Moving To Korea

O̶n̶l̶y̶ One Love

Today's the day. The most rotten day of my life. Korea, it's so far from China. Although we had never set foot outside of Yongning, my mother, being cast away, decided that Korea was the best place to go. You may be wondering 'why was your mother cast out?' well, it's because she had children with someone who wasn't from Yongning. He was Korean, hence us moving to Korea. My mother thought she could find him. So here we are, on our way to Seoul, South Korea.

The plane flight was horrible. Thirteen hours of noise. I was happy when it was finally over. My mom depended on me to help her navigate around the city. Since she couldn't speak Korean, but I could, I had to read the signs and interpret for her.

After hours of walking, we came to the house my mother believed was owned by my father. I knocked on the door. It took a few minutes, but eventually a woman answered. "Yes?" she asked, in Korean. She must have been my fathers wife. "Does Jung Shinho live here?" she nodded, probably confused. "I'm sorry to impose, but can we speak to him?" she still looked confused but called for him to come.
"Ye-" he stopped talking, when he saw who was at the door. "Why are you all here?" he asked, switching from Korean to Chinese. "We were exiled from Yongning. Because of you, please, we need a place to stay." my mother pleaded. "How can I? I have a family here."


"Please, at least take the children. There's nowhere else for us to go." she said, pushing me and my brothers into the house. He looked at us. Then behind him. The commotion woke up his kids. There was a young boy who looked at least six, and a teenage girl, who looked my age. "The kids can stay here. Just until you can get a place to live." my mother smiled and said her goodbyes to us.
"Yi Lin, take good care of your brothers."


My father went into the kitchen with his wife and kids. They would whisper, then look at us, then whisper some more. I didn't care what they thought about me, I just didn't want to be on the streets.
"Yi Lin, you can share a room with Jiyeon, Zi Tao, you can sleep in the living room, and you, what's your name?" he asked my younger brother, who he had never met. "Huang Bao Jia." My father left Yongning before my youngest brother was born.


"Bao Jia, you can share a room with Dongsoo. Now if everyone knows where they're staying, I'd like to get some rest." my father said, clearly tired and upset.

"So, I guess you can sleep over there." Jiyeon said, pointing to a corner in the bedroom. "I know you're probably used to tight spaces."
"Excuse me?"

"What you don't speak Korean?"

"Nin.Shuijiao.Nali.*" She said, in the worst Mandarin I've ever heard. She huffed and plopped onto her bed. Since I was just a guest, I did what she told me.

"Girls wake up." I heard a soft voice say. "Get ready for school." I opened my eyes to see Jiyeon's mother standing in the doorway. "Jiyeon, until we can buy her own, Yi Lin is going to share your clothes. Also, Zi Tao and her will be coming to school with you today, so take good care of them." Jiyeon just stared at her mother with a face that expressed how much she didn't want that to happen.

"Listen, if anyone asks, you two are my distant cousins, who are from China, got it? The last thing I need is for everyone to think my family's screwed up." Jiyeon told me and Zi Tao, before we entered the school. We both nodded. When she opened the doors, my jaw dropped. I had never been to such a crowded place, especially for a school.

While we were walking to...wherever, people would wave and complement Jiyeon. I guess she's popular here. Everyone, except, for one boy waved to her. In fact, he didn't even acknowledge her. "Kris, hi!" she excitedly said. He didn't look in her direction, or even blink an eye. He was cute. I could see her attraction. He was tall, super tall. Everything about him was perfect. From head to toe, flawless.

Since Zi Tao was a year younger than me, we had to be separated. I went with Jiyeon and he went to his class, alone. "Everyone, this will be your new classmate." The teacher said, motioning towards me.
"Anyonghaseyo. My name is Yi Lin, Huang Yi Lin." I said with a bow. The kids started to whisper. Whether it was good or bad, I didn't know. Nor did I care. "You can take a seat next to Wu Fan." The teacher pointed to the boy Jiyeon wanted to talk to so badly. I did as the teacher said and sat next to him. "Nice to meet you, I'm Yi Lin." just like he did to Jiyeon, he ignored me. "Okay, if you don't want to talk, I can respect that." I said, taking the hint.


After sitting in class for hours, the lunch bell rang. I tried to go with Jiyeon, but she ignored me. "Hey sweetie, you can sit with us." a random boy said to me. I didn't have any place else to go, so I followed him outside, where his friends were. Among them was Wu Fan. "What was your name again?" one of the boys asked. "Yi Lin."

"Oh, so you're Chinese? Just like Kris over here." I nodded. I didn't really know what to say. I sat with them for the lunch period. I found out that the boys names were Jung Yunho, Lee Donghae and Choi Minho. Wu Fan wouldn't look up from his food, or contribute to the conversation. Donghae told me he was just being 'shy'. Yeah right.

After school I met up with Zi Tao and Jiyeon. “How was your first day?” My brother asked. “It was okay, I didn’t talk much, aside from when I ate lunch, and you?” I asked him. “It was good, I made some new friends. Who did you sit with at lunch?”

“I think their names were Jung Yunho, Choi Minho, Lee Donghae, and guess what? Another Chinese person! His name is Wu Fan.” As soon as I said ‘Wu Fan’ Jiyeon shot a angered look at me. “You sat with Kris?” She yelled. I nodded. “How dare you?! Stay away from him!”

“Why should I?” I asked, upset that she had the nerve to tell me what to do. “Because I said so! So stay your ugly self away from him!” She yelled, before rushing ahead. “Wow, she’s really mad.” Zi Tao said. I nodded in agreement.

The next day at lunch Minho invited me to sit with him and his friends again. Again, Wu Fan would only look at his food, and not join the conversation. He's such a party pooper. 

Minho tried to strike up a conversation with Wu Fan, he wouldn't answer. "Don't be shy just because a pretty girls around." He rolled his eyes and kept eating. 

"Is that peanut butter noodles?" I asked getting excited. "I love them!" I scooted closer. He sighed and held out his bowl. "I can have it!?" He nodded and I grabbed the bowl. "Xie Xie." 

Nin.Shuijiao.Nali.*: You.Sleep.There

( Please excuse my poor Chinese skills )

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