~Seperated Once More~

Surprise Loving

Your Thoughts

Managers' Thoughts





A week has passed by since your debut stage and that accident backstage. Everyone had to attend their own schedules now, so the boys were going to leave you. Minwoo-shi had to stay in the hospital for a few more weeks for observation, so he wasn't going to be with anyone.

Everyone was in Minwoo-shi's hospital room, recieving their schedules for the rest of the month. Everyone reviewed them and highlighted the most important items. "Okay everyone, remember, I'm still watching you guys so don't you even dare or think to try and badmouth me on your inerviews." Everyone laughed and nodded. Minwoo-shi turned to the other managers who were hiding in the corner. "AND YOU THREE! IF YOU MAKE MY KIDS MISS A SCHEDULE OR MAKE THEM LATE, EVEN IF BY 30 SECONDS, IM KICKING YOUR ASSES. GOT IT?!?!?!!!" The managers nodded, scared by Minwoo-shi.

Everyone bidded Minwoo-shi goodbye since they had planes to catch. Minwoo-shi kept back Manager Kim-shi, the one who was going to be taking care of you until Minwoo-shi got released, from the rest of the group. "Listen Kim-ah. You and I go way back, but I swear. If her parents get to her someway possible and she gets hurt, I will cut you up into 165 pieces with my bare hands. You must promise me that nothing, not even snow, lands on my niece's head." Manager Kim nodded and bowed to Minwoo-shi. Minwoo-shi smiled and gave the family's hand sign to go away. Manager Kim bowed once more before leaving the room to catch up with everyone else.

At The Airport

Everyone of EXO was standing in the lobby of the airport, everyone needing to go seperate ways. Everyone promised the other to call and skype each other before going to bed and other stuff. Before everyone had to board their planes, Suho and Kris called for a short EXO meeting.

"Okay everyone, since we are all doing different schedules at different times and on different days, I just want to say good luck to each and everyone of you." Suho started saying all leader like. "Remember, all of us is just a phone call away. We're all supporting you from afar." Kris continued saying. Everyone placed their hands in the middle of the circle of EXO members. The fangirls and fanboys watching was going insane taking pictures of this event. "Okay everyone, on the count of three you know what to do." Suho smiled at everyone and everyone smiled back. "One....Two....Three....EXO..." "Let's Love!" "We Are One!" Everyone looked around, seeing as how everyone said two things at the same time. Everyone in the airport laughed at EXO's silliness. Everyone in EXO was rolling like buffaloes at what just happened. It was Suho was the first to catch his composure. "Okay, how about 'Let's Love' first then say 'We Are One' as we're raising our hands." Everyone agreed and went back to the original formation. "One...Two....Three...EXO," "LETS LOVE! WE ARE ONE!!!~~"

Everyone hugged each other goodbye, HunHan and you and Kris taking the longest to say goodbye. While hugging you, Kris whispered in your ear. "Remember, I'm just a phone call away. If you need anything, just call okay?" You smiled into Kris' chest. "I promise to do so oppa~" Kris kissed your forehead and looked you in the eyes. "I love you." You smiled. "I love you too oppa." Luhan, who finally said goodbye to Sehun, interuptted the moment. "Hey~ We have a flight to catch duizhang. Enough with the drama scene and get a move on~" The other EXO-M members teased Luhan since he just had that kind of moment with Sehun just seconds ago.

You and Kris hugged one last time before finally Kris was dragged away by Tao and Lay. You waved goodbye to the M members and turned to K. You hugged each and every one of them, Kai not wanting to let go. "Do I have to go noona?? I want to stay here with you~" You patted Kai's head and got out of his hold on you. "Sorry Kkamjong~ You have schedules to attend to. and if you try to skip any, I'm telling Kyungsoo to let you starve for a week." The other members laughed at your comeback while Kai gave you a sad puppy dog face. K members waved to you as they went into the direction of their boarding station. You waved back and turned to Manager Kim, who was just standing there in a daze. "Let's go Kim-shi~ I have an interview in three hours and you don't want to make me late for that right?" Kim-shi smiled and nodded, leading you back to the van waiting outside.

At your interview

You walked onto the little stage, bowing and greeting the host of the show. Fanboys in the audience screamed "EXO-J!!!" the entire time. You smiled brightly towards the crowd before being asked to greet yourself for the viewers at home. Here we go~ "We are One! KONNICHIWA~ EXO-J DESU~" You and the host sat down on the little chairs set up for the two of you and got ready for the interview.

The interview went smoothly for you, feeling as if you've been doing it your whole life. "Well, J-san, is there anyone you would like to thank before performing for us?" You nodded and turned to the camera. "I guess I would like to thank my EXO counterparts for supporting me throughout my debut. I would also like to thank my entire SM family and Lee Soo Man-san for letting me debut in the first place. And lastly I would like to thank my uncle and manager who is in the hospital right now for raising me my entire life and get well soon Uncle!!" The host laughed at your cute outburst to Minwoo-shi, but then asked. "What about your parents?" You blinked at her for a second before coming up with something. "Well my parents both died when I was just a few weeks old, so thats why my uncle raised me my entire life." The host nodded and turned to the camera. "Well, since that's it for EXO-J, let's watch her amazing performance shall we?" Everyone cheered as both you and the host got up and bowed to each other. You walked towards where you were going to be performing and prepped yourself.

In China

EXO-M watched your interview that was already subbed in Chinese and Korean before they went to their schedule. "Look you guys! She mentioned us!!" "Well, of course she did Tao. We're in the same group~" "Kris-gege!!! Luhan-gege is being mean to me again!!!" "Oh the amount of stupid I have to deal with~" "What?! I'm not stupid Kris-gege~ Manager Lee~ Call Minwoo-shi and tell him that the geges are bullying me~" "Krisus....I have to deal with this for two months?!" (Yup~ This is what happened in the van for EXO-M)

Your father, who was in a hotel in China, watched your interview on his laptop. "So I'm dead to you huh? We'll see about that little girl..."

In Korea

EXO-K watched your interview in silence, focusing on the subtitles. Manager Choi, who was driving the van, was surprised at the quiet. It usually never was quiet in the EXO-K van, considering the Happy Virus couple was together. Manager Choi looked in the rear view mirror to see everyone watching the interview very carefully. Geez~ I guess I got lucky this time....For once, EXO-K is quiet. Poor Lee-ah...From what he said earlier, EXO-M was bickering the whole entire time during the interview. Well, at least I have it easy for today....

Your mother was watching the interview on the tv as she ate her lunch. "Well, I never knew I was dead for the last almost 20 years now....How come no one told me this? That little witch doesn't want to thank me for being in labor for 17 hours and giving birth to her?! I'll show her!" At that, she picked up the phone and dialled your father's number.



Just a small update~ Did everyone have a good holiday? Yes? No? Oh well~ HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!~~~


~ <3 Roselle <3 ~

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Next chapter will be up soon everyone :3


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angeluvexo #1
Chapter 1: U used my name ♡♡♡♡
hi i just found this fanfic and i really love it. it's so cute. and you used one of my most favorite idols tanaka reina. although i wonder why you didnt just use her name in the fic but oh well ^^
Chapter 2: wow! Authornim used my name. I love it. Gumawo
ZeloBabys #4
Chapter 1: Haha lol I was shocked when my username is there lol,I'm just starting to read you story author nim ㅋㅋㅋ so far so good although I just read one chapter :)
CaitlinLeong #5
Chapter 6: I'm sorry But pls can you try not to use my name? >< it's quite embarrassing T.T sorry... :(
CaitlinLeong #6
Chapter 2: Am I crazy or did I just see my name in this story?
Chapter 3: I like your fanfic! :)
Chapter 50: Nooooo why did it have to end like this?! Lol but who cares because THERES A SEQUEL YEEEEEEEES <3
Chapter 50: *story (oops.)
Chapter 50: This syory was sooo cute~!! :3