
Does he like me? [Editing]

I walk to the washroom and looked at my stomach *am I getting fat? Maybe I should cut down on eating....* I walked back to the bedroom (Taemin's room, we sleep together now duh...) "Taemin-ah get up!" I pull the blanket off of him "hmmm....what is it yebo?" He sits up and rubs his eyes "do you know what time it is?" I pointed at the clock "aigoo you seem so mad today what's wrong yebo?" He pulls me down and hugs me, he kisses my lips but I push him away "don' that." I looked at him. He looked at me confused "what's wrong Mayline?" I looked at him and got really pissed for some reason "nothing. Just get up you're going to be late." I looked at him annoyed and walked to the kitchen. I looked around and I wanted to eat ice cream, "ice cream, ice cream, ice cream....ah! STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM!!!" I open the box of ice cream and took out a bad spoon. I sat on the couch and the TV. "Mayline you shouldn't eat ice cream for breakfast or you'll get a stomach ache," Taemin poked my cheeks but I ignore him, I look at the clock "Taemin it's time to go to work lets go." I the spoon and put on my jacket and we headed to the recording studio (even though Taemin and I are married I still work at SMTown and with SHINee). When we arrived I quickly walked over to Key and gave him a big hug "KEY OPPA!!!" He was surprised but hugged mye back "Mayline-ah you seem happy today," he laughed "no I'm just happy to see you guys!" I smiled "Key oppa do you have any sour candy? I want some.." I smiled sweetly at him "no but Minho does," he pointed at Minho "okay!" I skipped over to Minho "Minho oppa may I have some sour candy?" I blinked at him a few times "NO! These are mine!" Minho hugs his beg of candy "please oppa.....?" I did some aeygo and he finally gave in "aish...fine, you're so cute just like a kid!" He pinches my cheek, I laugh lightly "you're cute too oppa!" I smile. For the whole day I avoided Taemin because whenever I saw him I would get really pissed.

*why is Mayline avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?* I look at Onew "hyung do you know why Mayline is avoiding me?" He poked my forehead "did you forget something that you promised her or did you get her mad?"  I thought about everything and had no idea "no not that I know of we've been really happy," then Sara (Key's maid) sat down in front of me "is she eating more lately?" She raised her eyebrows "now that you talk about it, she has..." She put her finger on her chin "what kind of food does she eat more?" I think about it for a minute "uhm....sour food like pickle, tomatoe, and she eats ice cream all the time! But she eats everything really." "Uhm....I see I see, is she...I don't know, getting fatter?" I looked at her not knowing what point she's trying to get at. "Well...if she's eating that much shouldn't she get fatter?" I raised my eyebrows "what about her period? Is it regular?" Onew looked at her "I don't get what you're trying to say here Sara-ssi." Onew said "Are you saying Mayline might be pregnant?!?!?" I stood up and everyone looked at me "calm down, you do need to be that loud Taemin." Onew pull me down. Sara looked my in the eyes "that's exactly what I'm saying, I mean I see that alot in shows and dramas you know." She crossed her arms over her chest "well how would I know for sure I mean she's been avoiding me all day." She leaned in to whisper in my ears "ask her! How else?!?!" I nod.

After we we're finished working, we went back to SHINee's dorm "Onew oppa do you have any ice cream?" I look in the kitchen "neh, there's a strawberry flavored one that isn't opened yet so just open it." He walked in the kitchen and took out the box of ice cream out of the freezer and my mouth started to water up. It was a big box of ice cream "can I have all of that?" I looked at Onew "ah....sure..." He gave me a weird look but gave it to me. I walked back to the living room and Onew followed behind me, I sat down between Minho and Key then started to take big spoon full of ice cream and put it in my mouth "Mayline-ah...are you going to finish all that?" Onew looked at me with his mouth opened "Hyung's right Mayline-ah you'll get sick," Minho pats my back to slow me down "I'm okay, I've eating a lot lately." Taemin looked at me worried "Mayline you shouldn't be eating ice cream, you didn't eat a proper breakfast yet." I just rolled my eyes at him "you sound more like a wife then I do." I said in a disgusted voice "Mayline what's wrong with you?!?! You've Been ignoring me all day! You don't even look at me!" Taemin said angrily, "why are you so angry! You're getting angry because I didn't eat breakfast?!?! Don't you think that's kind of stupid?" I said angrily and put down the finished ice cream box. Onew quickly stood up and started to cry "guys please don't fight! This is something really little!" I didn't want to make Onew cry "fine! I don't want to fight with you!" I look at the crying Onew "I'm sorry oppa, please don't cry." I hand him a tissue, he stopped crying "I think I should go now." I took my purse and headed for the door "where are you going?" Taemin grab my wrist but I flung it off "I'm going for a walk!" I slam the door behind me. 

"Arrrggg!!!! I'm so mad right now!!!!" I kicked a empty can on the ground "OW!" I looked up and saw Myungsoo "MYUNGSOO OPPA!!"  I ran to him "are you okay? Does your head hurt?" I rubbed his head "I'm okay...I didn't know you could kick so hard." He laughed, "where's Hye Sung unnie?" I looked around "oh she went on a business trip to New York." He looked at me "you seem mad, what's wrong?" I took a deep breath "I don't know but lately whenever I see Taemin I just get mad and I didn't like it when he touches me." I grinned "are you by any chance pregnant?" He raised his eyebrow, I looked at him confused "you think I'm pregnant because I get mad at Taemin..." Before I could finish he said something "have you been eating ice cream a lot? And sour food? And have you been acting differently?" I thought about it for a little but "yes,yes and...I don't know." I looked at him seriously "do you really think I'm pregnant?" I asked him "I don't know I'm not a women here. Go take a test." He suggested, I nod and we went to buy the tester "I'll wait for you out here." I nod and went in the washroom. I waited for three minutes as it felt like hours, I look at the result and a big smile creeped on my face I quickly ran out to Myungsoo and hugged him "I'm pregnant!" He hugged me and kissed my cheek "I'm so happy for you!!!" He smiled brightly "that's probably why you've been doing what you do!" He looked at me "you might be right...I need to tell Taemin this he'll be so happy!" I jumped "Y-YA! be careful you're pregnant now! Don't jump up and down its dangerous!" He nagged at me "okay, okay if people didn't know they would think you're the appa." I said jokingly, we both laughed and he walked me home.

"now make sure you be careful. Walk slowly, don't eat watermelon, if you're cold wear more clothes, and don't wear high heels and if you need anything just ask. Don't jump up and down or climb up and down, don't sit and sleep only. walk more often. Remember and...." I interrupted him before he finished "oppa I get it, I'll be careful I promise. Now do you want to come and sit?" I asked "maybe I should walk you in." I couldn't help but giggle, I open the door and Taemin was sitting on the couch "hello Taemin," Myungsoo bowed, Taemin looked at Myungsoo holding me and that made him let go of me "Myungsoo do you want to sit down?" I looked at him "I think I should go now." He bowed and lefted. I turn to Taemin and sat down in front if him "Taemin, I need to talk to you." I look at him "I need to talk to you to." He said seriously "you go first." He took a deep breath "I know that you're in a really bad mood today but, I think you went over board. What's wrong with you?" I felt a bit sorry "Taemin I'm sorry about today...I'm just not myself today. That's why I have to talk to you." I stood up and sat down beside him "I'm pregnant." He frozed there for a minute then blinked at me a few times before speaking again "what did you say?" He swallowed hard *what if Taemin doesn't want kids yet? I mean we're still young right? And how will this effect His career?* I hestated for a moment and said it again "I'm pregnant." He quickly hugged me "I'm going to be a appa!!!" He said happily which made me smile "I'm going to be a appa! My first born! What should we name it? We need to buy baby stuff! We need to...." He was talking so fast I couldn't understand anything he was saying "Taemin, calm down. We still have lots of time to do all that stuff, I'm only a few weeks pregnant take things slow" I held his hand "I have to tell hyung!" He kissed my cheek "our baby is going to be so beautiful," he wrapped his arm around me and placed one of his hand on m stomach "I'm going to love you guys forever and give you happiness," I smile "me too."

~few months later~

"be careful Mayline," Taemin held on to me while I walked, Onew was also holding on to me "careful," he smiled at me "thanks for holding on to me oppa. Being pregnant is tiring! And my back hurts all the time..." I pouted "but in a few weeks that baby is going to come out and you'll think its worth it." Minho looked at me "you're right." I suddenly felt something wet I stop walking and they all turn to me "what's wrong Mayline?" Jonghyun asked, I look down and my water broke "my water broke..." They looked at each other "wait...your water broke?" They were confused "OH MY GOD!!! YOUR WATER BROKE! YOU NEED TO GIVE BIRTH!" Key looked at them and they all started to freak out. My stomach started to hurt a lot and I let out a scream "AAHHHH!!!!!" I squeezed Taemin's arm "yebo! Are you okay??!?!?" He started to freak out "lets bring her to the hospital!" Onew said and they rushed me to the hospital "looks like the baby is ready to come out." The doctor said after 10hours in labour, SHINee all waited outside the room "everything is going to be okay," Jonghyun pat Taemin's shoulder, Taemin nods but continue to walk back and forth. The doctor came out of the room and looked at Taemin "congratulations, it's a girl." He said "mrs.lee must be very tired so you can visit her in a bit and the baby will be sent to the nursery," he smiled and walked away "I'm....I'! I'M A APPA!!" Taemin said excitedly and he hugs his hyungs "Taemin-ah calm down!" Minho chuckled and ruffle his hair "I'm so happy for you!" They all hugged Taemin. After about an hour I woke up and I saw Taemin and SHINee smiling at me "how's the baby?" I looked at Taemin "the baby's fine, she's so beautiful. Just like you," he kissed my forehead "she has your eyes and you rosy cheeks," Minho smile "what are you guys naming her?" Key asked "well, her name is Lee Yung Min." Taemin smile at me "you must be tired yebo. Get some more sleep, I'll go home and get some stuff that you'll need." I nod and they all walk out the room. Then the nurse came in "hello, how are you feeling?" She smiled "good, a bit tired..." I smile back "well I hope you're not to tired because I'm here to teach you how to feed" then another nurse came in with Yung Min, she gently put Yung Min in my arms and told me how to feed. 

~three days later~

today is the day when I go home "yebo are you ready?" Taemin looked at me "neh," I carried the baby in my arms and we walked out of the hospital "it's such beautiful day..." I sigh, Taemin kisses my forehead "lets go home," I nod and we headed home. When we got home Sumin umma, SHINee, my parents and Jayline, Myungsoo and Hye Sung and Kai were there waiting "welcome home!" They all smiled at me then one by one they hugged me "thank you," I turn to Taemin *you knew about this, didn't you?* he chuckles so I knew he planned this "this is our little girl Lee Yung Min." I smiled at the baby "aw...she's so cute!" Hye Sung said "you can have one too...that is if you work for it" everybody laughed. Everybody sat down in the living room and started to talk about random stuff, so I went to my room to sleep with the baby "Mayline may I come in?" Kai asked "neh..please come in," I said quietly. He peeked his head in then slowly walked in "how are you feeling?" He sat down in front of me "I'm good, just really tired." I slowly leaned back "do you want to carry the baby?" I asked and he nodded and smiled like a little kid, I gave him a quick lesson on how to carry a baby. I gently gave Kai Yung Min and he smiled at her and she just fell asleep in his arms "I think she likes you," I sat down "thank you so much Kai oppa..." I looked at him "what for?" He was to busy looking at the sleeping Yung Min "thank you for letting me be with Taemin and letting me have such a beautiful child with him and thank you for coming back to Korea from England to see me, thank you." I kissed his cheek lightly "Mayline you don't need to thank me, I'm your friend and as long as you're happy, I'm happy." He smiled "I have a girlfriend," he blushed "you have a girlfriend? Who is she?" I smiled because I was so happy "her name is Pauline, I met her in Hongkong but she speaks Korean and she also lives in Seoul!" He said excitedly, I smiled and ruffled his hair "I'm so happy for you Kai oppa." We both smiled.

Kai and I walk out to the living room where everybody was "is she sleeping?" Taemin asked while he put his arms around me "neh..fell asleep in Kai oppa's arm," I smiled again. 

~2 years later~

"Umma...where appa?" Yung Min rubbed her sleepy eyes, I picked her up and put her head on my shoulder "appa is at work he should be home soon, does my little angel miss appa?" She nods "Yung Min want appa." She grinned "okay let's call appa okay?" I picked up the phone and called him and put on speaker so we can both hear "hello?" I can hear Taemin talk and SHINee at the back laughing "Taemin, Yung Min misses you," I said and Yung Min quickly grabbed the phone "appa appa! When appa come home and play with Yung Min?" She sounds so cute because she's only 2 years old " Yung Min-ah appa misses you too, but appa is working, appa will come home soon okay?" She nods but didn't say anything "yebo are you tired? Did you eat yet? You probably just ate some chips, am I right?" I asked "you're so right!" Key screamed from the back "hyung! Yeah....I miss you YEBO!!" He whinnied like a little kid "I know I know. I miss you too yebo." I frowned "I'll come home soon okay? I have to go bye my beautifuls." He kissed the phone and hung up "Yung Min time to eat," we walked to the table and I made her sit down, we started to eat breakfast.

i was in the kitchen cleaning up when I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist "so you come home now?" I look at the clock and it was 11:00pm "I'm sorry, we've been very busy lately." He rested his head on my shoulder "APPA!" Yung Min runs towards Taemin and hugged him "aigoo! Yung Min my little angel how are you doing?" He kissed her cheeks "Yung Min is happy because appa came home!" She smiled "okay Yung Min appa isn't working tomorrow so you can play with appa tomorrow okay? Now lets go to bed because its late okay?" She nods and kisses Taemin goodnight "appa goodnight see you tomorrow!" She said happily and I carried her to bed. I tucked her in and made sure she fell asleep. When I closed the door Taemin walked up to me and smiled "do you need something?" I asked, he puts his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him "lets make Yung Min a little brother," he smirked and kissed my lips "you're tired and I'm tired....maybe next time," I turned to push him away but couldn't "I'm not tired and you won't be tired so lets go!" He carried me bridal style back to our room and he closed the door.

Kai ended up marrying Pauline, Myungsoo and Hye Sung got married and she's pregnant, Sumin umma is still traveling (don't know where she got all the money) but she's traveling with her friends, my parents opened a restaurant in Canada and its all around the world now, Jayline is doing great in school and she's getting prettier and prettier each year. Onew found a girlfriend and they're getting married, Jonghyun has a girlfriend, Key got married not long after Yung Min was born (he was dating that girl all along but just never told us.), Minho is still single but he has a target and he's going to make it happen. (SMTown was happy to see that SHINee was dating and was surprised that it wasn't a problem with the fans, they were so happy for them.) 

As for me and Taemin, well we ended up having a little brother for Yung Min and his name is Lee Yung Joon.

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Chapter 13: Awwwwwww I like this story !!! It's beautiful ♡
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 13: Awww.haha, done reading this one, looove it :)