001 : Fire

Feel So Bad (Under Construction/Editing)

"Guys! There's a new girl coming tomorrow!"

"Really? Is she hot?"

"I don’t know, but that doesn't matter at the moment"


"I heard she got expelled from her last school because she set one of the kingkas' hair on fire"

"WHAT?! What is she? A delinquent?"

"I think she is, can you believe it? She set his hair on fire!"

"What person in their right mind would do that?!"

"I know right…"


"This is going to be interesting…” Hoya smirked.

- - - - - - - - - -


"Oppa… what is the meaning of this?" a student saw her boyfriend on the top level of the school building with another girl, their clothes were untidy and they were on each other.  He saw her from the corner of his eye and pushed the girl off him and ran up to her.

"I-I can explain" he stuttered surprised. He seemed scared of getting caught too.

"Oppa, who's she?" the other girl asked.

"What is there to explain? I just saw you two making out!" her eyes were starting to get watery and a tear threatened to fall. She wanted to run away but her knees felt like jelly so she just stood there on the spot. He cupped her face and was about to wipe the tear away with his thumb but she slapped it away. Harshly.

"You know what?" she scoffed, "We're over!"


She slapped him so hard that it echoed through the halls . The other girl went up to him and slapped his other cheek just as hard as she did.

"That’s for cheating on me after those three weeks. If you're gonna cheat, do it without getting caught" she was about to walk off but turned around again. He looked up  again thinking that she'd forgive him, but he was stupid for thinking that. She stepped on his foot, "That's not all you're going to get. If I find out that you've been cheating on other girls too, you're done for." She walked away.

- - - - - - - - - -


"Who? That guy?" Miyeon pointed at the group of kingkas on the table. The four girls behind her nodded. Miyeon chuckled, "so how many has he cheated on?" they looked at each other

"We don't remember how many exactly but besides the ones that he had in this school, there're more from the all-girls school near by" the first girl said.

"We saw them with our own eyes" the third girl said supporting her answer.

"Okay… Don’t worry, you'll get your revenge soon" Miyeon smirked knowing that what she had in mind would embarrass and ruin his image.

"Thank you so much sunbaenim! Fighting!" the girls bowed to her. She just nodded.


- - - - - - - - - -


Miyeon soon found out L.Joe's class number and she waited outside the classroom after the second period. When the other students saw her the girls started gossiping that someone in their class is going to be the victim. As some of the guys heard the news from the girls, they started getting scared and people started waiting near the classroom to see who her next victim was. The funny thing is that L.Joe and his group of Kingka's don’t seem to suspect that it's one of them but they walked out last anyway. When L.Joe took a step out, Miyeon grabbed his collar and started dragging him away from Teen Top. He struggled from her grip and tried to free himself. People started whispering amongst themselves but Miyeon didn't care. She dragged him to the top floor where he was last caught with a girl. Everyone was in their classes now but some doors were half opened.

L.Joe was scared but he tried to brush it off by thinking that she must've wanted him that bad to drag him out like that. Miyeon stopped walking and threw him on the ground. On the exact spot that he was caught.

"Now what should I do to you…" she started pacing around him. He smirked and got up. Miyeon stopped and raised her eyebrow at him wanting to see what he will try to do in this situation. He started approaching her slowly.

"You know… If you wanted me that badly you should've said so-" Miyeon scoffed at his comment and kicked him back onto the ground.

"Oh I know…" She opened one of the lockers she prepared and pulled out a rope.

"Y-you're that kind?" he asked with a little worry.

"I guess you don't know how things work around here" She kicked his important spot causing his hands to go together as a reaction. She tied his hands together and sighed, "I don't think this is enough" she looked at him with dissatisfaction. A smirk started creeping up her face. She reached in her pocket and pulled out a lighter.

"Y-y-you're n-not gonna b-burn me alive are you?" he stammered with an extremely worried face.

"Maybe… maybe not… let's just see what happens then" she started playing with the lighter flicking it on and off. She found it very amusing that every time she flicked the lighter open, he would get frightened.

"Any last words?" she asked calmly. He shook his head.

 "You do treasure your hair right?" she grabbed his hair. "It's pretty good. You treat it well… What if we only burn you and not the hair? You choose."

"J-just take the hair! Let me live… please? I'm too young, I have more things to do in my youth before I can die!"

"Like what? Cheat on girls?" She sneered. "Whoops, I guess you know why you're here now... Well there's no point in waiting any longer so..." Miyeon flicked the lighter open and held it above his carefully styled hair. Soon L.Joe’s hair was now starting to burn and catch fire.

"M-MY HAIR!!" he screamed *s-she wasn't joking*. People started coming out of the classrooms to see what happened. When people saw that it was one of the kingkas with their hair on fire, they started recording videos on their phones and other devices. A few of the girls that he happened to have cheated on were also there. They laughed hysterically at Miyeon's genius punishment.

"If I find you cheating on girls again, you might have to sacrifice something else" Miyeon smirked and walked off into the crowd.

- - - - - - - - - -

Miyeon found herself in the principal's office at lunch. People outside were trying to eavesdrop and by people, I mean a crowd. The “fire” was a hot topic all over the whole school, it was one of the most extreme things that Miyeon has done. She was praised by the girls for being so creative at making punishments for guys and she was even nominated and voted as  president of the school council. However, the Principal rejected her taking place as president since she had a bad record, skipping classes every now and then to "punish" guys and grades that barely pass.


"Miss. Han…" the principal sighed. "Why am I not surprised that you're here in my office again today?" Miyeon shrugged her shoulders at him. He sighed again.

"What you did this time… don't you think it’s too much?"

"He deserved it…" she smirked, "Don't you love it but? I thought you didn't want any dirty students on campus?" she raised an eyebrow at him.

"You could've just told me as the principal then… and we're losing students"

"So…? Not my problem" He sighed again. Miyeon looked at him with a poker face.

"I'm afraid you're going to have to be expelled, or transfer… We've given you way too many chances now"

"Coolies." she calmly said and stood up and walked out of the door.


When the crowd heard the door click they started scattering and pretended to have  just been hanging around the hall.

"sunbae-nim… what happened inside?"

"Nothing really, I think just got expelled" she said to them making them gasp.

"We are so very extremely sorry, sunbae-nim!" They bowed apologetically. Miyeon chuckled, "why are you apologizing? It's not your fault"

"If it wasn't for us, you wouldn't have gotten expelled" the first one started crying. Miyeon held her arms out to hug them. "Don't worry, I'll visit" she smiled with her rarely seen eye smile. "Take care guys!" she waved and left. 




Okay, first, I just really wanted to post this fic badly because I was actually satisfied about it. I just happened to write this right before my exam block and it was a really hard decision whether I should post it or not so yea… When I write my fics I write them on a word document and I just skim through them to look for any red, green or blue lines and I fix them so if there are any errors please correct me nicely. 

Oh, and I won't be putting that many Korean terms in this fic so I won't have it at the end of every chapter like my last fic (:

EDIT (130329): just changed a bit... nothing major

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I think it's best to declare that my fics go on hiatus until my problem/crisis is solve. I deeply apologise for any inconveniences this has caused. m(_ _)m


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Chapter 7: I want one of her OLD guy friends to transfer~~ just to see what would happen! Hahaha it's your story! Update soon!
Chapter 7: sunggyu know eunsol?interesting..haha
cericeria #3
Chapter 5: very interesting and quite uncommon story! pls update soon^^
tabiblessyou #4
:3 :3 :3 :3, u r the most adorable thing in the world :D
Lol! This sounds so funny! She lit L.Joe's hair on fire!.... Even though he's my bias in Teen Top... Oh well! Lol! Update Soo!