It Still Hurts

I'm Sorry That I Love You

***Three Years Later


Soo Jin


“Hey Ah Reum! Can you please give me that blue fabric over there?” I asked my assistant.

I was now a world renowned fashion designer, representing the Republic of Korea.

The past couple years, I started to really focus and concentrate on my fashion studies.

It really paid off in the end, now standing here as a fashion designer. It’s always been my dream, ever since I was young.

After the break up with Dongwoon, I drowned myself with work and it’s helped.

I’ve almost erased him completely out of my heart now. The pain isn’t as strong when I see his face all over the Korean media. It’s still hard, but it’s bearable. I can manage.

It used to be a lot worse.

I hope he’s doing okay…


Drowning myself in work also has gotten me to understand the true art of fashion. It’s just benefited me a lot. I’m glad we decided to part ways. It’s been helpful.


Whenever I see Dongwoon holding hands with his latest girlfriend, Ji Hyun from 4minute, it hurts to be honest. But he has every right now. I’m not his anymore. I have no connection with him whatsoever. He’s not supposed to mean anything to me anymore but why does it pain me to see them hold hands?




Even after three years, the pain is still there. It’s not going away. They say that time heals the heart but it’s doing nothing to help me. I tried to ease the pain by seeing other women but that’s had little effect as well.

That cold, windy night has really changed my life.

Nothing is the same.

Nothing at all.

“Dongwoon-ah, we need to head out!” Doojoon hyung nudged.

“Okay hyung,”

We all piled into the van and went to the recording studio. We were recording our new album.

How convenient that the past three years, the majority of the albums have been centered on heart break. It’s as if fate just loves me.

It would seem as if my experience would help compel emotions into the songs but I try to make sure that I separate the two. I don’t want to have some emotional break down while on stage performing or during recording sessions.

I guess to everyone else, I look pretty normal. I’m currently dating Ji Hyun, BEAST has risen to popularity on an exponential growth the past three years, I’ve recently graduated from Konkuk University, I’ve released a few singles, and we moved out of the small dorm to a larger villa. Everything is going ‘well.’

I would trade all of this to go back.

I would let go of it all.

For her.


Soo Jin


I was getting ready to head back to my apartment after finishing my latest design on a dress that was commissioned to me by IU. I frequently get requests from female idols and actresses. As I closed my sketchbook and turned off the lights, I heard my office door slam shut.

“Hello?” I called out to the dark?

“Hi, I was wondering if I could speak to Miss Park?”

I reached over to turn the lights on.

“Nice to meet you, I am Park Soo Jin and you ar– ” I stopped as I looked up to see Ji Hyun standing in front of me.

“I’m Ji Hyun. Wow, this is an honor to meet you,” she said, shaking my hands.

I stiffly nodded and awkwardly waited to hear her explain her reason for finding me.

“I really admire your work and I just adore all of your designs. I have a very important award ceremony to attend to in May and I was wondering if you could design a gown for me?” she requested.

“Requests should be left to my secretary out front. I still find no reason to why you directly found me, especially this time of day,” I blatantly said.

“O-oh, I’m sorry. I just am a fan of your work and I wanted to personally request my work but I will talk to your secretary next time,” she awkwardly turned to leave.

“I guess I’ll just hear your request now,” I sighed.

I returned to my desk and sat down.

“Please describe to me what you want,” I spoke flatly, without looking at her.

“I would really like to wear a purple gown, and my date, I would like him to be wearing something matching. So I would also like to request you to make a specialized suit for him,” she spoke.

I felt a lump in the back of my throat. Her date.

“You do understand that specialized tuxedo suits cost an additional $500,000?” I asked her.

“Wow, that much? Well it is a special occasion, yes please proceed with that,” she told me.

“Okay, so please continue on what you would like the dress to be,” I said.

“I would like a simple but very elegant design. Something that compliments my figure and something unique,” she added.

“Okay, I see. You need to return here sometime soon to talk to my secretary about your contact information and payment details. The design will not be started until you sign the payment contract. You can return at any open business hours and speak with my secretary. I must get going now,” I stood up to leave.

“Thank you! Thank you so much!” she looked at me gratefully.

I gave her another one of my stiff nods.

After she finally left, I locked the office and headed home.




“Hey baby,” Ji Hyun greeted me with a kiss on my cheek.

“Hey,” I smiled.

Ji Hyun was a great girlfriend and all but she wasn’t Soo Jin. I can’t love her the same way I loved Soo Jin. But I still do love her.

“How was your day?” she asked me.

“It was alright, how was yours?” I asked her.

“I don’t really know how to think of my day,” she looked down.

“Why? What happened?” I put my hand next to hers.

“You know the award ceremony in May? Well I went to commission a gown to Soo Park, the designer, but she was kind of mean, and I’ve always sort of looked up to her,” she told me.

My heart stopped.

 “Soo Jin Park?” I croaked.

“Yeah, you know the Korean fashion designer?” she prodded.

I nodded.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

No, no I’m not okay. This is the first time in three years that I’ve said her name aloud.

Hearing her name coming from my mouth makes me remember the past. Now it hurts even more.


“I’m fine,” I muttered.

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Instead of doing homework, I've read all your stories, *new reader* :)
b95081 #2
Kyaa finally you update!! <3<3 its osm omg can't wait for the next chapter. I hope it will work this time ♥
SarangheyoWoonie #3
candyholic #4
T_____T poor soo jin! update soon please!
SongMinYoung #5
Please U-P-D-A-T-E soon :D<br />
ii lliikkee iitt :)
I like how you write!<br />
The words are flowing!<br />
Update soon, I hope this one comment could be categorized as 'more comments=frequent updates'
yeobo-myungsoo #7
interesting~ :))<br />
update soon :D
Whaaa. Can't wait for update~ <3<br />
Good job c: