"Glad to have known"

The Bubbles and Me -.-

We are here!" Ryeowook yelled excitedly. We were able to persuade Teuki spend our free day in an amusement park. Wookie cracked the Van door already on, as the Leader was driving at the big parking lot.
"Wookie you crazy? close the door again ... "suggested Teuki on but he was already gejumpt from the still moving car and running towards the entrance.
"My God, it begins again," he moaned. "No problem," laughed Eunhyuk and Wookie jumped behind. "Hey I did not mean to jump from a moving car," said Eeteuk after him angrily, but he was already behind Wookie . "Hey wait for me," complained Donghae and strapped on as well.
"Sitting remain until I have parked" ordered Teuki. "But the two are yet to ..." Donghae pouted.
"You sit stay," said the leader determined. "Evil ..." Donghae crossed his arms defiantly. Leeteuk ignored him and parked in the next gap.
The car was difficult, since Donghae jumped from the still open door and ran to the other two. Teuki sighed, shaking his head and turned the engine off while Heechul and Kibum laughed. "After you get off of civilized ..." he said to the two. "Sure," they grinned, stood up simultaneously and shoved the door. "Do not push so!" Kibum growled as she tried to squeeze through to second. "But yourself" y back Heechul.
Eeteuk sighed and let his head sink on the steering wheel. We noticed half his nervous breakdown any further and the 2 goof continued their battle, finally gave Heechul Kibum a bumpy , so the front of the van tipped over. "Hey, damn it!" Kibum cursed as he acts together again. Succession after one another, we also got from others.
"Self-blame ..." Heechul said, rising by only some elegant than from the van his band member. "At least I was in front of you out there!" Proclaimed the proud. "I've picked up the fight!" Nae that does not count! I've even pushed "contradicted Cinderella snotty.
Kibum Heechul grinned and ignored superior only objection. The punched him in the side, Kibum resisted. And soon the two fough in the parking lot.
Leeteuk groaned loudly, then breathed a deep breath and also rose from the van. "Heechul, Kibum! Stop it! "He ordered and took a left hand, the other with his right hand to his feet. "Otherwise Wookie get even a heart attack ..." then he sighed as he looked to the entrance. Ryeowook ran hysterical and completely euphoric front back and forth. He hopped up and down always foolishly perhaps to be able to recognize something of the park over the 5-foot wall of time.
"I want cotton candy Teuki! Can I have cotton candy? And I will ne Bratwurst too! And a chocolate banana and a Coke to wash it down ... "Wookie demanded as they entered the theme park and just stood outside the kiosk near the entrance.
"All at once," said the skeptical. "Sure!" Ryeowook nodded. "Well ..."
Eeteuk pulled out his wallet and gave it to him. "Thanks!"
grinned the boy.
"Will anyone else what?" "I want cotton candy!" Volunteered Donghae, 'No, but an ice cream, "" What nu born? "Wookie annoyed because he could not wait could all this stuff buy it then immeasurably to stuff into itself pure. "I'll take one," said Donghae. "But I get a" Heechul said. . "It's best to bring me two with Wookie ...", is reported Shindong. Having had all the other finally said what they wanted Wookie roared in the kiosk.
"Oh how sweet a look," I yelled out to him as we waited and looked around something. "What?" Asked Teuki. "Well that one!" I beamed and pointed to a giant teddy bear who was probably the park mascot. "Cuddle me ...!" Demanded Teddy as he his landing in the circle. Hangeng rolled his eyes, he found the thing just silly, but I ran up to it and hugged the teddy bear.
"The is so so cute ..." I gushed as I pressed the giant stuffed animal. "What girls are just on something?" Shindong asked helplessly. "I would really painful to touch that thing ..." "Well, girls can do it!" Grinned Kyu.
Behind them, someone yelled "SWEEEET" and before he knew it had Teuki had bought arms full with all the stuff that Wookie. Ryeowook gave him everything stuffed into his arms to throw themselves into shortly thereafter with Heechul on Teddy. "Oh God ...! This is really embarrassing now ... "moaned Kyu and looked stunned at the two who cuddled thrilled with the bear.
"Did not you just said girls should it?" Hangeng grinned broadly.
The others laughed, shaking his head and saw three of us, however Teuki tried to balance all that stuff and almost had a crisis since the whole candy floss his shirt glued to the ice, the Wookie had bought even hintropfte incessantly to himself.
"HELLO?" The leader complained cursing. "If you could relieve me of times that stuff?" We turned to him and began to laugh. The ice had now Teukis half pants and left shoe dirty, his hair and his clothes hung cotton candy and with his right hand he clutched a ketchup smeared sausage that had slipped from the rolls.
We came to his aid and took off her cotton candy. "Will's about time ..." growled. "Oh you did not ..." I laughed, he picks a piece of cotton candy from his shirt and put it into my mouth. "It tastes good but" Teuki just looked dark and wiped with the pace as best I could clean the clothes, I helped him grinning and released his hair from the sticky stuff. "Can we finally start again?" Kangin asked again as the leader was reasonably clean.
"Do not go!" Objected Kyuhyun. "The two are even still in this plush thing!" "Damn guys! Finally comes her or I'll throw your whole stuff here in the next trash can! And I buy something new is not guaranteed, "said Eeteuk acidified to them. The two left the Bears shocked, came rushing back to us and quickly took against what had purchased Wookie. Hastily gobbled Ryeowook everything. "You'll have bad ..." I warned. "Rubbish ..." the boy smacked his lips. "I will never go bad," he gulped down the last remaining of the sausage and set forth on his chocolate banana. I shook his head resignedly.
"Okay ..." sighed Teuki. "What were doing now?" "I want the roller coaster!" Piped Siwon excited. "No! First time in the haunted house! "Eunhyuk asked.
"Oh, ne ... that's full of boring ... but just as lame as monsters ..." Siwon said. "Exactly! Monster Siwon! Monster! "Beamed Eunhyuk. "But I want first on the roller coaster," grumbled Siwon.
"No! First Monster! "Snapped Eunhyuk. "First-loops" y Siwon.
"Monster," "loops," "Monster," "loops" Teuki sighed. He regretted that he had again to be beaten wide in this park to drive. "I want no loops! Then my hair is kapput "Heechul is mixed into the battle. "Oh it on your hair!" Carter Siwon him. "Ne hair is so important monster!" Allied himself with Eunhyuk Heechul.
"Hell no! Loops, "suggested to Siwon. "No Loops!" Heechul hissed.
!! Well-loops "" No loops ""! Well-loops "" No loopings started now, and Heechul and Eunhyuk Siwon croaked every two seconds: "Monster" in between.
"Boys stop!" Mingled Teuki a groan. But they noticed him at all. "Boys," he said louder but not stopped. "Kangin ... also say something ..." the leader turned for help to Kangin. "So I'm also for the loops," grinned the latter.
Teuki haute against the head. "See!" Siwon said enthusiastically and turned to him.
"Kangin wants, the roller coaster!" "Nevertheless, Monster!" Eunhyuk remained stubborn and have the dispute was between the four, now in its third round.
Eeteuk cast a desperate glance at the rest of us who had followed the dispute between the boys amused. "Do something ..." he almost begged. We grinned at each other.

"Oh no! No! No! No, no! No, "said Teuki and stopped in horror.
We were at the Tower case. A nearly 60 meter high tower where was first raised and then in free fall again to reach the ground. A nightmare if you like Eeteuk had a fear of heights ... "Oh come on ... because nothing can happen," I reassured him.
"Why must we absolutely sure ..." the leader said tearfully.
"Because we have agreed," I grinned. "Makes us see it more fun to be held up as suffering to fight on ..." "Well thank you ..." growled Eeteuk. "Come on let's go!" Grinned Kyu, Donghae and Kangin simultaneously.
"I do not want ..." groaned Teuki.
"Are you scared?" Kyu grinned broadly. "Uh ... well ... uh ... no of course not," protested the leader. He could probably not easy to admit that he almost did in the pants. "Where then is the problem?" Heechul smirked.
"Someone has to keep but your cotton candy! So I will remain, "Eeteuk was hopeful a new excuse. "No need ..." Ryeowook grinned and stuffed the rest of his cotton in his mouth at once.
Leeteuk looked tearful. "Do not come around it since age!" Was Shindong and haute Teuki on the shoulder. Gave a whimper from him. Kyuhyun and Heechul exchanged a bemused look, then they grabbed him left and right and pulled him to the tower. As the leader struggled Kibum pushed him even from behind. The others could not help laughing.
Finally, they were all strapped in their seats. Leeteuk clung to his seat back. Ryeowook was enjoying himself splendidly and could not simply resist Teuki regarded theatrical. "Nice to have known you ..." he announced.
"What do you mean," asked Teuki and could not drive out the fear in his voice. "You know how often these things do not crash or slow down before the ground just do not get out again ... and like some are already" told Wookie. "This is not your serious about it?" Leeteuk inquire at a much higher voice than usual, so that it almost hurt.
"Do I look like I'm kidding?" Wookie made a perfectly straight face, trying to hide a grin. "Yes, those things are really quite dangerous ..." Kyuhyun agreed to smirking.
"Fortunately we are not afraid ..." "Yes, fortunately ..." Teuki said in a shaky voice.
"Eeteuk I get your CD collection when you die?" Sungmin play with the game.
"And I, your leather jacket?" Grinned also hangeng. The leader had turned chalk white and looked frantically for an escape route.
"Now listen to it again!" I said. Slowly I got really sorry for him. The others just looked innocent. "It can happen to anything honestly," I assured. "Try to relax just for you ..." "I think I prefer to climb out again ..." he croaked, but since we have already been raised.
"Oh God Oh God Oh God ..." he murmured with closed eyes. Finally we reached the high point and we (except Teuki) other consideration thrilled for a moment the view. "Eeteuk a look! That is totally cool! "Kyu my sake. Leeteuk opened the eyes of a gap was still pale, her eyes pinched together once again and settled in the beanbag back.

"Wow that was cool!" Said Wookie and buckled from enthusiastic. "Yes, full!" Agreed Heechul. "Or not Teuki" he turned to grin at. He sat stock still, with closed eyes in his seat, the information they were back on the ground was a brain not yet arrived. "Uh Teuki?" I spoke to him gently. The non-response. "Teuki?" Repeated and I nudged him.
"Am I die?" The leader asked weakly without opening his eyes.
"Nope ... you're still alive!" Reassured hangeng laughing. Leeteuk feet felt for the floor as he was sure they were safe, he opened his eyes.
"Thank God," he groaned, unbuckled himself and got up with quivering knees. "Never again ..." he sighed as he tried to move his legs to be persuaded again. "Never again!" The rest of us just laughed.

Whew .....
My longest chapter ever
That gave me my last brain cells


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So nice! Good job!
loveisfree #2
keep on writing!