Blue Roses [Korean Version]


Author’s note: Annyeong, everyone…I have come back to update my stories for my beloved friends….Vierra,Sara and Mira, I hope you will like my next chappy that is FIGHTS AGAINST THE ODDS…uhh...Let’s get started...


It hadn’t been too long since Suzumi got enrolled in this school… it just had been five days... Currently they were having E.C.A; extra-curricular activities. All students were given a chance to attend three clubs maximum. And today they had an outdoor club… there were varieties of choices of the clubs in that school for example swimming, football, badminton, basketball, kendo, taekwondo, karate, squash and TRACK TEAM club.


Everyone seemed very enthusiastic about what would the new boy was going to join in except the albino looking man.


It was because Sehun had never wanted to join any club since that accident when he was in a middle school. An accident which totally had changed his life forever. And he hated the man who was responsible for it.  He never accepted that man as his father. And nor did he will.




[Start of Sehun’s POV]


Tsk… all these people, don’t they have anything better to do… They’re wasting their times on these stupid clubs…


Fuhh~ I sighed loudly before I could hear the clicking sound of the door telling me that everyone has gone out from the changing room.  Every E.C.A. was on, I always locked myself shut inside a bathroom until it was over and it sometimes pissed of my very hot-tempered sports teacher, Sir Kai. But what could I do…I hated sports…I hated clubs…


I unlocked the door and headed out of the changing before I heard something which stopped me from moving.


“Excuse me, but may I ask you where are you going?”


Man, I was so busted. I got to find some excuses…


I turned my body to face someone whoever had busted me out of nowhere. “I have some business to take care of-“


I tried to say but as soon as I saw the person’s face, I stopped talking.


“What are you doing here?”I asked as I gave him a cold glare. There was something fishy about that guy so I was not going to get him on a good side.


“Everyone left early so I don’t where to go exactly…so I wait here if I can find someone to help me and I found you…umm” ,said the Brown haired boy. He was wondering about my name.


“Go find help from somewhere else. I’m not interested”, I answered almost cold.


The only person that I was close to was just Luhan. I didn’t care whatever people might talk about me. The truth was I didn’t know how to make friends. I was afraid that I might lose someone if I have grown attached to them very close. To me, Luhan was a good and close friend but we weren’t that close since I wasn’t yet opened to him.


Luhan didn’t know anything about my pasts and I decided that was for the best.


The brown haired boy looked hurt. I just walked towards the door and reached for the doorknob.

Oh geez…he was such a wimp…he made me guilty already…I clenched my teeth as I tried to fight the urge to turn back and say something.


“Why don’t you try taking a stroll by yourself?” I said lowly before I left the room.


[End of Sehun's POV]



Hallway corridor…


The young male and silent student just wandered aimlessly around the school hoping that his sports teacher won’t find him. Sehun saw a quarterback captain along with his team members. They were such a rowdy gang that even Sehun wanted to avoid them that badly.


The leader was an orange-haired and well built man named Bang Yongguk. He and Sehun were different from each other. Ever since their president and other student council committee left for an exchange program to Gwangsun, Yongguk and his gang had dared making some ruckus towards any other occupants of the school.


Sehun walked past them coolly. Yongguk just sneered at him so as the others. When Sehun wanted to turn away, Yongguk called him. Sehun stopped on his tracks.


“Do you know where the new girlish boy is?” asked Yongguk as he lifted his jacket.


“In the changing room” he replied receiving a satisfied grunt from Yongguk.


“Thank you for telling me”, he said as he smirked and added “and thank you for making our business easier”.


Sehun didn’t want to have anything to do with them so he just threw the answer away to them.



In the Library…


Sitting beside a window, Sehun read Shakespeare as he tried to kill time when suddenly he saw some quarterbacks member circling a student in the garden. Sehun just neglected it as he was tired to look at the person’s face.


But the hair of the victim was something that he had just recently seen.


“Do you know where the new girlish boy is?”


“In the changing room”.


“Thank you for telling me and thank you for making our business easier”.


“oh ” Sehun cursed.”They were taking it out on the new student”, thought Sehun.


He then realized he had given them an access to have a fight with the new student. Sehun ran towards the garden hoping that he would get there in time.


On his way there, he came across with Luhan who went to the bathroom. Sehun just dragged him along. Luhan who was wondering what had happened that make Sehun out of his coolness.


“Yo, Sehun. What has happened? I need to know why you are taking me away from that club… Sir Kai will not be happy with us…”


“Suzumi’s in danger” said Sehun and that alone triggered Luhan to move even faster than Sehun.


“Who?” Luhan asked.


“Yongguk and his gang” said Sehun as they continued to run towards the garden.


When they arrived, they could see that the quarterback team members were ready to take him down. They hid behind the bushes trying to find a right time to ambush them.


“What do you want to do to me?” shouted Suzumi as he tried to defense himself,


“What do you think we are going to do when a beautiful boy come into our super boring all-boy school?”retorted a yellow haired male named Kim Himchan. All of the others laughed along with him.


”Hey, I’m a boy”


Blond male came closer and touched Suzumi’s hair very smoothly and sniffed it. “You smell like Cherry blossom”


“Who cares if you are a boy when you are beautiful like a girl…”Yongguk grinned devilishly and added “if you’re not expecting this, then it’s your fault for coming to this school”


Suzumi tried to hit him but Yongguk caught his wrist and pulled him closer to his.


Luhan couldn’t stand watching Suzumi being violated like a girl while the fact that he wasn’t a girl. Neither did Sehun even though he hid it well.


When Yongguk tried to do something even further, Sehun stepped in as he yelled on their faces,


“Don’t touch him like that”


Luhan followed suit. Yongguk stared at both males who abruptly disturbed his sweet time.


“Well well well…..if it isn’t the wimp from city and his underdog “said Yongguk referring Luhan as Sehun’s underdog.


“Hey, watch you mouth!!” shouted Luhan as he charged at Yongguk but was halted by Sehun. Suzumi was shocked to see them.


“Yongguk-hyung, I want you to leave that boy alone “said the black eyed male and added “you can hit me in exchange”


Yongguk just stared at him and then agreed with the term. “Himchan, release him” ordered Yongguk. Suzumi ran to Luhan and Sehun. Sehun took a step closer to Yongguk and the blond male was ready to hit him when Sehun tried to evade his attacks. But unluckily one fist hit him on his wounded shoulder making him fall on the ground. Lifeless. Yongguk tried to do a second attempt to kick Sehun when someone shouted to them.


“What do you think you are doing?” said a light brown haired male as he walked nearer slowly. Yongguk’s entire friend was giving a frightened look towards the male and so did Luhan who absolutely did no wrong except a new boy who hadn’t seen his face before in the school.


“Uhh…Nothing…” said Yongguk. His voice was wavering with fear.


‘Who is that guy’, thought Suzumi.  A brown haired male shot them a deadly glare telling them to leave that place immediately before he loose his temper.


Before they left, Yongguk mouthed something to that new boy. “I’ll get you soon”


“Sehun” Luhan shouted as he tried to wake Sehun from the collapse.


Suzumi was surprised of the sudden turns of events. He couldn’t help himself from crying.”It is my entire fault” Suzumi blamed himself for being incompetent. For being such a weakling.


“If it weren’t for me, Sehun-shi would never become like this” said Suzumi in a low voice.


Suddenly someone patted his head and said it would be okay. Suzumi stared at brown haired male who was standing in front of him with teary eyes. Suzumi managed to fake a smile so that the older students wouldn’t be worried.


The brown haired male from earlier stared at Suzumi as if he had done something wrong.


“Suzumi, come with me” he said which received shock gasps from both Suzumi and Luhan.


“How did you know my name?” asked the new transfer male student.


Author’s notes: how is it? I don’t sleep so that I can make this chapter. Isn’t he’s so adorable?? Haha… sorry I swapped their personalities since I decided to make them look hotter…I think if I did that, they‘ll be super hot… Mark my word, you guys…Which one do you think is hotter? Sehun or Luhan?


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stephanieasianlover #1
Great story!
green roses, pink roses, red roses, and yellow roses