McDonalds-Ba, da, da, da, daaa-I'm lovin' it !!!!!!

The Bubbles and Me -.-

Teuki parked in front of the McDonalds. "Let no McDrive today?" Donghae asked, surprised. "No ... the seats are clean and fresh you are always spilling so ..." grinned the elder. "Why are you hacking almost always around on me?" Donghae pouted.
"Because you're a kid," laughed Shindong.
"I want a Big Mac meal with Maxi Cola and ice cream too!" Croaked Wookie. "Yes I want the same thing!" "You make me poor," sighed the leader. Wookie and Heechul heard about him.
After we told him others had what we wanted, he went to the counter to order. "And forget not ketchup umd Mayo," called him Wookie behind.
"Hey I need some help when carrying," cried a little later. Wookie jumped up.
"No! Not you ... you drop all that again! "Ryeowook showed him a rude gesture and was wiedr fall on his bench.
"And I will not have seen it," grumbled the while Kangin he declined a fully loaded tray. They balanced the tray on the table and put it off. Wookie greedily grabbed by his order, throwing around his Coke. Eeteuk sighed, got up and got served. "Sorry ..." murmured the boy and loaded his thick French fries with ketchup.
Then he stuffed the fries and the ice at the same time in the mouth.
"Can not you eat nacheinader?" Shindong said something in disgust. "Then the ice melts it!" Wookie smacked his lips with his mouth full. Shindong rolled his eyes and began to eat.
"I go to the toilette just once," I said and disappeared.

"Do not be so wide Kibum!" Kangin pouted and pushed to the.
"Hey!" Complained of back and bumped. This occurred after Kibum caught, but instead Kyuhyun. "Ow! Are you crazy? "Snapped this and threw a frit Kangin, instead they met hangeng. You met him at his shirt and left a red ketchup stain.
Hankyung took his bag of ketchup, she taught and Kibum and squeezed it. The charge ketchup hit him in the face. "Boys," warned the leader.
Kyuhyun but had to laugh. "You'll see the funny?" Kibum growled at him "and how funny you think?"
. The portion ketchup landed on his hair. "EWWWW," the clap and Kibum said as his revenge Burger shell on his head. The bun was indeed down, the ketchup, cucumber, tomato, cheese salad, however, eand caught in Kyuhyun hair. "Boys," it Teuki tried again, this time a little louder. But Kibum who threw himself on Fishy did not hear him. "Yes it do it!" Fired at Heechul Kibum wildfuchelnd. "Plong," the second drink fell over and spilled over gößtenteils Shindong pants. The packed now to Teukis Coke and poured it over his head Heechul.
"Boys," Teuki made another brave attempt. But Heechul Shindong befeurete now with all that he could get his hands on.
Kangin Kibum and rolled on the ground. The rest also pelted with food. Teuki desperately buried his face in his hands. Now, the last visit to the restaurant had turned to them. The moment Sara came back and froze when she saw the table of guys.

Kangin Kibum and rolling on the floor, lay on hangeng Wookie. The rest was all over with Mayo and Kepchup beschmiert.Kyuhyun head still adorned the remains of Kibum Burger attack. Sungmin hair dripped from Mayo.
Heechul stood with dripping wet hair and shirt on his bench and threw Shindong with French fries. Shindong, Heehuls the ice on his head and had been blotted with Cola, and crouched in defensive posture Keptchup under him.
The Tabellts were right next to the table. The packages they flew back and forth. "Belong to you?" Asked a McDonladsangestellter me and pointed in disbelief direction of the boys. "No ..." I lied, "I have never seen in my life ..." While I was fled from the store I heard Teuki still "NOW IT IS ENOUGH!" Yell.
According to all the other small sat back in the van. We were on the WG home. Teuki they had kept a proper dressing down on "behavior in public" and dared any of the guys to make it even a word.
I sat next to him in the passenger seat and said nothing as he angrily muttered to himself.
"Shame on You should ..." he concluded at last. "But Shindong has begun," murmured Heechul. "I can not picture" konterete this. "Do you know who I was jostled for first?" Said Heechul. The leader stepped on the brakes so that all aprud were torn forward in their belts. Then he turned to the boys about "Will you get off and walk?" Heechul looked at him in horror. "No ..." "NOW THEN KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!" Roared Teuki. The guys winced and looked down. Eeteuk drove off again . The rest of the trip none of the boys dared even to cough only.



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So nice! Good job!
loveisfree #2
keep on writing!