006 - Death Scene Part 1

The Blood of Truth
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A woman was running away. She kept turning her head to check her back – there was a masked man chasing after her with a knife in his hand. The woman just kept running forward, hoping to get away from the attacker as soon as possible. But thing didn’t go the way she wanted, the attacker caught up with her near the swimming pool and stabbed her on the back over and over again. The woman let out a piercing scream and staggered around the edge of the pool before falling into the pool.

The attacker stood by the pool and watched the woman sank deeper to the bottom of the pool until she came right up, gasping for air.

“CUT!” A man shouted.

The woman got out of the pool and people rushed over to hand her the towel and hot drink. “Jung Rin ssi! Why did you get out of the pool when you are not even supposed to be out so soon?” The man walked over and started rattling.

“Director nim! I’m a human! I can’t stay under water for so long! Chlorine is bad for my skin!” The woman shot back, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

“Ahhh! Jinjja! You call yourself an actress? You…” The director was about to start another rattling session but the producer joined in and cut him off.

“Director nim! I think Jung Rin must be tired from the filming. Maybe we should take a fifteen minutes break first, then we will resume the filming again.” The producer suggested.

“Alright! Let’s take a fifteen minute break then!” The director shouted unwillingly and shot Jung Rin a glare before going back to his seat.

The producer went over to pacify the actress before she agreed to continue with the filming again.

This time round it was the director who was running away. Running away from the chaser behind him, it was a masked man who looked exactly the same like the one in the movie. The director kept running forward until he ran out of the house and came to the swimming pool. The masked man caught up with him at the swimming pool and stabbed him on the back for multiple times. The director screamed and staggered towards the edge of the pool, falling right into the pool.

The masked man stood by the pool, holding the blood stained knife in his hand and watched the director bleed out and slowly sank deeper to the bottom of the pool. This was the scene that he wanted but he never got to see it ever again…

“Brrr…” Yunho’s phone was vibrating on the coffee table.


“Hyung, another murder case.” Yoochun’s voice traveled across the speaker.

“Alright! Text me the address and I will be there shortly.”

“Roger!” Upon hanging up the call, Yunho walked over to the bar counter and took the glass of red liquid, drinking it slowly and steadily before heading back to his room.

“Screech!” A bl

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Aceantic #1
Chapter 9: ehhhhh… tsk tsk….
Chapter 9: This one seems really tricky. Is the missing finger the thing missing? Cant wait!!!
Chapter 8: wow... what a twist.
sad really.
but at least... justice was served.
and yunho and jaejoong are having a glass of blood wine eh~ lol
wonder what's up~
Chapter 8: I love the twist! I can't wait for the next update. :)
Aceantic #5
Chapter 8: Wow!!! The real murderer was actually the detective?
My god! Can't believe he manage to escape from being prosecuted but the brother did it in the end to avenge for his sister!
Aceantic #6
Chapter 7: The murderer is still on the loose? WOOH!
This is so unbelievable!
Crystalbone #7
Chapter 7: Hi! New reader here! :D your story is so interesting, if only detectives in the world really had those powers :)
Chapter 7: I'm finally caught up in this story? Can't wait for the next one.
Chapter 7: hey, in the one where...

"he did the wrong thing"

should it be the right thing?

anyways~ who is the murderer?

Aceantic #10
Chapter 6: Wow! New murder case!
Love seeing vampire Yunho is action!!!