to you?” she said, I sat beside her.



“ah, sure” I said, so this is really awkward and weird at the same time.


“no, I want to talk to my best friend” she said, it’s like we are different person.


“taeng, talk to me… I wanted to tell you something” she said and hugged me. I guess I have to go with the flow.


“yes soonkyu-ah?” I said pretending to be myself.


“taeng, I decided to break up with the person I love.” She said, I don’t get her, it’s me talking to me about me.


“w-why?” I asked.


“because, I guess, she doesn’t love me anymore.” She said. Touching and loving is a different thing.


“really that’s bad but maybe your just overthinking things… What do you want her to do then?” I asked, I am fooling myself…



“I don’t know, maybe she needed time to think things between us, and me too…” she answered and buried her head at the crook of my neck.



“so you still have plans to reunite with her?” I asked.


“I don’t know, *sighs* I really don’t know…” she said, her breath tickles my neck.



“don’t worry you will get through all of this…your soonkyu, the soonkyu I know was brave” I said and hugged her back. I can’t give her a good advice …probably because it’s for the better.


“yeah~ hey, I said stop calling me by my name, if no one really dares to marry me I swear to death that you will be the one to marry me.” She said with an aegyo.


Oh my it kills….



“thanks taeng…let’s go to sleep?” she asked.


“alright? Sweet dreams?” I said unsure.


She giggles…


Then we went to lay and raise the covers to have a goodnight sleep.



But what makes me think is that….is it a serious break up? She makes it more complicated. Is she giving me a knock on a head? I really don’t get her.


I was thinking until late night…

She’s giving me a troublesome…I was supposed to be relieved but honestly speaking…I am hurting inside.


“this is for the better…” I mutter and drifted off to sleep.


End of flashback.]



When I woke up, she was not here beside me… it’s 6:00am







I am now packing my stuffs…literally packing, I ask yuri to give me a place from our companies assets. I ask her not that big since I won’t be there always. She said that she found one in just a snap even it’s this early in the morning.. She was really a very good secretary.



Later will be a meeting with the Jessica, it’s been a long time since I last saw them. And tiffany I wonder how is she after what happened yesterday.


Wait, I promised not to leave her, and base upon her words last night, she told me to re-think things…



Why did she think of that? Did she knew about me leaving her?.....


Wait maybe…could it be that donghae told sunny about our little chat. I don’t want to jump into conclusions but that’s the only thing possible…it’s just us and her father knew my plan of staying as her best friend.





Re-think things means there’s a possibility of us getting back together…

Now that everything sinks into me…there’s no threat that’s going to hold me back away from her…


Father was the only one I consider as a threat and no one else, but now that I am on my own and he has nothing to do with me anymore…I should settle with her… you are agreeing I see… but, sunny being with me for the rest of our lives won’t do any good, for her. She deserves someone better. Someone that can love her more than anything else, not someone like me… not someone who still has a flick of happiness when seeing her past lover whom I tried to get rid my life with. She deserves someone much way better than me. I want that to happen… for her…



There… done!






Packing…well this won’t fit to my car…so I will bring the luggage first with me and just come back for the rest. And I will talk to sunny too after working hours is done.









End of taeyeon’s pov.





“jessi…you didn’t say that you won’t be at home, if I only knew that you will be at yuri’s place I wouldn’t stay long outside.” Tiffany said.


“yuri told you?” Jessica answered. Confused how tiffany knew where she went.


“sica, what else do you want me to think? You don’t have any relatives here that I know of either.” Tiffany answered.


“uhmm sorry my bad…so how’s your strolling around yesterday went? Do you meet someone…like in the movies a guy in a café that you spill a coffee, or a girl that you bump into the park…that kind of stuff..”  jessica asked.


“haaaaaiisstt…… I wish It’s like that and stop I am not into guys, but to your disappointment, my strolling was very unpredictable. Rather should I say it’s very heartbreaking…” tiffany said, Jessica sat beside tiffany.


“what happened? You got dump already?” Jessica said half-heartedly.


“yah! Stop joking, it doesn’t suit you.” Tiffany said while slapping jessica’s arm.


“okay, I’ll stop. So what happened?” Jessica ask


“well I saw someone at a park and it’s her …we broke officially over.” tiffany said.


“so what’s new with that?? Shouldn’t you expect it coming? Well sad to say but I did.” Jessica said.


“jessi~ your supposed to comfort me, not the other way around.” Tiffany reacted and frowned.


“alright, alright…so did you cry?” Jessica asked. tiffany nodded.


“awww…my poor tiffany, don’t worry everything’s going to be fine now. I will teach that taeyeon a lesson for dumping you I mean breaking up with you.” Jessica said.


“jess…I told you she did not dump me, and I was the one who break up with her I even slap her, and I was feeling a little guilty about that.” Tiffany said.


“you slap her? Omo this calls for a celebration, finally tiff your moving on..” Jessica said and patted tiffany’s shoulders.




“no jessi, your wrong, I am not moving on, I can’t…It still hurt that much… I wanted to take all the things that I said. But I know it’s impossible. Jessi, I still love her…” tiffany said and started to cry.


“hey, tiff…stop crying… it’s not worth your tears..she’s a jerk for she didn’t do anything to find you…” Jessica said.


“no, don’t say that it’s my fault…”tiffany said and continue crying.


“no, it’s not your fault. Aishhh…let’s not argue about this things…now, stop crying for I have good news.” Jessica said as she wipes tiffany’s eyes.


“what? Your pregnant?” tiffany asked.


“no, silly… me and yuri are finally together.” Jessica said proudly.


“you know jess…your very good at confronting specially having that news for someone who was recently broke up with the person she loved…but still I’m so happy for you. Tiffany said.


“sorry and thank you. So do you want to have a day-off at work, it will be fine with me, take a sick leave.” Jessica said.


“no, I am fine now. And I don’t want to sulk around. And I wanted to get used to taeyeon’s presence so we won’t be that awkward when working together. And I wanted to make sure that you are telling the truth and not just being delusional when you said that yuri and you are together.”

Tiffany said and merongs.


“hey I am telling the truth.” Jessica whines. Tiffany laughs..


“hey we will be late, I bet yuri will pick you up…” tiffany teased.


“no, I told her to get off first” Jessica said.


“okay~ I’ll just fix myself…you go take a bath I smell yuri all around you.” Tiffany said as she covers her nose and waves her hand. Jessica smell herself consciously…


“yah! we just take a bath after our breakfast.!” Jessica yelled and laugh at her thought.


“ohhh~so you really are together got yah there..haha” tiffany claps her hands as Jessica was dying from embarrassment.


“yah, we will be late it’s almost 8:00 in the morning.” Jessica said.


“woah, I didn’t recall when was the last time you tell me about time management when it comes to work. Yuri was a good influence for you.” Tiffany said, as Jessica continues to blush.



Sunny’s pov



“ms.lee welcome back and I hope president lee will recover soon.” Taemin bows as I walk pass his station. He hands me some papers and reports. It’s 8:00…


I enter my office and sat at my chair. I was not in the mood to do anything…


We broke up, but I was serious…


I was expecting that she will be against it… she will plead or at least confronted me. I just wanted her to please me.


But things are really unpredictable… she didn’t even cry… and just agreed of my decision and say it’s for the better. At that night I was at my raging point. But when I saw her face as she was still standing at the bathroom door looking at me, all of my anger fades out.



I talk to her…

And worst…

I told her to re-think things…

Well I wanted to say that I don’t mean what I said. But that will be absurd. I don’t want her to think that I am just fooling around about our relationship.


And I still have my words…even half of it was ruined.


An hour ago and I was just staring at my wall…


I scan the papers to kill time and then I saw an envelope.


It’s about the merging of jung int. and kim corp. it’s also the retiring party for the former president of the kim corp.



So… taengoo will be the president…this is not good…


And if that time comes then… many people will go after her…including her step-mother who loves piles and bundles of money.


Her life will be at stake and there will be many tempting es and gold-diggers to surround or even seduce her.


My taeyeon…I need to get her back.


I took my phone and called her. Her phone was cannot be reach.

Is she still sleeping??


So I decided to go back home…


An half hour later I reached home… it’s 9:30 am.


“TAENG??!!!” I called her name as soon as I open the door…no one’s answering…she’s not sleeping at this time and probably at her office… but I just check our room just to make sure. Then when I open the door I saw some boxes.


What’s the meaning of this?



I walk slowly towards the closet… her clothes was gone.

I get back to my car and went to her office… that’s the last place where I can found her I need explanations…



Taeyeon-ah…… don’t leave……




End of sunny’s pov









a/n: last update for this week..
busy doing stuffs... BUT LOOK!
sunny can't stand taeyeon's absence,,, ^^

and hopefully rest of the girls will create there Instagram ^__^

thats all..
but it is titled completed..anyways ITS STILL ONGOING SO...



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taeny sunyeon????


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Sunyeon is love :v
DanDyuDream #2
Chapter 49: This is love :)
Bumella #3
Thx for the story m..haha dandyuuuuu
soshi9ash #4
Chapter 49: Sunyeon the best..
JoannaMaw #5
Chapter 49: Yay! Dandyu at the end! (I am a dandyu shipper:)
iforgetbadfanfic #6
Chapter 10: i guess i'm a bit late but this is an infuriatingly (yes i use "infuriating" because you've been keeping me on the edge with this Sunyeon or Taeny thingy throughout the story) awesome fic. glad its the Dandyu in the end ^^
Chapter 43: this chapter is Daebak! *grins*
Chapter 23: ahhhh it's sooooo complicated...
Chapter 49: great story author.. can u make a sequel..
baekhyunblah #10