
Spy On Me

Chapter 10

We finally arrived at my house.

“Thanks for the ride Uncle Sam,” I said, unbuckling my seatbelt.

“Changmin,” He stated, “Uncle Sam is for everyone in the FBI. My name is Changmin.”

“Okay then,” I looked at him, “Thank you, Changmin.”

“You are welcome, Francessa,” He smirked and then drove away.

“FRANNIIIEEEE~” I heard someone shout my name, and I saw Jenny running out of the house towards me.

“Oh my-” My words were cut off, as the impact of Jenny’s body running into mine was too great. “Oww,” I groaned out, as she squeezed me tight. “Too tight Jenny,”

“Guess who’s here,” She whispered into my ear,

“Wha-?” I saw that out of our open front door another person step out. “Jaejoong?”

“Hey,” He walked up to us, and Jenny let me go, saying something about leaving us young people alone. “I was worried,”

“…” What did Jenny say to him? “Uh, thanks, but it was nothing,”

“Your step mother said that you had a medical scare…I was going to visit you in the hospital but she wouldn’t tell me which one,”

My heart skipped a beat at his words. He’s so sweet.

“It was nothing,” I tried to play it down, “He just got my results mixed up with someone else’s,”

“What?” He looked confused, “How could they-”

I cut him off, trying to talk about something else, “So you met my step-mother, Jenny?”

“Yeah,” He nodded, “She’s cool,”

“She didn’t like weird you out of anything, right?”

He chuckled, “No, nothing like that,”

“Good,” There was a short silence, but then Jaejoong spoke before I could.

“So…not that this is any of my business, but who was that?”

“Who was what?” I asked confused about the question.

“The guy that…nevermind,” He looked down, and I tried to put the puzzle pieces together.

Does he mean Changmin? I looked at him and smiled, “Oh you mean Cha- Uncle Sam,” I almost let the wrong name spill, but at the sound of the word ‘uncle’, he looked happy.

“He’s your uncle?” He asked, his voice changed slightly.

“Yeah, anyways, I think I should go inside now, thanks for worrying about me,” I gave him a hug.

“Yeah, no worries. See you at uni?”

“Yeah, see you,”

We said our goodbyes, and I went inside the house to see Jenny gleaming.

“You have totally got him wrapped around your little finger!” She sounded so happy, which made me feel a pang of guilt, but I quickly brushed it aside.

“Of course, it’s my job,”

“God, it must be more than that,” She pushed on,

Ignoring her, I began to talk about something else, “So why were you all over the detective?”

“Simon?” She beamed, “He’s such a cutie,”

“He was also trying to blow my cover…and not to mention put me in jail,”

“Details,” She waved me off, “Anyways, back to Jaejoong, it’s been how long?”

“It’s been almost two months,” I sighed, sitting down, “Have they found his father yet?”

Jenny sat down beside me, “Not even unfortunately,” She picked up the remote, typed in the password, and then began to type. “See here,” She enlarged the document she had opened, “This is the latest information on where Jaejoong’s father could be,”

“It says here, Dubai…Why would he be in Dubai?”

Jenny shrugged, “I don’t know, nor do we need to know. They only thing that we need to do is keep Jaejoong alive.”

“Yeah, yeah…” I grabbed the remote and switched to the live feed from the cameras that were installed in his house three weeks ago, when I visited. We spotted him in the hallway up stairs heading towards a room, with a towel in his hands.

“You didn’t happen to put a camera in the bathroom, did you?” She grinned cheekily,

“Hey! I’m not a ert.” I defended, not telling her…that I might have been tempted to, “I’m here to protect him, so don’t make me need to protect him from your erted eyes.”

She only laughed, and then got up from her spot on the couch, “Well, have fun with surveillance, but you should really take your relationship with him to the next level, just to the only action with him you get isn’t just though a one-way monitor.”

“Hey!” I grabbed a pillow and threw it at her, and she dodged it easily.

“No need to get defensive, I’m only looking out for my lovely daughter,” She laughed again and exited the room, “Time to make some food,”

I shook my head and redirected my gaze to the monitor, only to have a nagging voice in the back of my head saying,

“Next time, put a camera in the bathroom,”


A/N: So today seems to be the day that I update some of my stories, lol. Sorry about the long wait. lol. 

Anyways, comments?


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Crystalbone #2
Chapter 12: Jaejoong is so in love with her!!! :D
Chapter 12: brilliant as always update soon!
Chapter 12: Really curious on what will happen next especially she's having a hard time because of her right arm so will surely wait for your next update! update soon :)
Chapter 12: Good to read after long.
Yonghyunism #6
Chapter 12: Yehey!!! Thanks for the update!
Chapter 11: never expected uncle sam is changmin, hehe
Yonghyunism #8
Chapter 11: Yehey!! Thanks for updating!! I like this story!!
Chapter 11: Wow, its different. Changmin as uncle, I can imagine his smirk clearly. Really interesting plot. Keep updating