Minho's Birthday

O̶n̶l̶y̶ One Love

The next day, I tried to sit with some girls my own age. Wrong decision. The second I sat down they all stared at me and eventually scoffed and walked away. I was left to eat lunch alone or bombard the guys by joining them. I decided to eat alone.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing all alone at a table like this?" Donghae asked, sitting next to me. "I was just enjoying the quiet." I said, lying. "That's not what it looked like to me." I sighed, he must have see how hard I got blown off. "If your having trouble making friends, I can help."
"This weekend, its Minho's birthday. Your welcome to come if you want." I clasped my hands together. "Really? That'd be great, thank you!" I wanted to make friends so badly.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jiyeon asked, as I was getting ready. "Out." I told her blankly. Earlier in the week I went out and brought an outfit to wear for today to spare hearing Jiyeon complain about how I'm such a free loader.

I was wearing jean shorts, soft green shoes and a black shirt with English writing. Since Zi Tao was studying English, he told me it was something about mustaches and questions.

"Whatever." She said rolling her eyes. "I guess you weren't invited." I said, aiming to upset her. She froze and stared at me. "What do you mean?"
"I'm going to Minho's party. You weren't invited?" She scoffed. "Of course I was, I just don't want to go to an idiot like Minho's party." She was clearly lying. "Mhm."

I took the bus to the address Donghae told me to come to. The music was loud coming from inside of the house. There was a sea of teenagers flowing in and out. I caught a wave and drifted inside.

At first I didn't recognize anyone, but gradually I noticed a couple of the kids who disregarded me in school. I kept walking, trying not to see their stares until I saw the birthday boy. "Hey! You made it." Minho said with a smile. "I'm glad." He yelled over the loud music. I held out my hands, which had a card filled with 22,000₩. He laughed and accepted the card. "Thanks." I nodded and he went off to socialize with his other guests.

While searching for Donghae, who invited me, I saw Kris. I waved at him but he didn't respond. Maybe he didn't see me. I walked over to him and tried to engage in conversation. He didn't turn towards me, instead he just sighed and walked away. "Jerk." I mumbled.

Finally, I found Donghae. "Hey, where have you been?" He asked. "Looking for you!" I said, letting out an exasperated laugh. "Sorry, it's crazy here." I nodded in agreement. The music was loud, the people were loud, it was too much.

"So, where are my new friends?" I asked jokingly. "Right over there." He said, pointing into the crowd. I looked in the direction of his finger. It was directly to Kris. "What?"
"Yeah, the friend I paired you up with is Kris." He said with a smile. "Did I really have to come to a party to talk to Kris?"
"No, that was so I wouldn't be alone, but, Kris is cool once you get to know him." I sighed. "Kris ignores me."
"You just gotta break the ice." He pushed me in Kris' direction. "Hwaiting!"

I ended up bumping into him, almost knocking him over. "I'm sorry!" I whined. He did the usual, a roll of his eyes and a sigh of his breath.

I looked back at Donghae, who had a sympathetic look on his face. I pushed my way through the crowd and back to him. "So much for breaking the ice."
"Kris' ice is really think. It takes time to break."


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