Blue Roses [Korean Version]


“Who are you?” asked a brown haired transfer male student as he followed behind a silent brown haired male. It was the first time he had seen that male who ended a fight between Sehun and Yongguk just with a simple glare.


The man remained silent.


“It won’t hurt just to answer that question”, thought Suzumi.  He was staring deeply as if he was trying to remember who the male was. Instead, Suzumi caught himself staring at the back of the brown haired male shoulder.


The silent male had a quite muscular and broad shoulder. He had a pair of brown and sharp eyes. The male caught Suzumi staring at him which made Suzumi quickly divert his eyes to something else. He had this what-are-you-looking-at look in his eyes.


Suzumi had been following him for almost thirty minutes and he still didn’t know where he was taking him. Suzumi tried to ask him one more time.


“Who are you?” he asked and added “How do you know my name?”


Still no answer came from this man. He was quite a stubborn one just like that Sehun guy, Suzumi thought.


Then after few minutes later, they arrived in front of a what-so-called-creepy room. The student council’s meeting room. No one dared to enter that frightening room because they knew that once you enter that room you knew that you were in a deep trouble. Suzumi knew it because one of their friends told him about it.


“Am I in a deep trouble?” asked Suzumi as he was frightened by the look that was written on his face.


“Enter the room,” said the older male finally but he did not answer the question given by the younger one.


Having no choice at all, Suzumi obliged the order unhappily. In that room, it was glowing white. There was no other colour except white in that place. It reminded him of an unpleasant day he had in a hospital. Without being told, Suzumi sat on a chair available.


“So why do you bring me here?” asked Suzumi hoping this time the prince of darkness would answered his question this time.


A/N: Who is that guy that bring suzumi to the student’s council room??...Comment, guys..Sorry for the short update…

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stephanieasianlover #1
Great story!
green roses, pink roses, red roses, and yellow roses