003 : Basketball

Feel So Bad (Under Construction/Editing)

At lunch, Miyeon ate with Eunjoo and Songmi in the cafeteria. They seemed to get along with each other very well even though Miyeon would just sit there most of the time, watching them do the talking. On the other side of the cafeteria, was Infinite. Dongwoo and Sunggyu told the rest of the group about the danger that Hoya was about to step into: Miyeon.

“M-Miyeon? That new delinquent girl?!” Sungyeol said in shock, “Look, she may be hot but I’m not risking it”

“Yeah hyung, didn’t you hear about what she did to the kingka from her last school?” Sungjong asked obviously worried about his hyung. Hoya just nodded,

“That’s the point” he turned his head to catch a glimpse of Miyeon sitting on a table with Eunjoo and Songmi. The rest of Infinite sighed…

“But hyung, if she finds out how many girls you’ve slept with, you’re screwed.” L sarcastically laughed.

“That’s what we’ve been trying to tell him” Sunggyu sighed.

“I know deep inside she’s probably weak like all the other girls,” he smirked and got up to get a drink. As he passed Miyeon’s table, he winked at her which she saw.

*This guy again? What the hell does he want?* she kept her poker face on and shoved a spoon full of rice in .

- - - - - - - - - -

After school, Miyeon decided to stay back and look around the school. She knew there were club activities held at the moment since Eunjoo went to the  photography club and Songmi went to the sewing club. None of the co-curricular club activities caught her attention though. Although when she passed the bulletin, she saw a timetable of sports practice and announcements. She considered maybe joining the basketball team since she used to play it for four years when she was in elementary and middle school, so she decided to have a look. *It won’t really hurt to do a sport*

When she found the gym, it was huge. The basketball team was on the farthest end of the room practicing. There were also other co-curricular activities going on in the room such as cheerleading and volleyball. There were also people just studying and hanging out at the bleachers.

When Miyeon stepped inside some people at the bleachers stopped what they were doing and started whispering between themselves. She just ignored them and kept walking to the other end of the gym. Some of the cheerleaders thought that she was going to join them because most of the time, girls only go to the gym to try out for cheerleading, or watch the boys do basketball. As she kept walking, a queenka stopped her,

“Are you here to join the cheerleading squad?” she cheerfully asked. More people stopped what they were doing to see Miyeon’s response, some guys even looked like they were anticipating her to say “yes”.

Miyeon looked around herself to check if the cheerleader was talking to her or someone else.

“You talking to me?” she raised an eyebrow pointing to herself.

“Yes I’m talking to you, silly” the queenka giggled.

Miyeon suddenly put on a fake smile, “No” she simply said. She patted the queenka’s shoulder and kept walking.

“oh… okay” the queenka’s smile slowly deflated and she went back to her group and resumed practice.

As Miyeon got closer to the basketball team, she caught a glimpse of two people making out behind the bleachers.

“I’m here to try out for the basketball team” Miyeon said to the coach who was carefully watching the team practice.

“I’m sorry, but we don’t accept gi-“ the coach froze when he turned around to find that the girl who wanted to try out for the team was Miyeon. He didn’t want to mess with her because she had a delinquent persona so he had no choice but to let her. “Y-yes! You can,”

*oh the advantages of being feared of* Miyeon smirked. The coach blew his whistle and clapped.

“Time for a break guys!” He shouted.

All of the players in the team were covered in sweat. One of them bounced  the ball over to their coach and Miyeon caught it with one hand. When the team saw her, they stiffened. *these guys are all scared of me* she mentally laughed in her head. She looked at them with her poker face trying not to laugh.

“What?” she raised an eyebrow.

“Ok, you can warm up while they have their break and I’ll get the best player to go against you.” Miyeon nodded.

“Someone go ask if Miyeon can borrow some spare clothes from one of the cheerleaders” he told them.

“I’ll go” the one with big eyes said. After a bit, he came back with a shirt and some shorts. “They’re Sora’s, the one with her hair in a bun and her back to us.”

Miyeon went to the change room to get changed. Luckily, the shirt fit her a bit loosely which she preferred rather than tight. The length of the shorts however... were a bit too short to her liking, but if she had to choose between playing with a skirt or shorts, she'd rather play wearing shorts. When she got out she immediately went off to warm up. The team watched her practice and the other people in the room watched too. 

Hoya who had just came from a make out session behind the bleachers, also saw Miyeon warming up for her try out. He saw that she wasn’t in her uniform anymore and that she was just wearing a white shirt and navy blue shorts. When Miyeon jumped to throw the ball in the hoop, he was able to catch a glimpse of her torso.

*it’s almost your turn* he chuckled to himself wiping of the lipstick on the corner of his mouth. He fixed his clothes and went walked out of the hall unnoticed.

- - - - - - - - - -

After Miyeon’s warm up, the coach threw her a drink. “Here, you’ll need it.” Miyeon caught it with one hand. *whoa…* the people in the room thought as they watched her.

“Okay! First round…" the coach scanned the members,

"Just give me your best player," Miyeon impatiently said.

"Okay then, our best player…” His eyes landed on the captain, “Kris, come up here” When Kris got up, he towered above Miyeon. She didn’t let his height put her down although he was the tallest that she’s versed in basketball. “First person to shoot five” their coach shouted. He blew the whistle and threw the ball. Miyeon grabbed it, she dribbled it below her knees and threw it into the hoop.

*too easy* she thought.

*She’s actually pretty good… she’s not one to go easy on* Kris took the ball and dribbled it. Miyeon took advantage of her size and slipped her arm through the limited openings available and got the ball. She threw it towards the hoop but Kris took advantage of his height and blocked it. He then used it as a chance to shoot the ball into the hoop.

Soon, everyone in the room, went over to the bleachers to watch Miyeon’s tryout match against their school’s best player, Kris. It  was only her first day and she’s already gotten so much attention from the students. The match took longer than expected and ended up in a draw. The team’s jaw dropped at the fact that someone was able to get a draw against Kris.

*wow…* they all thought. Everyone now assumed that Miyeon was definitely not someone to mess with.

The coach finally blew the whistle, “Welcome to the team” he clapped, “I don’t think we have enough time for you to go up against every single team member but hey, welcome to the team Han Miyeon!” the coach patted her back and the team members went over to her. They gave her a new unopened bottle of cold water and an unused towel. She drank the water. She wiped her sweat off using the towel and grabbed her clothes.

“I’m gonna go and change” she headed over to the changing rooms.

When Miyeon had finished changing, she returned the clothes to Sora Whom she didn’t know was the same person who asked her if she was there to join the cheerleading squad. Fortunately Sora was nice and didn’t hold any grudges towards her. What caught Miyeon's attention about Sora, was that she didn't seem scared or intimidated about her.




Honestly speaking/writing, I don’t know how to play basketball so I’m not really sure about the stuff I’ve written about the match but I’m somewhat satisfied because I can barely see any red, green or blue lines so yay~!! ^^

Just a bit of the softer side of Miyeon being revealed (:

...and yea the basketball team is EXO




...ROLL LIKE A BUFFALO! ...okay... I'll stop... sorry again m(_ _)m

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I think it's best to declare that my fics go on hiatus until my problem/crisis is solve. I deeply apologise for any inconveniences this has caused. m(_ _)m


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Chapter 7: I want one of her OLD guy friends to transfer~~ just to see what would happen! Hahaha it's your story! Update soon!
Chapter 7: sunggyu know eunsol?interesting..haha
cericeria #3
Chapter 5: very interesting and quite uncommon story! pls update soon^^
tabiblessyou #4
:3 :3 :3 :3, u r the most adorable thing in the world :D
Lol! This sounds so funny! She lit L.Joe's hair on fire!.... Even though he's my bias in Teen Top... Oh well! Lol! Update Soo!