And So It Begins

So I've Heard


“Hey, Sungmin, come over here for a second,” Kyuhyun said, his eyes squinting over his laptop.

The light shone on his face, casting dark shadows under his eyes and making him look even more devious than usual, which Sungmin thought was quite difficult to achieve, seeing as Kyuhyun always seemed like he was up to something unsavoury.

“Yeah, what’s up?” Sungmin asked, running his hands through his freshly washed hair, trying to air it out.

Kyuhyun gulped as he watched something furling in his stomach unpleasantly; he couldn’t put a name to the feeling, but he decided he didn’t like it. He hated not understanding things, since he was Cho Kyuhyun, genius extraordinaire, with an IQ higher than everyone in Super Junior, although that wasn’t particularly saying much.

“Just – for this morning, you know how we have that interview to kick start the promotions? Well I was thinking we could act out what we were talking about last night. We could start out by just making it ridiculously obvious that we’re totally hot for each other,” Kyuhyun said, trying to hold in his laughter and failing. “We just have to keep touching and poking each other like two teenagers who can’t keep their hands off of each other.”

Sungmin shrugged and grabbed a towel from the cupboard, his eyebrows drawn down, but he nodded anyway. Kyuhyun studied Sungmin’s expression, and felt absolutely confused. They were about to execute their wonderfully hilarious plan, and Sungmin was frowning and brooding?

Kyuhyun didn’t like that—not one bit.

He wanted Sungmin to be skipping around the room, toes pointed like a ballerina, and humming a tone in happiness.

Kyuhyun thought maybe Sungmin just didn’t feel anything towards their plan, and maybe Kyuhyun was was just too excited for his plan to go into action…

Sungmin, drying his hair in silence, wondered if the chicken sandwich he’d had last night was going funny, because his stomach was wobbling and his knees felt like jelly. He’d have to start avoiding chicken, he decided.




The interview started out innocently enough, but Kyuhyun was keen to get this show on the road—he would find himself bored otherwise and would probably end up zoning out. He nudged Sungmin on his right, and then sent him a wink, indicating that he was about to start up their genius plan to piss off the rest of the band.

Sungmin’s lip curled up slightly, but he gave no other indication that something was up. Kyuhyun thought that Sungmin was a valuable, sneaky weapon in times of prank wars. It also made him a little uneasy—what if Sungmin outsmarted him? They were, in a way, competing.

Kyuhyun tried to shake the thought, since there was no way he could be outwitted, so he decided not to ponder.

“Kyuhyun, I’ve heard that you like antagonising the members a little bit, even though you’re one of the youngest,” the pretty female host with cat-like eyes said, gesturing his way. Kyuhyun tried to ignore the cameras, since they made his stomach flip uneasily, and smiled.

“I like teasing the members,” he said slowly, “but I usually leave Sungmin alone.”

He put his arm around Sungmin’s waist and smirked. As their conversation was being translated back and forth, the host looked at them strangely, as if she was bewildered to what was happening around her, as if asking ‘what the hell are you doing’ with her sharp eyes. 

This made Kyuhyun cackle evilly—in his mind of course. He had to at least appear somewhat insane in front of the cameras. Kyuhyun kept a straight face as he continued to bother Sungmin throughout the interview, sneakily joining there hands or poking him in the sides when the other members glanced their way uneasily, trying to signal with their eyes to stop. But Kyuhyun just laughed at them in his mind. He took orders from nobody!

Every time Kyuhyun saw the cameras angled his way, or he was asked a problem, he touched Sungmin’s shoulder and spoke of Sungmin, trying to make it as blatantly obvious as possible that they were a couple.

“Sungmin and I are thinking of going to the beach together—just the two of us, aren’t we?” Kyuhyun gave the best innocent smile he could muster, looking at Sungmin.

Sungmin blushed, and Kyuhyun thought he was a damn fine actor, almost as good as him, but he couldn’t quite rival the fabulous Cho Kyuhyun.

“That’s right.” Sungmin looked at his feet, and Kyuhyun directed his gaze to Leeteuk, who was pulling on his collar and jutting his lip out, fanning himself in distress. Kyuhyun couldn’t help being amused that he was in such a panic, but to Leeteuk’s credit, he kept cool.

Kyuhyun grimaced a bit, then fixed his expression before anyone caught it. Oh damn he was going to get grilled by Leeteuk after this show like a tuna.

But, Kyuhyun thought it was totally worth it.

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Chapter 27: Woahhh XD omg
Chapter 26: Yes wonderful plan XD omg
Chapter 8: It's hilarious XD
Chapter 27: I'm in love with this fic. I hope you continue. This is soooo good!
Chapter 27: Please~ continue this Ff.
btw Love from Germany <3
Chapter 27: I really liked this! But can I say one thing...?

Best and worst cliffanger to a story. Ever.

Please continue this if you intend to, because I would definitely love reading more of your chapters!
ajpurple #7
Chapter 27: What the hell had just happened???! Omg .... giddy feelings here!!!
kyussi #8
Chapter 27: Omg!!! Finally!! It happened!!!
Chapter 27: I hope you continue the fic :(
Alice_K26 #10
Chapter 27: Oh my goood.... Its getting serious nowwwww..... Oh goddd.... What will happen next????