001 - I Am A Vampire Prosecutor

The Blood of Truth
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Two cars were racing along the highway in the night, switching from lane to lane chasing each other. Right in front of the two cars, there was a truck in front of them, driven by a mysterious hooded man. Out of a sudden, the truck swerved across all the lanes and blocked the way.

The first car braked hard to stop but it slammed head-on onto the side of the truck. The next car behind the first swerved to the left and the impact was huge enough to cause the whole car to flip to the side. The hooded figure got out from the truck gripping a knife in his hand and walked towards the first car.

Lightning struck across the dark velvet sky and was followed by loud claps of thunders then big drops of water came falling down.  The rain pattered and the wind rapped against the face of the injured man from the toppled car who started to regain his consciousness.

He watched how the mysterious hooded figure lugged the driver out and the knife into the chest. He wanted to help but he was stuck in his wrecked car and all he could do was to watch dazedly as the hooded figure’s fangs grew longer and continued stabbing the knife into the first man over and over again. The pool of water under the stabbed man now had a red tint to them.

Upon seeing the scene, the injured man gathered all his strength to drag himself out from his wrecked car and stumbled towards the hooded figure. As soon as the stabbed man collapsed to the ground, the hooded man tossed a lighter to the rain and gasoline-soaked road. Flames sprang up around the fallen man.

The injured man knelt next to the dying man and asked. “Is he the real criminal? IS HE?” He shouted loudly, emphasizing on the last two words.

Instead of answering him, the dying man pounced onto him with a roar and sank his fangs into the neck of the man. Soon the irises of the injured man turned grey…

“Beep! Beep!” The alarm of the clock went off.

A hand stretched out from the duvet and off the alarm. The duvet flipped open, revealing a well-toned body. The topless man got up from his bed and strode off to his bathroom.

Moments later, the same man emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, walking towards his walk-in wardrobe. Slipping into his black suit, the man did the last adjustment of his attire and stepped out of his room. Sipping from the glass of red wine, the man sat on his posh-looking couch, listening to his voice messages received. “Hyung! There is a new murder case in town! I have already texted you the address. See you later.”  

He took out his mobile phone and saw the LED light blinking, indicating a new message received. He grabbed his car key and left his house after reading the message.

“Yoochun hyung, have you contacted Yunho hyung?” A guy spoke with a high-pitched voice.

“Yah! Kim Junsu! We are working now. Please call me Park hyeongsanim. Araso?” Yoochun hissed.

“Ne! Park hyeongsanim!” Junsu pouted.

“He is here! Let’s go!” Yoochun got out of his car and headed towards the black Hyundai Avante.

A smartly dress

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Aceantic #1
Chapter 9: ehhhhh… tsk tsk….
Chapter 9: This one seems really tricky. Is the missing finger the thing missing? Cant wait!!!
Chapter 8: wow... what a twist.
sad really.
but at least... justice was served.
and yunho and jaejoong are having a glass of blood wine eh~ lol
wonder what's up~
Chapter 8: I love the twist! I can't wait for the next update. :)
Aceantic #5
Chapter 8: Wow!!! The real murderer was actually the detective?
My god! Can't believe he manage to escape from being prosecuted but the brother did it in the end to avenge for his sister!
Aceantic #6
Chapter 7: The murderer is still on the loose? WOOH!
This is so unbelievable!
Crystalbone #7
Chapter 7: Hi! New reader here! :D your story is so interesting, if only detectives in the world really had those powers :)
Chapter 7: I'm finally caught up in this story? Can't wait for the next one.
Chapter 7: hey, in the one where...

"he did the wrong thing"

should it be the right thing?

anyways~ who is the murderer?

Aceantic #10
Chapter 6: Wow! New murder case!
Love seeing vampire Yunho is action!!!