~Food and Practice?!~

Surprise Loving

Kris' Thoughts

Your Thoughts

Random EXO Members' Thoughts

Minwoo-shi's Thoughts




Minwoo-shi woke up everyone in the van when he arrived at a buffet place. "Since I know a majority of you eat a lot, I might as well let you guys eat your heart out." Everyone blinked out thier exhaustion and stared out the window. The building itself was fancy looking!

You stared at the building in awe. Uncle Min must have a lot of money or he got us hooked up. Everyone piled out of the van and walked inside. It was simple but elegant. You couldn't help but look around like a little kid in a candy store.

A lady dressed in black and white came up to all of you. "Oh~ Min-shi~ I see you brought all of EXO with you this time. Would you like to be seated on the second floor so you would have more room?" The lady seemed close to your uncle. "I would love that Kyung-Kyung~ Please lead the way." You stared at your uncle weirdly. What kind of nickname is 'Kyung-Kyung'?! The lady giggled and lead everyone up to the second floor. There was definately more seating arrangements, but no one was sitting up there. Maybe they only use this floor when they're really busy....or a lot of people come in at once. Three waiters came and got everyone's drinks. Once they left, everyone raced downstairs so they could get to the food.

You picked up a plate and stared at the amount of food that was lined up. There was at least 10 rows for just entrees. I have never seen this many rows for a buffet back in America. They usually stop at just 5. But 10 just for entrees?! I'm in food heaven!!

You smiled and picked up only a little bit of food for the first plate. I can always come back for more!! You made your way back upstairs and sat down next to Minwoo-shi. "What the hell kiddo?! Only that much food?!" You stared at your plate and back at Minwoo-shi.

(Just saying, that's not your plate foodwise. Just imagine your fav foods on the plate. I just used a full plate so you could see how much food you on it~)

"I'm going back for more Uncle! I just don't want to stuff myself with only one plate like I did back in America, remember?" Your uncle looked off and remembered how back in America whenever he brought you to a buffet you would only eat one plate of food because he would pile food on to your plate, filling you instantly. "Yeah I remember~ That hurt my wallet so much~" You stared at your uncle. "But now you can bring me to a buffet with the guys just fine. Just Chanyeol can eat enough for himself, me and a hobo." Your uncle laughed at your anology. "Hey! That's hurtful!" A pouty Happy Virus came up the stairs and heard your saying. Suho came up from behind him. "She's right though~" Chanyeol pouted more and sat far away from you. "I'm sitting away from you because my big fat stomach might explode all over you! I'm sorry I like food~" Chanyeol turned away from you and eated slowly. You giggled at his childish act and got up. You hugged him around the back of his neck and used aegyo. "I thorry oppa~ I like your fatness~" Chanyeol's laugh erupted from his stomach and made the whole building (from what you felt like) shake. Chanyeol ruffled your hair. "It's okay dongsaengie~ I'm glad you like my fatness~" He stretched out his shirt around his stomach and inflated his stomach so it would look not-flat (which it totally is~). You laughed and skipped back to your seat.

The amount of trips everyone went up and down the stairs just to get food was now counted by the hundreds. If I don't explode from eating so much, these stairs will kill me first. All these stairs are helping lose the calories I just ate~ How am I suppose to be full? Finally, everyone decided it was dessert time! Everyone got a plate full of fruits, chocolates and other dessert-y types of food. You, being filled up to your temples, just got a simple cheesecake.

You took a bite of the cheese cake happily. Wah~ sooo good~ You saw Kris eyeing your cheese cake. You giggled, cut off a piece and tried to serve Kris. "Say Ahhhh~" Kris chuckled and ate the piece. "It's delicious jagiya~" With that, Kris fed you an almond cookie. "Babe~ Say Ahhhh~" You giggled and ate the cookie. "Thanks oppa~" Sehun hid behind Luhan's shoulder screaming "PDA!!! PDA!!! HYUNG MAKE THEM STOP!!!" You giggled at Sehun adorableness. Suho patted Sehun on the back. "You'll understand one day maknae~" Sehun pouted and looked away from you and Kris. Minwoo-shi called everyone to attention.

"Okay you guys! I just got a text from Soo Man-songsaengnim! He said you guys have to go to back to practice tomorrow at noon. He gave you guys a week off so you could get used to having you around, but he wants you guys to have a comeback during November, so you have to prepare." Everyone hung their heads low but still answer with a "Yes boss man!"

You got confused on what you were going to do since the boys would be busy with practice again and Uncle Min had to stay with them. "Kiddo~ can you just house sit for us? I know that's probably not a lot of fun, but being a huge EXO fan yourself, we want to surprise you too." You processed what your uncle had just said. EXO's comeback is in November? The month of my birthday? You thought the last thought out loud. "IF ITS FOR EXO'S COMEBACK I DONT MIND HOUSE SITTING!!!" Everyone chuckled at your enthusiasm for house sitting. Either she really wants the comeback to be a surprise or she really loves sitting in a dorm alone...

Once everyone finished their desserts, everyone got up and piled into the van. Minwoo-shi got into the van last, since he was talking to 'Kyung-Kyung' and the manager of the place. Maybe he really did hook us up~

During the drive home, you looked up at Kris who was just staring out the window. He looks so deep in thought~ You just admired his features in the moonlight and dim street lights. He is so perfect~ You kissed his cheek quickly and played with the bear he bought you earlier. He looked over at you and chuckled. She is so cute~ "So you stare at me for a good 5 minutes, give me a .5 second kiss on the cheek and play with a bear? You are one special girl you~" You looked over at Kris. "Is that supposed to mean a bad thing? Me being special?" You smirked, knowing he would call you his special girl. Kris stared at you with a smirk. "Yeah~ it means you're weird~" You're special to me you..you really are....but I'm not letting you know that so easily~ You scoffed at Kris and looked back the bear. "At least Rico is cuter than you~" Rico?! Cuter than me?! "Ohhh~ so his name is Rico~" You nodded adorably and Kris scoffed. "And he's cuter than me?" you nodded again. Kris scoffed and looked out the window again muttering "Meanie~" under his breath. You giggled and called Kris' attention using aegyo. "Yifan-oppa~~~" Haha~ don't act like you don't love aegyo~ Kris looked at you, trying to stay calm. DONT USE AEGYO!!! You brought your fists up to your cheeks and winked saying adorably "Bbuing Bbbuing~" Kris instantly wrapped his arms around you. "Stop doing that! You know aegyo is my weakness..." you continued, because it was fun seeing Kris weak. "Oh why oppa~ you were being mean so here's your punishment~" KRISUS~ SHE JUST HAD TO USE TWO LANGUAGES!!! Kris kissed you so you would stop. "Please stop~ you're killing me~" You laughed at Kris admitting defeat. "Okay oppa~ just because I don't want you to die before the comeback~"

Once everyone got inside the house, everyone went straight to their rooms, being extremely tired and needing to prepare for tomorrow. Kris followed you to your room. "Uhhh~ oppa....were are you going?" Kris smiled innocently at you. "My room of course~" you stared at him. "oppa....your room is three doors down." He walked closer to you and leaned his foreheadagainst yours. "Not anymore~ I'm officially moving into your room." You laughed at him and kissed him on the lips. "Okay, but I'm showing you no mercy when I'm waking you up." Kris smiled and jumped into your bed. "DEAL!" you giggled at his childish act and climb into bed. Not that I wouldn't mind this. I sleep better when you're around anyway.

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angeluvexo #1
Chapter 1: U used my name ♡♡♡♡
hi i just found this fanfic and i really love it. it's so cute. and you used one of my most favorite idols tanaka reina. although i wonder why you didnt just use her name in the fic but oh well ^^
Chapter 2: wow! Authornim used my name. I love it. Gumawo
ZeloBabys #4
Chapter 1: Haha lol I was shocked when my username is there lol,I'm just starting to read you story author nim ㅋㅋㅋ so far so good although I just read one chapter :)
CaitlinLeong #5
Chapter 6: I'm sorry But pls can you try not to use my name? >< it's quite embarrassing T.T sorry... :(
CaitlinLeong #6
Chapter 2: Am I crazy or did I just see my name in this story?
Chapter 3: I like your fanfic! :)
Chapter 50: Nooooo why did it have to end like this?! Lol but who cares because THERES A SEQUEL YEEEEEEEES <3
Chapter 50: *story (oops.)
Chapter 50: This syory was sooo cute~!! :3