Chapter 5

He's mine! [Discontinued until further notice]

He wakes up alone, the chirping of foreign birds. At least, that's what it felt like. The sheets smelled different, almost musky. They haven't been used for years. The sun was glaring through the cracks, brighter than Kyungsoo remembered. And these birds, singing so cheerily. Was it a holiday? 


There is no Kai. There are only blankets tucked around his arms, most likely the stray's doing (such a sweet dog he has!). At first Kyungsoo is worried to death, pacing around the alley, half-whispering half-shouting his name. But then he remembers that Kai probably knows this town well and went off to do some business. He would return to him and tour him around. That's what they planned.


He exhaled a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding in. 


If Kai knew this place so well, then he must have lived here before, right? However he left for a reason, and now he's back. Kyungsoo pondered if Kai was really up to something or if he was just over thinking things. Too many things were happening at once, he could feel a migraine stampeding in his mind. 


Just wait for Kai. Everything will feel much better when he's back at my side.


He settles for an upturned trashcan as a seat and dawdle until his dog shows up. Which is no more than a few minutes later. Kai just waltzes in with a plastic bag in his mouth, tail moderately wagging. He doesn't seem to notice Kyungsoo's distress, setting down the bag in front of his owner. Kyungsoo peeks in, eyes widening when he sees the bread. 


"Kai! How did you get these? You didn't steal them, did you?" Either way, Kyungsoo pulled out a slice and ripped open the wrapper. He inhaled, eyes closed,  reveling in the sweet incense that filled his nostrils. It may not have been popped out of the oven right there, but it was the closest thing to it. Kyungsoo took an enormous bite, words muffled by the buttery texture. 


Kai took a bite himself, but isn't as enthusiastic as the homeless boy. He's tapping his... paws? Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow. "What are you impatient about, hm?" The stray whines, cocking his head towards the alley's exit. "You want to go outside? Again? When you just came back?" Well, he did promise he'd take me around. Why not?


They finished up breakfast quickly and Kyungsoo was barely to pull on his sweater before Kai was leading him down the street and towards a crosswalk.


There's a library five minutes from their new home. The books are old, binds tattered and falling apart, but books nonetheless. The elderly librarian is always reading, Kyungsoo notices, while the librarian's assistant is busy typing away at the computer. Kyungsoo also notes the table of computers across the room for the public. It's been so long since he's been on the internet. Would his past friends remember him? 


The two keep walking, observing the bustling stores full of rowdy customers, the almost-empty cafes playing classical music, little clothing shops and their shop owners pulling random people to yap about sales, and most of all the people. Kyungsoo has never been in the middle of such a large crowd. And no one is giving him funny looks or pointing at him or whispering about his clothes. 


They do stare at him though, but Kyungsoo isn't so sure why. Perhaps because of Kai? He doesn't see a lot of people with pets around. Maybe it is not common in this town. Then why did Kai bring us here?


On the end of the busy streets, a park separated them from the whizzing cars and shouting townspeople. The lively noises were cut off, leaving only random bird calls and children crying every now and then. They were in a peaceful neighborhood, with few people out in their front yards tending their gardens and lawns or just chatting with their neighbors. 


A few kids were running around the playground, entangled in a game of tag. A group of little girls were hiding under the slide, sitting in a circle with their legs crossed and singing some nursery rhyme. The kids playing tag paused to point out Kai, running towards him at full speed. The stray wasn't bothered by the attention, and allowed them to pet him while Kyungsoo settled on a swing. 


Such a beautiful town. Kai really knows his way around. Were these places where his owner used to take him? These endless thoughts were becoming aggravating. He keeps coming up with conclusions that make his heart hurt and makes him want to glue Kai to his side. Just the thought of Kai with a family... Kyungsoo's eyes burned. He was Kai's family! 


But he couldn't help feeling like a second choice... Was he taking care of Kai well? Better than his previous owners? 


The sky is so blue. It goes on forever... 


"Hey! Mister, are you new around here?" Kyungsoo blinks at the little girl, a tattered stuffed bunny hanging from her underarm. It had buttons for its eyes, one blue and one black. Its limbs were long, almost as long as its ear. 


"Yes. I just moved here, with my dog over there."


She smiled, revealing two missing front teeth. "I knew it! It's my job to know everyone in town. My name is Soo Yeon." Kyungsoo stared at her outstretched palm. The ends of her sleeves were folded, like they were too long for her, and they curled tightly around her tiny wrist. The shirt was bright white, staining the brown bark as it were a snowflake. Over the turtle neck was a pair of blue, the bluest blue, overalls. No, corduroys. They stopped short mid-thigh, and the little girl's leggings were patterned with little snowmen. 


Kyungsoo shook her hand, noted how small it was against his, how warm it was despite her not wearing gloves, and replied, "Nice to meet you, Soo Yeon. My name is Kyungsoo. Do Kyungsoo." 


Her smile widened, her eyes narrowed a fraction with the intensity of it. Her eyebrows crinkled with her straight bangs and Kyungsoo watched her beanie slip a few centimeters lower. "Mister, you look like it's the first time you've seen a little girl!" 


The corner of his lips curled upwards. "The first in a long time," he uttered under his breath, a whisper of white fog swirling in front of him. "Are you not freezing in this weather?" 


Soo Yeon shook her head. "Tokki and I were playing tag with the others and it was too warm for a jacket and gloves. Will you play with us, Mister?" Her converse, speckled with dirt and dusty shoelaces, creased as she scraped her toe against the ground. Kai trotted up to Kyungsoo's leg, yipping. 


Kyungsoo apologized as he stood up, the swing creaking behind him. "My dog and I have to go. We have some more walking around to do. Maybe next time?" She nodded, gaze lowered. "See you next time, Mister." 


He watched her join the other children, the bunny dangling in the wind, it's stitched smile comforting Kyungsoo in the oddest way. A friend? Before he could ponder the new term, Kai was dragging him past the park and through a cross walk. On the other side was a string of stores, yet it wasn't as boisterous as the stores they passed before. 


Kai began walking faster, an eager hop to his steps. Kyungsoo followed, curiosity shutting him up. He was expecting Kai to lead him somewhere with more children or maybe a dog park, but he had not anticipated an antique shop. It was pretty old-fashioned, and gave off the 'creepy' vibe. The glass windows were tinted so you couldn't see anything inside, and the plants around the store seemed to slither when he wasn't looking, curling around the pillars and signs. 


The sign read 'closed'. 


"Kai, the store is closed." 


Kai barked, snarling almost. He began yapping at the door, clawing at it with his paws. "Hey, Kai! Stop it!" Kyungsoo pulled him away from the door, glancing around to see if they were attracting unwanted attention. "It says they're closed. We'll come back another time, okay?" He didn't answer, but his teeth were still barred. 


"Yah, are you crazy, Chanyeol? If we buy another set of matching cups, you'll have to wash them yourself!" 


Kyungsoo froze. No way...


"Hurry up or we'll be late to work! You know the manager doesn't like it when his workers come in late. Come on!" 


The homeless boy gathered his dog in his arms and dashed behind a plant, covering Kai's mouth with his palm. "Shh!" Kai began to wriggle frantically, unsure why his owner was acting like this. He peeked around the leaves, letting his guard down for just a second. Using this to his advantage, Kai struggled out of Kyungsoo's grasp and barked, wondering why on earth they were hiding. 


His owner's eyes bulged from their sockets, and he turned around alarmed. "Kai! Shh! They might hear us!" Kyungsoo checked to see if they were caught, and to his luck, Chanyeol and Baekhyun had only paused for a moment before returning to their conversation. He exhaled, the pounding of his heart ringing throughout his ears. 


It's best if we don't see each other. I'm already in debt to you two... And if you happen to be Kai's previous owners, I don't think I would return him, but I don't have the heart to keep him from his family...


He flashes one last look at the antique shop, then ushers Kai to lead them home. They've had enough sight-seeing for the day. 


They finished the last can of fish for dinner, Kyungsoo reminding Kai to eat every scrap. "We don't want to waste food now, do we? And you need to eat more anyways." He pets his head, eyes drooping slightly. 


"Hey, Kai? Why did you bring us here?" Kai probably can't understand him, so he goes on. "How did you know this place? Did you happen to live here before? Does your family live here?" He laid down, fetal position with his hands as his pillow, and yawned, sleep overcoming his senses. His vision is blurred, both from his drowsiness and the tears his yawn produced. 


Kai burrows into his chest, snuggling up to his neck. There is a soft wetness and it occurs to Kyungsoo that he just him. He laughs; it's slow and slurred. "Right... I'm your owner now. Hm, it better stay that way, okay?" Kyungsoo is awake long enough to hear an answer, but he knows what's he's doing tomorrow for sure.


It took Kyungsoo twenty minutes to convince Kai to let him go out by himself. It was almost as if he was arguing with his mother, he chuckled. He admired the stray's possessiveness over him. But he was on a mission today and he wasn't going to let anyone stand in his way, especially Kai. 


Since the reason for this mission was well, Kai


Kyungsoo stops in front of the familiar place. A shiver runs down his spine (perhaps telling him to turn around and go back home?) and Kyungsoo wraps his large jacket around his torso tighter. His boots drag against as the concrete as he moves closer to the door. The antique shop, SM Charms & Collectibles, emanated such an elusive aura that he considered cancelling the mission. 


But this shop intrigued Kai in such a way Kyungsoo couldn't understand. It must be important to him somehow... And it's up to him to find out. 


The sign read 'open'. 


Solid with his decision, Kyungsoo turned the door knob. A bell jingled above him, declaring his entrance. A man appears out of nowhere, dressed nicely in a  tailcoat that dangled over a pair of striped trousers.


"Welcome to SM Charms and Collectibles. How may I help you, sir?"

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AMJ127 #1
Chapter 18: aNd wE weRe jUst geTTinG tO tHe gOoD pArT
But oml I am in love with this story ;^;
Manavi4412 #2
Chapter 18: You should really update this story cause I'll be desperately waiting for it.....?
It has been amazing so far, the pace feels just right and the plot is pretty different from what I've read till now.
Chapter 18: I really enjoyed this story and I'm really curious with what will happen after this :'))
I respect your decision but question is....why did you give up on them so easily? When the scandal of Kai and Krystal dating came out, I wanted to do the exact same thing you did, but I didn't want to give up. And soon, Krystal and Kai broke up, and I can tell he and Kyungsoo are together, that's obvious. And it also turns that Baekhyun is gay, like for real, it's obvious. Don't give up.
00OrangeCookies00 #5
Hi Author-nim! I just want to say that I enjoyed reading this story. I usually refrain to comment on fics but this story is just so interesting and it's a shame that it's discontinued. I won't really ask for you to continue this story and i respect your decision because i also felt kind of... discouraged when I saw Kai dating Krystal and seeing exo slowly falling apart.
Getting back to my point, I suggest to let someone adopt this story of yours (preferably someone you trust and knows how to write the story that is not his/hers and that he/she understand the path you want your story to go).
I can see that there are many people waiting and subscribing in your story, especially new exo fans. I think you should consider my request if you don't want to continue seeing that this was way back on 2014 and the plot line is already faint on your head.

This is only a request by the way. I really enjoyed reading your story and i hope to read more of your works.
Chapter 18: Ahhhh!!!! I love this story!!! Authornim~~~ when are u going to update??~~~ I'm super curious you know...I wonder if kai really has change back to his human form after kyunsoo confess his feelings.. I need u authornim to satisfy my curiosity *puppy eyes*
enonmia #7
Chapter 18: damn i remembered this story from a while ago and decided to read it again IT S LIT
hadzluvsDO #8
Chapter 18: This is amazing. I love the storyline and literally everything! Hopefully you would update soon? Thank you author-nim
Em1412 #9
Chapter 18: Awwwwwwwww~ SO FREAKING CUTE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!! PLEASE UPDATE!!! :)