
The woman in the shack


It wasn’t long after, and TaeHee had become an important part of Rosa’s life. Rosa treated TaeHee like her new daughter, in place of the old one that is. Rosa was out in her small garden, and TaeHee was in the same basket she came in, close by Rosa. TaeHee rarely cried for anything, even if she was extremely hungry or tired, and right now, she was pretty content where she was. Rosa got up from her garden and walked over to the basket, picking it up and bringing it inside with her. She placed the basket down and picked TaeHee up from it, placing her on the ground and sitting with her. Rosa moved back and tapped her knees so that I would get TaeHee attention. ‘’TaeHee.’’ She cooed for the child to come to her. TaeHee, who was lying on her stomach, looked up and instinctively raised herself off the floor in a crawling position. Then the little girl started to move her front arm, not sure if she was doing the right thing or not, she continued moving the other arm, and then her back legs. She was then learning how to crawl at an unusually fast rate, which most kids would find hard to do. Rosa was kneeling with a face full of shock, but then it quickly turned to one with a slight hint of proud. When TaeHee reached Rosa, Rosa picked her up, and placed her back, again next to her basket. Rosa made TaeHee repeat this over and over again and again, until TaeHee was crawling around the house with no help.



Days went by like this, where Rosa would push the child to learn something within a very short period of time. TaeHee, who was now around a year old, could walk, talk, and do much more things other children could not. Rosa was still sleeping when TaeHee woke up and wandered into the kitchen. She was looking around the kitchen when she noticed the front door was open, and decided to go over and see if there was anything out there. Opening the door she looked out at the lush green forest and the beautiful flowers- She just had to go outside. She was getting ready to move her foot, when the door slammed shut, and Rosa locked it looking down at TaeHee. ‘’W-why can’t I go out side?’’ TaeHee questioned wanting badly to feel the blades of grass in her hands and the soft wind blowing in her face. ‘’Child I told you before, the world out there is dangerous and is no place for someone as small as you.’’ Rosa replied with a slight grin, pushing TaeHee back away from the door.



The days after that went by faster, with TaeHee talking less and less, wondering less and less. TaeHee was taught to keep her feelings and secrets to herself. She was taught not to complain or ask questions, and to only listen to the old woman. By the age of ten, TaeHee no longer spoke. She was under the complete control of the woman in the shack, whatever she was told to do, she did.


(YAYYY Chapter 3 ouo -jumps around- :'D I'm kinda wondering if i should make this supernatural *^* What do you think? ... Comment and subscribe~)

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Chapter 6: Ren . *sigh* Please tell us , why did you hate her so much ?! You are not like that in reality , right ? WHAT ?! You ARE like that !? Do you want to lose your L.O.V.E ? If not then , change yourself , CHOI MINKI ! XC Anyway authornim , update soon ! :)
FinJee #2
Chapter 6: Waaaah! Interresting xD
Make taehee speaks please Dx
Chapter 5: Authornim , why were Ren being so rude ? Uwargh ! XC Update soon ! ^^
Chapter 5: Interesting...
Keep going.
Chapter 4: And I thought Rosa will be the kind of adorable and kind old woman who bakes cookies and tucks you in at night...
Hello to you, too, Ren.

Chapter 4: Yeay ! They met ! Ren , don't be rude to TaeHee . -_- Update soon , authornim ! Thanks for the update ! ^^ :D
Chapter 3: No longer !? Authornim~ Update soon ! XD
Chapter 2: I like this story already!
Update soon!
Chapter 2: So the mother of TaeHee is Rosa's daughter . Update soon , authornim ! ^^
Chapter 1: Update soon , authornim ! ^^