Don't Hate Me


“Okay, The first test is math! I’ll pass this one.. Hemmm Hwaiting” Sungmin murmured. She walked in the class. The bell rang! The entire student was rushing to their class. They were ready for the Exam.


“Oh no, this is so difficult, 3x-7y>0 yah I knew it already so whut? What to do? Huh? Oh no I think I’ll never pass this lesson ….forever” She mumbled. She look at the other paper and sighed “hell yeah, I can’t solve even just one of this stupid things, what should I do? I don’t understand anything” She sighed once again and closed her eyes. She’s looking for something good in her own mind and hoping for miracle. She’s in a lovely fairy tale of her mind until a scary voice wake her up form the sweet dream. “Yah Lee Sungmin! Don’t sleep during the exam” and it caused laughter from the other students, but some of them also used the chance wisely and cheated each other. “I I I…. I Hehhehe I’m sorry Ms. Park I I’m sleepy hehehehe” Ms. Park sighed “But you haven’t finish and you’re the worst student of this school history, Remember my words Sungmin-sshi you better study hard if you want to graduate and pass the final exam. Everyone keep quiet and do it yourselves!” Ms. Park went back to her seat.

Sungmin was sad! not because of Ms. Park’s words but because the fact that she would never pass the final Exam. She’s about going to cry, she held her tears back. “Be strong Sungmin you must pass the test or your life will end, you must study hard Hwaiting!” She smiled and starting to do the exam again.


And… In the other case. “Cho Kyuhyun! Wake up” Mr. Kim said and bounced Kyuhyun’s shoulder, trying to wake him up. Kyuhyun slowly opened his eyes “I’ve woke up Mr.” Kyuhyun said in a very flat tone pretending like nothing happen. “hahhhh… You shouldn’t sleep here. Have you finished?” Mr. Kim said as he took Kyuhyun’s paper and checked it. Kyuhyun was just staring at Mr. Kim innocently. Then Mr. Kim smiled, “oh, well done Kyuhyun-sshii” Kyuhyun stood up “Is that mean I might go out? I’ve finished it since 2 hour ago, I was bored so I just sleep, You know? I can do nothing” He smirked. “Oh Yes please Mr. Cho” Mr. Kim just smiled and Kyuhyun bowed and walked out the class.

Mr. Kim was still smiling when Kyuhyun closed the door. “What a very genius boy” He said.


The bell rang once again and it means the time’s up. Every student went out their class. Some of them went out with a wide grin because of they could do the test well. But some also went out their class with a gloomy face. And Sungmin went out with gloomy face because of she’s one of the failed student. She always fails in every lesson. She really doesn’t know why she always studies but never passes the tests.

 She looked straight and walked to her locker. She opened it, put all of her math books and took all of the physic books she had. She must study for the tomorrow exam. “Hwaiting Min” She mumbled.

She was about to go to her room but, a few girls came and blocked her way. “Excuse me you’re blocking my way” The innocent Min said and passed them. But then someone held her wrist. “Not that fast Lee Sungmin, We need to talk to you” Sungmin was confused “eh, what do you want? I think I didn’t make any mistakes to you” She said and hug herself, she was so afraid. “Yeah right but we are so upset because of the stupid test so we need to play now, you know? We need something to refreshing and we need someone to wreak our anger, and It’s you” the red haired girl laughs like a maniac “But but I I I…. I need to study now” she’s so afraid. “Oh yeah who care” the other girl pushed her to the locker, a hand pulled her blonde hair.


Yesung went out the class, he’s looking for Kyuhyun. He looked around and found Kyuhyun sat in the bench in front of their class, while playing with his precious PSP. Yesung approached him.

“Hey Cho! Let’s go to canteen I’m hungry” Yesung said. “Heemmm” Kyuhyun just ignored him and kept playing. “Yah Cho Stop playing please”. Yesung frustrated. Kyuhyun looked at him innocently “Aish, You’re so noisy Hyung, Ok let’s go to the canteen but I need to get my PSP charger first It’s out of battery” Kyuhyun smirked and walked to his locker.  Yesung just followed him.

They’re entering the lockers’ place. Kyuhyun searched for his locker. “134, 135, 136, 137” He pointed to a locker but, There were fighting girls blocked him. Kyuhyun sighed then he went closer. He coughed.

All the girls turned their head to him, Yesung started to speak “Well, girls can you finish this thing in the other place, our mighty Gyu need his locker now”. Suddenly the girls fixed their hair and smiled “Hi Kyuhyun Oppa” they greeted the Cho. But he definitely ignored it, “There’s a lot of lockers here but why must mine” He went closer to his locker he fished the key from his pocket he’s about to opened the locker but he found a girl was collecting her book now right in front of him or maybe not she’s sitting on the floor. He looked down the girl was still collecting her books.

He’s just watching her until Yesung spook “Hey, You’re bullying her?” Kyuhyun kneeled and looked at the girl face. The girl shocked “Hi” she waved her hand, Kyuhyun keep staring at her…. .. Sungmin felt a little bit uneasy about it….. “uhmm… Thank you so much for helping me” Sungmin said as she collected her books. Kyuhyun looked at her sarcastically “Helping you? I did nothing” He ignored her, opened his locker, took his charger and left Sungmin dumfounded. Yesung smiled at her and followed the Cho. Sungmin puzzled. She stood up, staring at the walking Cho a while and went to her room to study ^^

Kyuhyun walked fast with Yesung behind him, but He felt that there’s something wrong with his heart, there’s a little feeling that hard to explain and he has no idea why.

Then he stopped “Cho! Stop running” Yesung complained Kyuhyun blinked like an innocent child “Who’s running?” He said. He turned his gaze to his locker, they were in front of the locker room entrance now. “Cho, you’re looking for something?” Yesung asked him in curiosity. “ehmm… No nothing” He answered Yesung then walked. “yea but your face isn’t showing the ’nothing’ Yesung . “Ok then Hyung, ehmm listen you’re my friend since a long time right and Hyung, Do you…. Oh I really don’t care about this crazy little thing but ehmmm Hyung I just...” after the long speech of Kyu, Yesung spoke “Seriously what happen with you? Just say it” Kyuhyun took a deep inhale then said just a few words but funny enough to make Yesung laugh out loud and the words is “Do you know that girl?” Kyuhyun said and flash a cute smile. Yesung died in laughter. Then Kyuhyun checked his words, there’s nothing wrong with it Kyuhyun thought. He decided to wait and 1 minute 2 minute 3 4 5 minute, Yesung was still laughing still the same so he decided to ignore Yesung and left him laughing alone.

Sungmin run fast, she’s almost late for the next test she keep running and the bell rang. It made Sungmin lost her mind and didn’t wanna care about the yelling people who she bumped. Until…. She bumped someone.

Sungmin fell on the floor she felt that her left leg hurt a lot but she didn’t wanna care because this is the last exam and she must do something better. She slowly got up and stood. “I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t saw you I I I’m late” She said while bowing. Then the other one also got up and stared at her angrily. “Do you have any eyes huh?” He yelled and Sungmin faced him, because of that voice the people around staring at them intestinally yea the Person is the mighty Gyu. “I- I didn’t saw you really I swear” she said and looked down, avoiding the Guy eyes. “You? You are...” realizing the girl in front of him, Kyu suddenly stop yelling. And the people around them start mumbling about random thing.  “You’re Lee Sungmin right?” Sungmin shocked how could this be? He just said my name? How could..

 Then the people around them Yelled “what Kyuhyun knows Sungmin? This is funny” “hell! how could He know that ” “oh God Kyuhyun knows her name? Are u ing kidding me?”

“yyyeess I I’m Sungmin” she answered then faked a smile; She’s so afraid now.  Kyuhyun smirked “Ohh You’re Lee Sungmin” Kyuhyun stepped forward and Sungmin stepped back, “ehmmm Hh How … How How could you know my name? hiihihi” Sungmin tried to smile, Kyuhyun smirked again.

“How could you know me and my name?”  Sungmin asked Kyu once again …..

Kyu came closer to Sungmin, the crowded become so noisy(?) Sungmin stepped back, Kyuhyun came closer, then Sungmin stepped back…… Kyuhyun locked Sungmin’s eyes with his eyes, he stared at Sungmin….. so mysteriously until…….

“hya what are you doing here, huh? Don’t you hear the bell rang already??? Hurry up go back to your class!” Ms. Park yelled, but the crowded and also KyuMin didn’t wanna care about it. Then Ms. Park yelled again “Fine! All of you gonna get F for this test!” Ms. Park said and walking like a boss. Hearing those very scary words the students quickly entering their class. But KyuMin…. Kyuhyun smirked once again then said in a very irritated voice “well….. Who doesn’t know you….” Sungmin’s confused “eh.. wwhhat..’ss the meaning?” then she looked down, again. “Hmm? Ok so the rumor is definitely right!” Kyuhyun said then walked to his class, Sungmin didn’t know why but she really wanna yell the “WAIT! What rumor?” he stopped. Kyuhyun made a very sarcastic smile “The rumor about your stupidity! And you’re well known as the most idiotic student of this School history, that’s how I know you. Is it clear to you now?” Kyuhyun said and left Sungmin alone.

Sungmin didn’t know why but her heart hurt.. a lot…. , but then She decided to ignore it. “Lee Sungmin Hwaiting” She said….. then Sungmin was shock, there’s no one left. The others already started the test. “RUUUUNNNN” She screamed.


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Sweetlove123 #1
Chapter 5: New reader & subscriber of ur Amazing Fanfic love it. But im Curious about sudden appearance of hyukjae Character. Anyway Keep up the Good work.
Chapter 5: ohhhh!!! Hyukjae.. will he become Cho Kyuhyun-sshi competitor or... err.. an oppa? (that would help her)
Chapter 5: can yesung hyung came and help sungmin... and let's see what kyu will do.. whahhaahha... update author.. its a nice story..:)
Lee_Haneul #4
Update soon .... :))); pls. :-)
Chapter 4: Sungmin does not have any friend?????
Hope Kyu will tutor Sungmin...
Update soon....^_^
CallMehhBubz #6
Chapter 4: Awww Poor Minnie!!~ Hopefully Kyunie Won't Be Hard On You...
iSuperJuniorART #7
Chapter 4: Poor Sungmin ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 4: Oh Sungmin's sad life! T.T
Chapter 3: Mrs. Park will be kyumin's defender?
CallMehhBubz #10
Chapter 3: Does Min Have ANY Friends?? If Not Can She ATLEAST Have ONE?? Maybe Like Donghae Or Ryeowook Or BOTH?? Just Wondering I Woulndn't Want Min Lonly....But Then Again...It's Not My FF, But, Either Way I Still Like Your FF Aurthor-nim :)