
O̶n̶l̶y̶ One Love

Coming into class, I sat next to Kris. “Hi!” I said, in another attempt to break the ice. Silence. “Ya know, talking isn’t so bad.” I mumbled. This time, he looked at me, but only for a second. Cracked!

We had to do partner work, but it felt more independent.

At the end of the period I found Donghae waiting outside for me. “How was class?” He asked eagerly. I told him it was good and returned the question. “Okay, it would have been better with you there.” He said, grinning cheesily. I slapped his arm playfully. He offered to carry my bag and although I was fine doing it myself, I gave it to him.

We sat at our usual spot with Kris, Yunho, and Minho. This time instead of trying to sit off by myself, I sturdily placed myself at Donghae’s side. “Ah, look who’s getting chummy.” Yunho said through a mouth stuffed with food. I giggled and scooted closer to Donghae. Of course we were getting closer, Donghae was the first person to reach out to be my friend.

After school, Donghae offered to walk me home. “Really? You’d do that for me? Thanks!” I said, clapping my hands in excitement. Once again, he offered to take my bag and, again, I gave it to him.

"So, do you like the school so far?" He asked. "Yes! I’ve never been in a school with so many kids." I answered, chomping on some chocolate Donghae bought. "Are you sure you don’t want any? It’s really good." I told him, holding up the candy. "I’d love to, but i have my hands full." He laughed, motioning at the school and sports bag he was holding, so he could shoulder mine. "I’m sorry. Here, I’ll feed it to you." He got really red when I said that. Why, I have no idea but he nodded anyway. "Okay, open wide." I said, and he did so. I broke a piece of chocolate off and popped it into his mouth.

While closing it, he almost caught my finger, sending a shy giggle between the two of us. “It is good.” He tried to say while on the sweet chocolate.

When we finally arrived at my house, I was met by Jiyeon, with an angered face. “You should probably go. Thanks for walking me.” I smiled, while taking my bag from him. “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said, giving me a warm, soft hug. As he walked away I could smell the lingering scent of his cologne.

"What’s your problem?" I muttered while passing by Jiyeon in the front door. "You, how could you bring him here? And him of all people?" She screamed. "What do you mean? He offered to walk me home and what’s it matter to you that it was Donghae?" I yelled back.

"I was trying to keep you and your stupid family a secret! I was trying to not have a ruined reputation. Plus, it matters because he’s not yours!"

"Oh, so now you’re claiming people? What the heck!? You act like I want to flaunt that we’re related? News flash I don’t!"

"Then don’t bring people here! First you’re going after Wu Fan, and now Donghae? Chang Nyeon." She said with a scoff. "What did you just call me?!" She shook her head and walked into the house. I wanted to follow her and rip her hair out, but it wasn’t worth it. Instead, I took off down the road, back to Donghae.

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