005 : PE

Feel So Bad (Under Construction/Editing)

Later in the day, the class had physical education and it was a practical lesson, in the gym. Everyone  changed into their sports uniform and went to the gym to be greeted by their PE teacher who was waiting for them. He was checking his watch and his clip-board often, until the bell rang.

He started taking the roll and called people’s names smoothly one by one until he called out Sunggyu’s name who was higher up in the role out of the three Infinite boys in the class.

“Kim Sunggyu!” He called waiting for an answer. He looked up, “Not here again?” None of the Infinite boys were there, “Okay, the three of them will have to suffer the consequences later” he grinned and continued taking the roll. He skipped Dongwoo and Hoya’s name since he knew that they were going to be late, so he was calling out the roll smoothly until he came across Miyeon’s name which was the last name down the role.

“Han Miyeon!” he anticipated an answer and the students looked around. Songmi and Eunjoo looked at each other with worried faces.

“Yah, what if she’s done something to the-” Songmi whispered to Eunjoo being interrupted by the door opening. Everyone turned their heads to the door and Sunggyu, Dongwoo and Hoya walked in.

“Yah! You’re late.” Their teacher yelled from across the gym.

“’Sup Mithra!” Dongwoo sing-songed with his eye smile. Their teacher, Mithra, didn’t look quite pleased with their tardiness and Dongwoo calling him with his old nickname, was not helping. He glared at the students who were giggling, then at the three boys who just casually walked in late.

“Yah, you three. 10 laps.” He pointed behind him. Hoya got up and put his arm around Mithra,

“Aye, teach~” Hoya tried to convince him to lower the number of laps they had to run. Mithra looked at him and took Hoya’s arm off himself,

“20 laps.” He grinned patting Hoya’s back and went back to the class. Once again, the three Infinite kingkas couldn’t avoid running laps.

Mithra finished marking the role forgetting about Miyeon’s absense. He explained the warm up activity to the class and they had to do only two laps around the whole gym and do stretches once they finished. Just at the moment when Mithra was about to finish explaining the activity to the class, the door opened. Miyeon casually walked in sitting next to Eunjoo and Songmi.

“What’d I miss out on?” Miyeon asked Eunjoo casually as if she didn’t just walk in to class late. Mithra along with the other students silently stared at her. Miyeon noticed and looked around with a straight face. “What?” she directly said to their flabbergasted teacher.

“10 laps.” Mithra sighed and pointed behind him towards the three kingkas receiving their punishment. Miyeon stood up and went up to him. She looked at him for a second and scoffed.

“Someone’s pissed.” She smirked and patted his shoulder walking off to “do” her 10 laps around the gym.

“20 laps!” he shouted over to Miyeon who was taking her time, walking to the border of the court.

“Thanks teach!” she sarcastically called raising her hand in the air with the intention of pissing him off even more. She started running, chuckling to herself while she was at it. *As if I’m gonna do 20 laps*

After running a lap, Miyeon decided that it was enough. There was no way she was going to run 20 laps, it cost her too much effort. Especially around the gym, the gym is massive after all.

Miyeon sat by the stands watching her classmates do their warm up exercises and activities. She then spotted Sunggyu, Dongwoo and Hoya still jogging around the gym, when they passed her.

*idiots…* she mentally laughed.

When the three kingkas had done 18 laps, Miyeon got up from the stands and made her way back to the class who were doing an activity already. She surmised that they were playing a game of dodge ball. Mithra blew the whistle to call the three kingkas back.

“Sunggyu and Miyeon you’re on this team” he pointed to the team behind him. “Hoya and Dongwoo, you’re on that team”

As soon as Miyeon stepped into the game, a ball was about to hit her but she swiftly caught it. She threw it effortlessly, and it still got two people out on the other team. The class kept playing until there was only Miyeon and Hoya left in the teams. Both played expeditiously. When Miyeon threw the ball really hard, Hoya would catch it. Even if he falls back, he would get up like a ninja and throw it back twice as hard.

The class enjoyed watching in awe as the game was played to the extreme between the player and delinquent. Eventually, the game got out of hand and Hoya threw the ball too hard towards Miyeon. She caught it but it was too fast and it slipped between her hands and hit her head.

“Miyeon! Are you okay?” Songmi and Eunjoo came running over to Miyeon who just nodded. Soon the whole class was surrounding Miyeon all worried about her further actions

“Yah, are you really okay? How many fingers am I holding?!”Mithra held up three fingers, “Hoya, take her to the sick bay!” Hoya obeyed their teacher and put her arm over his shoulder.

“I’m not crippled,” Miyeon pulled her arm away from him, “I’ll go myself.” She started walking towards the door and almost fell over.

“This is why you need someone to go with you” Hoya appeared next to her and didn’t dare to touch her unless she lost balance.

*I think I’ve already had enough of this Ho kid for today* Miyeon cursed under her breath as they made their way to the sick bay.

- - - - - - - - - -

Miyeon sat on one of the beds and waited for an ice pack from the nurse. Hoya took a chair, placed it next to the bed and sat on it.

“Go back, I’ve had enough of seeing you for today” She waved her hand away and rolled her eyes.

“But I don't think I've had enough of you” Hoya smirked and Miyeon gave him an unamused look.

“Haha very funny. I’m not in the mood to joke around.” She lied down and placed an arm over her eyes. The nurse came back and gave the icepack to Hoya because she thought that Miyeon was sleeping.

“So Miyeon… Do you have a boyfriend?” He asked handing her the icepack.

*What the hell is this kid trying do?* She sat up and scowled at him.

In the process of taking the icepack off Hoya she hit him on the head with it. Hoya chuckled,

"You know, you're very interesting,"

Miyeon ignored him and placed the icepack where the ball had hit her and looked away from him. She didn’t want him in her sight especially after he just asked her a question that reminded her of her past.

“Thank you?” he waited for one, but Miyeon had already ignored him. “Okay… You should rest” he got up and walked towards the door.

As if on cue, the bell indicating the end of the school day rang as soon as he stepped out of the sick bay. Eunjoo and Songmi came running down to the sick bay to see how Miyeon was.

“Hoya!” Songmi ran down the hall towards Hoya with a tired Eunjoo following behind. “Is Miyeon okay?” she asked worried.

Hoya hummed and nodded in response, “She’s okay”

“Thank you!” they chimed as they ran into the sick bay.

*At least they know how to say thank you* he sarcastically chuckled and looked back at the room.

- - - - - - - - - -

*Friggen kid asked if I had a boyfriend? Why would he want to know that after throwing that ball at me so damn hard?* Miyeon looked at her red hands *Ugh... Why am I still so weak?!* she squeezed her palms into a fist and loosened them.




I know, I’m a bit late in posting this chapter… and it’s a bit short… Well what can I do? I was too "indulged" into catching up on dramas and variety shows xD

…plus I kind of wrote a short horror one shot on my ipod but the problem is… it’s based on a dream that I had two nights ago and it’s not really considered as an AFF…

/siiiiiigh well anyway… enjoy le precious subscribers!! ^^

EDIT (130329): I think I took some parts out and put stuff in to make it make more sense. 

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I think it's best to declare that my fics go on hiatus until my problem/crisis is solve. I deeply apologise for any inconveniences this has caused. m(_ _)m


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Chapter 7: I want one of her OLD guy friends to transfer~~ just to see what would happen! Hahaha it's your story! Update soon!
Chapter 7: sunggyu know eunsol?interesting..haha
cericeria #3
Chapter 5: very interesting and quite uncommon story! pls update soon^^
tabiblessyou #4
:3 :3 :3 :3, u r the most adorable thing in the world :D
Lol! This sounds so funny! She lit L.Joe's hair on fire!.... Even though he's my bias in Teen Top... Oh well! Lol! Update Soo!