a normal morning with SuJu

The Bubbles and Me -.-

"Come on! Move your ! "Thrilled to be fired Yesung turtle, which, however, did not interfere in the slightest. Calmly she remained in her seat and chewed with relish about on a lettuce leaf.
awakened by his cries turned to Heechul with his cat in her arms to him. Interested, he looked at Yesung, who are now crying hoarse voice.
"I think that does not move," said he expertly after some time from his comment. "How clever you're back," he hissed Yesung annoyed, and turned his attention back to the turtle. Heechul shrugged his shoulders and watched the drama continues.
"I did not know that turtles can be so boring," he marveled after a while, Heebum kraulend, and turned away. "To strain my voice to nothing so you're at least our most important singers," he said Yesung too over the shoulders.
Frustrated that his crack-turtle, the lettuce from the mouth. "You're stupid," he muttered and sat back the animal into the shoe box. Whether this comment to Heechul or the turtle was addressed, remained unclear.

Meanwhile, sounded from the kitchen Leeteuk shrill laughter through the whole apartment. Donghae, Eunhyuk and Ryeowook had gathered around him and looked at each other helplessly.
"Do you understand what he means?" Whispers to Donghae Eunhyuk. Silently shook his head and stared at this his shaking with laughter at Leader. "Have you understood the joke?", Pressing this out in tears and holding his stomach. "No ...", it was monotonous from the others. Leeteuk again tried his band members from his sensational wit to convince, but he produced only a squeaky Giggeln.
"Awesome! Never thought that he would be able to meet so high notes, "marveled Eunhyuk. "Is already really uncomfortable," Ryeowook wore in his two cents. "Well, it makes you so all kinds of competition, right?" Quipped Eunhyuk and Donghae struck with the High Five. "Hear ye but at first your croaking!" Argued Ryeowook.
Laughing, the two left the kitchen and left behind a leader who behaved like a chicken on ecstasy and injured Ryeowook. He also wanted to make a hasty retreat, but was taken from Leeteuk to fitting. "Look, the joke is simply brilliant ..." she began again, and this eye-rolling settled down Ryeowook. He presented himself to an hour more pointless sitting around and let his thoughts wander before.

At the same time it had Kyuhyun, Sungmin and Shindong made comfortable in the living room and a fierce duel delivered on the new Xbox 360. Or so it seemed at first sight like this, but when one looked closer, it was realized that only Kyuhyun was right in the matter. Shindong and Sungmin expressed, however, only around listlessly on the buttons. "I wonder why we keep coming back to the idea, Kyu challenge," Sungmin muttered, shaking his head. "Do you think he would know what if we make us from the dust?" Shindong whispered to him.
"Are you nuts? He would not even perceive it as a bomb fart. More than if we did pull the controller out of hand, "said Sungmin annoyed and gave up. Kyuhyun did not seem to mind.
"Really?" Shindong said enthusiastically. "Have you ever made?" "Jupp" Sungmin replied scarce. "Do you see the bruise on my forehead?" He pushed his hair aside. "Go on Kyuhyun account."
"Oh," Shindong was brilliant on its own after a while.
Siwon, who had observed the three all the time about his Bible edge directed to itself. "You could have just not allowed to provoke him," he mingled with one. "You know, someday, God ..." "What?" Interrupted Sungmin aghast. "Will you come again with your God-stitch on?" Siwon wanted to say something, but Sungmin he took the words from the mouth. "Honestly, I see between God and Need for Speed ​​is not the slightest connection. Or immersed in the example in your Bible? "Challenging he looked at Siwon.
Pulled behind this insulted his holy book back and decided in secret, Sungmin bring the next morning no coffee. Sungmin mood was obviously the moment arrived at the low point and that by now the whole Dorm Heechul 'Barbie Girl' rang out, was not to improve the situation.

 sorry ;D

had to write thizzz

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So nice! Good job!
loveisfree #2
keep on writing!