Why Not?

So I've Heard


Kyuhyun and Sungmin’s plans hadn’t been able to reach their full fruition, and Kyuhyun was displeased with the results they were receiving from the members.

He had expected them to gag and their public displays of affection, but instead they seemed to be almost supportive of their ‘love’.

This made Kyuhyun frustrated.

They were supposed to be cringing over how corny they were, not cooing and smiling when they held hands. This would not do, Kyuhyun thought, they needed something stronger. They needed an opportunity to shine. And that’s when their manager came to the dorm, presenting the perfect solution.

They would be going on tour in China for twenty days.

Twenty days of interviews, concerts, photo shoots, filming, oh, Kyuhyun was just marvelling at all the wonderfully evil possibilities that would arise from this tour. He ended up spending the whole night cackling out loud while packing his things, freaking the hell out of everyone else in the dorm.

On the plane, Kyuhyun took a seat next to Sungmin and smirked.

Sungmin looked worried. Sure, he was happy and all to go along with this plan to make the others feel really uncomfortable for fun, but sometimes Kyuhyun worried him. He thought Kyuhyun took maybe a little too much enjoyment in torturing others – but oh well. It was fun, Sungmin decided, so it didn’t really matter if Kyuhyun had to go and be evil about it.

Leaning over, Kyuhyun whispered in Sungmin’s ear. “I’ve got an awesome plan. Trust me. I’ll tell you about it later when we get to the hotel, but it will be brilliant!”

Sungmin wasn’t sure about it being brilliant, because Kyuhyun, despite being called the smartest in the group, was pretty dumb sometimes.

People just thought he was smart because he was the most intelligent in Super Junior, but really, Sungmin thought that wasn’t exactly saying much, considering they had Donghae and Eunhyuk in the group. Regardless, he nodded his head and whispered an affirmation back, curious to hear Kyuhyun’s ‘awesome plan’.




Leeteuk donned his glasses and stood in the hotel lobby, fans crowded outside, screaming crazily like wild dogs chasing a leg of chicken.

Holding out a piece of paper with the room arrangements, Leeteuk stuck his nose in the air and tried to look super in charge, like he had this all under control, when really it was the managers who had done all of the work. Sungmin thought that everyone in Super Junior were absolute idiots, and he wondered how in the world he ended up with this bunch of dimwits. 

But he did love them, he supposed.  

Leeteuk called out the room arrangements.

“Kyuhyun, Sungmin, you’re together since you always share a room anyway,” he listed off, and Kyuhyun formed a fist of triumph. His plan was coming together so smoothly.

Once they’d reached their room and started to unpack, Kyuhyun unleashed an inhuman shout of happiness. “This is going to be so brilliant!” he exclaimed while throwing the clothes in his hands in the air like confetti to celebrate. Moments later he regretted it when he had to pick it all up and fold it back into his suitcase.

Sungmin face palmed.

“So?” Sungmin said. “What’s this master plan you’ve been talking about?”

Kyuhyun moved over to the bed and sat down, patting the space next to him.

“Okay, think about this. If our ‘relationship’,” Kyuhyun wiggled his first two fingers of both hands on the word relationship, “gets out, Super Junior could have some pretty serious scandalous stuff going around. So obviously the members want to keep it on the low down, right? So what we’re going to do is act as loving as possible. At every opportunity, we have to show our affection towards each other, and we get to watch them squirm and cringe in fear.”

Sungmin cocked his head to the side. “So basically we’re just doing what we did back at the dorms, just a little more public?”

Kyuhyun snapped his fingers.“Exactly.”

Kyuhyun was feeling good today, and it totally wasn’t because he was going to have a bunch of fan service moments with Sungmin.

It was just because it would be funny watching the other members freak out whenever they did anything to each other. There was no way he was happy because it involved Sungmin, because that would just be silly, and there was absolutely no way his stomach was flipping with butterflies at the thought of hugging Sungmin and holdings hands and – no.

“So we’re potentially endangering our band’s future to have a bit of fun and antagonise the others?”


Sungmin considered this for a moment, staring into blank space.

It seemed like fun, but it also seemed a bit risky. If things really did get out of hand and they were exposed, well Super Junior would be in a lot of trouble. But then again, it would be pretty funny if he ran up to Kyuhyun and used his best aegyo to make everyone cringe in fear and embarrassment.

After a while, Sungmin shrugged, having come to a decision.

“Eh, sure, why not?”

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Chapter 27: Woahhh XD omg
Chapter 26: Yes wonderful plan XD omg
Chapter 8: It's hilarious XD
Chapter 27: I'm in love with this fic. I hope you continue. This is soooo good!
Chapter 27: Please~ continue this Ff.
btw Love from Germany <3
Chapter 27: I really liked this! But can I say one thing...?

Best and worst cliffanger to a story. Ever.

Please continue this if you intend to, because I would definitely love reading more of your chapters!
ajpurple #7
Chapter 27: What the hell had just happened???! Omg .... giddy feelings here!!!
kyussi #8
Chapter 27: Omg!!! Finally!! It happened!!!
Chapter 27: I hope you continue the fic :(
Alice_K26 #10
Chapter 27: Oh my goood.... Its getting serious nowwwww..... Oh goddd.... What will happen next????