Chapter 2

He's mine! [Discontinued until further notice]

His toes are freezing, and Kyungsoo groans as they rub against cardboard. His armpit is unexceptionably warm and he snuggles towards the source of heat. It's furry and he can feel a heartbeat. That's when he remembers the stray dog.


"Kai!" he squeals, officially scaring the poor animal. Kyungsoo scoops him into his arms for an air-constricting glomp. "Kai!" he repeats, trying it out again. The name was foreign, rolling off his tongue almost naturally. Well, he no longer had to call him 'puppy'. And he was pretty sure no other dog had the name Kai. Well, Kai was no ordinary dog.


Placing a kiss on his forehead, he sang 'good morning' and stretched, mentally preparing himself for the day ahead of them. Kyungsoo ducked his head out of their cardboard home and reeled back in, face white as a sheet. Kai barked, cocking his head slightly to the left. The homeless boy laughed, shaking off some water on his nose. "I'm fine! There's just frost... well, everywhere. We're going to need some warmer clothes, yup!" Kyungsoo managed to gripe a few layers of clothes for them, even pulling out the baby blanket for Kai.


He tucked it tighter around the shivering stray, cooing softly how cute was. "You are just too much!" he exclaims, rubbing his face in his beautiful fur (well, he could use a bath). "Mwah! That's for being cute. I have a feeling you'll be receiving a lot of kisses." Kyungsoo reached for the left over kimbap and wiggled on his shoes. "Now, stay here while I go warm up breakfast. And actually stay, okay?" With another peck, he left. 


There really was frost everywhere, and Kyungsoo had to pause occasionally, so as to not slip and break a bone. When he finally got their food warmed up without any major injuries, he spotted a box. Should he take a look at it, see who it's for? What if someone steals their food while he's away? It could happen! But...


He made a quick decision to dash for the box. As he picked it up, Kyungsoo admired the pretty wrapping. Under the ribbon was a card, and as he shoved it to the side, he nearly dropped the box, a gasp escaping his lips. It simply read: From Junmyeon. Which meant that this was from Junmyeon. Er, Suho. For him. Meaning...


Junmyeon knows where he lives. 


Kyungsoo dramatically swallowed his spit, unsure what to do with the box, which he was now holding a few inches away from his chest. Was there a bomb in here? Will it blow up right now? What about snakes? Kyungsoo doesn't like snakes. Does Junmyeon know that, too? What if theres cockroaches? He doesn't like those either... Well, there's only one way to find out.


Exaggeratedly inhaling, Kyungsoo pulled on one of the ends of the ribbon, successfully loosening the top of the present. To his surprise, there wasn't a bomb nor were there any snakes or cockroaches. Instead, there was a pair of neatly folded clothes and boots. Unknowingly, a small smile spread across his face. Aw, Junmyeon hyung bought him clothes! 


In the corner was another note and it read: For the dog


Aw! He even bought clothes for Kai! How sweet! 


Kyungsoo placed the top back on and grabbed their breakfast, eager to show Kai what they received. He was awfully merry, bouncing on the balls of his feet and eventually bouncing as he sat down. While they nibbled on their breakfast, Kyungsoo showed Kai the box. "Look, Kai! We got a present! And guess who it's from? Junmyeon hyung! You know... that one scary guy last night?" 


At Kai's expression, Kyungsoo corrected himself. "No, no, no! Not the guy you bit! The one who let us go, you know, the one they called Suho? Oh, who am I kidding, you can't even understand me. But anyways, we got a present!" He opened it again and began taking out the clothes. "There isn't any food, I know, so sad, but we did get some really thick clothes. Look! This sweater! It'll keep me warm forever! And these boots! I could probably climb Mount Everest in these!" 


Kyungsoo lunged for the dog clothes. "Did you think he forgot about you? Nope! He got you clothes, too! Aren't they cute?" He waited for excited barks, but only got a droopy tail. Kai sauntered away on his heels, completely ignoring the present. Kyungsoo pouted, holding the dog clothes up again. "You don't think it's cute? You won't wear it at all? For me?" 


No reply.


Kyungsoo sighs, placing the clothes back in the box. "Okay, fine. But you still need thicker clothes. I'll find some yarn to knit you something, alright? Will you wear that instead?" Kai barks, tail back to wagging, and Kyungsoo pets him. "Oh, you little brat. The things I would do for you..." 


And that's how Kyungsoo spent his afternoon, piling balls of yarn in their home and stealing acquiring knitting needles. And then he began knitting, a skill he learned from his mother while she was pregnant with his younger brother. The memory seemed so distant now, hazy and almost unrecognizable. He couldn't really remember how his mother's voice sounded like, just knew it was beautiful, melodic, as if she was singing every time she talked. He fell asleep to it almost every night. It cured him when he was sick in bed, soothed him when his teeth began to grow. 


He strained to remember it, giving up after the first few tries. It was impossible, and he shouldn't dwell on the past. But Kyungsoo would never forget the things life taught him, and each stitch was perfected with precise movements and exact calculations. Where to add the white with the red, where to mix the gray with the white, how to tangle all three colors together in a colorful twirl. 


All the while, he talked to Kai about Junmyeon. "I haven't told you about him yet, have I? Well... It's kind of funny admitting this, but he was my boyfriend back in my first year of high school. I don't know, there was this aura to him that captured my attention and I couldn't be anywhere but near him. Oh, silly me... I was so love struck, really. I pestered him to go out with me so many times for so long. And then he finally agreed and I had declared that to be the happiest day of my life."


Kai barked, his paws tangled into a pile of green yarn. Kyungsoo clicked his tongue, pausing his knitting to free the animal from the death trap. "What was that you were asking? If it really was the happiest day of my life?" Kyungsoo heaved a sigh, his hands slowing as he thought about it. "No," he answered after a moment. "It wasn't the happiest day of my life. But it did make me really happy." 


Kai jumped straight back into the green death trap and Kyungsoo giggled, giving up on saving him for the second time. "He was my first boyfriend, you know, Kai. And he was my last," he confessed sheepishly. "But I'm glad it didn't work out. I mean, I wish it could have, but I probably wouldn't be here right now if so. Let's just say, Junmyeon hyung had two very different identities. The rebellious, mysterious sunbae that everyone looked up to and at the same time feared. And then he was the leader of a gang who did mean things to people and sold drugs and did drugs and... he was just a very complicated person.


"He took me out on dates and they were absolutely wonderful, I tell you. Romantic and sweet..." Kai barked again, rolling away from Kyungsoo. The human poked him with a knitting needle, whining at him to listen because it was rare that someone was here to listen to him talk. That seemed to shut Kai up, and Kyungsoo continued, knitting back in process. 


"As I was saying, he was a caring boyfriend. He looked out for me and bought me lunch whenever my mom forgot. Oh! He even met my parents, he was such a gentlemen around them. Very polite and handsome and they loved him and I loved him, too. But then..." Kyungsoo face crumpled for a second before he caught himself and regained his calm expression. "My mother stumbled upon his gang and that's how I found out he was involved. He said he didn't tell me because he knew I would act like this, like the--he said 'the rest'--and I don't know... 


"I couldn't be with someone like that, you know? He was a bad person who did bad things. Even if he never did those bad things to me or around me. I couldn't... Does that make me a bad person, Kai? Does that make me hateful?" He set down his knitting materials, staring at his hands as if they didn't belong to him. But they did, and they did terrible things, hurt people he loved. 


"I'm an awful person, aren't I? No wonder why Junmyeon hyung's mad at me..." Kai didn't bark, just plopped himself, still tangled in the green yarn, onto his lap. He the back of Kyungsoo's hand, curling into his palm. Kyungsoo smiled, despite how much he detested himself, and leaned down to kiss him. "You are so sweet, you know that? The best." 


Kyungsoo finished Kai's clothes just as the sun set, with Kai biting on yarn all the while, and to his satisfaction, Kai didn't throw a fit about having to wear it. He wore it almost proudly, trotting around their home with his chin high, tail wagging and tongue hanging out of the corner of his mouth. Kyungsoo thought the winter clothes looked quite ridiculous on the stray, but he couldn't bear saying it out loud, or else he might hurt Kai's feelings. It was cute in a way, because puppies were cute no matter what they were doing or wearing, right? 


"You like me better than Junmyeon hyung, huh?" A bark. It was as if Kai understood what he was saying. "Good. It better stay that way!" Another bark. As if he was promising Kyungsoo it wouldn't be any other way. 


Kyungsoo grinned, applauding his piece of artwork. He wouldn't have his life any other way either. 


The next morning, Kyungsoo found another box. Instead of clothes, there was food. He felt ashamed bringing in the box, but it really was too cold to go out and search for food. Besides, the food would go to waste if they didn't eat it... Kyungsoo managed to convince himself and Kai to eat (let's leave out the part about Kai growling at the food, please). 


The morning after that, another box made its way into their home. It contained a few rolls of toilet paper, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and so on. Kyungsoo cringed at the bottles of shampoo, realizing there'd be no use for them since Kyungsoo didn't own a shower. If he found enough coins in the cracks of the sidewalk, he could get into a public men's bathhouse, but his piggy bank currently didn't even have enough for a pair of socks. And on top of that, the money was for emergency uses only. 


Every day after that, a single box appeared at the doorway of their alleyway, each day sporting something different. Every now and then there'd be food and Kyungsoo would have to force Kai to at least eat something. And the rest were little unnecessary objects Kyungsoo didn't need. He didn't know exactly what to do with a pot if he didn't have stove... And there really wasn't any space for a hammock in this cramped space. But the net made a perfect bed for Kai! 


Kyungsoo thought it was really considerate of Junmyeon to send them all of these gifts, but he couldn't continue to accept such generosity. Their home couldn't hold all these items and they certainly must have cost a fortune. Where did Junmyeon get the money for all of these? 


It didn't make matters any better when he sometimes came home to Kai trying to bury some of the gifts. The pretty scarf Kyungsoo had taken a liking to was now shreds of their mattress (he really liked the blue color, so calming) and his stash of lip balm was nowhere to be found. It was obvious Kai wasn't particularly fond of Junmyeon, and Kyungsoo thought it was cute how protective the puppy was acting, adding to his clinginess during the day. 


Kyungsoo held his breath as he stepped out of the alleyway. His nose was already turning a pinkish hue due to the harsh weather and he clung tighter to his sweater. The tips of his ears were at the moment numb and he wriggled his toes to keep the feeling in them. Sure enough, to the left, there was a box. Sighing, Kyungsoo picked it up, wondering what was in it this time. Before re-entering the alley, he read the card, which appeared to actually be a note. 


"Kyungsoo, I'm sorry for bothering you every day with these presents. I do hope you're using them well and that they were of some use to you. This will be your last present. I hope you like it, it took me a long time to pick it out. Also, a week from today at one in the afternoon, please meet me at the town's famous flower garden. It should be crowded with tourists, so it'll be easy to find. I'll be waiting, please don't let me down. I can't wait to see you.




He returns with the box, slightly shaken. Kai is disinterested as well, distracting himself with some leftover yarn that Kyungsoo didn't need. He was currently wrapped in a scarf that the human knitted a few days ago. Kyungsoo slides to the ground, the note quivering in his fingers. "What do I do..." he says to himself. 


If he went, then Kai would be upset with him. If he didn't go, then Junmyeon would probably send a dozen of beefy, macho guys to tear down his home. Either way, he would be hurting someone. But then again, if he did go, then he could explain himself to Junmyeon and restore their relationship. If he didn't, then he and Kai would just cuddle all day like they normally do (which Kyungsoo liked doing very much). 


He tousled his hair feverishly, groaning out loud. It caused Kai to look up and run to his rescue. Kyungsoo's frown ceased, replaced with a chuckle as Kai his cheek. "Thanks, Kai. I'm not the only one who can give kisses, huh?" The puppy whimpered, covering his eyes with his front paws. "Aw, are you embarrassed?" He teased the stray a little longer and they somehow ended sprawled across the floor with Kyungsoo scratching Kai's belly. 


It took a while for them to settle down, and when they did, Kyungsoo wished they hadn't. He wanted to play forever and forget about Junmyeon's note. "Kai, I'm feeling very troubled." He barked. "You see... Junmyeon wants me to meet up with him next week, and I'm just not sure whether I should go or not. What do you think?" 


Kai turned away to flop in the corner and sulk. Kyungsoo laughs at the appropriate reaction, pulling him back and hugging him tightly. He always did this when he felt like he needed an energy boost. "Stop being so cute and grumpy, Kai. Remember? I don't love Junmyeon anymore. I love you. So you don't have to worry, okay? You're the only man in my life now. The only man in my entire world, if that makes you feel any better." 


Kyungsoo is guess it does because Kai his cheek and they play some more before they fall into a heap of cuddling bodies. And that's when they fall asleep, curled up against one another and nothing else but 'I love you' echoing in the cardboard room. 


The day before he's supposed to meet with Junmyeon, Kyungsoo decides he'll go. He doesn't tell Kai though, for fear of the stray using aegyo to make him stay. He just wanted to clear some things up with Junmyeon. It'd be rude if he didn't go. And he didn't have to be gone the whole day. He'd probably be out for about an hour, two at the most. Kyungsoo knew where the flower garden was, it was the first place he went to when he arrived in his town. It wasn't far from his alley. 


The only problem was Kai. 


How would he go out without Kai? He always went out with Kai. But he was going to see Junmyeon and Kai doesn't like Junmyeon. How would Kyungsoo break it to the puppy? What if he broke his heart and he decided to run away? 


Kyungsoo was restless, constantly tossing and turning in his sleep. Have to meet up with Junmyeon. Can't forget Kai's breakfast. Would Kai be mad at him? Or worse, would he be sad? Can dogs cry? Please say no, please say no... 


The sun rose and Kyungsoo felt like crap. He didn't want to get up; he wanted to stay in bed with Kai. He also felt a bit sick, a runny nose indicating it might be a cold. Sighing, Kyungsoo knew what he had to do. He washed himself up and changed into a pair of clothes presentable for being out in public. 


Around noon, Kyungsoo began stalling. He still hadn't told Kai yet, and he was afraid of what would happen if he did so now. It would break his heart of Kai hated him. Didn't they say a dog was a man's best friend? Kai was more than a best friend. It wasn't really Kyungsoo who found him, it was he who found Kyungsoo.


Torn between two things, Kyungsoo gathered up some courage. He needed to be strong in order to become independent. He couldn't rely on others anymore. He had to do things himself; there is no one else who will help him. 


"Kai," Kyungsoo called, making sure to sound extra gentle. "Come here, baby." The animal nuzzled his thigh, crawling into his lap. "I, um, I have decided to meet Junmyeon today..." Kai raised his head, alarmed. "Don't freak out, okay? It's just going to be for awhile, I swear. I'm going to clear some things up with hi--" 


Kai barked once, twice, thrice. He wouldn't stop, like he was trying to tell him something. But Kyungsoo couldn't understand, never did. "I'm sorry!" he squeaked, getting up to leave. No, Kai seemed to bark. He blocked the doorway, growling for the first time at Kyungsoo. "Kai," Kyungsoo's voice was firm, authoritive. "Stop barking, please. I have to go now, or else I'll be late. Please, let me through." 


The dog kept his position, barking growing louder and louder in volume. "Please, Kai!" His yelp broke off. And then he moved out of the way. Kyungsoo's torso and limbs felt heavy, his chest aching. "I'm really sorry, baby. I'll be back real soon." He was a terrible owner, the worst friend ever. As Kyungsoo's boots crunched against frozen leaves, he heard a whimper, muffled by presumably blankets. 


His heart literally broke at the pitiful sound, and Kyungsoo knew he was culpable of Kai's sadness. The whimpering continued, never dying out, and Kyungsoo could still hear it. 


Even as he crossed several streets and turned many corners, the sound haunted his ears. He wanted so badly to just whip around, forget about Junmyeon, and return home to beg Kai for forgiveness. But he was already here, and there was no going back. 


The flower garden brightly contrasted the winter environment, adding a splash of life and color into this white, lifeless snow globe. Kyungsoo shivered, eyes searching for a clock anymore. It must have been near one, for he sees a familiar figure step into his vision. 




The figure turns in his direction, and abruptly starts towards him, grinning and arms wide open. Before he knows it, he's enveloped in a bone-crushing hug.


"Kyungsoo! I've missed you!"


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AMJ127 #1
Chapter 18: aNd wE weRe jUst geTTinG tO tHe gOoD pArT
But oml I am in love with this story ;^;
Manavi4412 #2
Chapter 18: You should really update this story cause I'll be desperately waiting for it.....?
It has been amazing so far, the pace feels just right and the plot is pretty different from what I've read till now.
Chapter 18: I really enjoyed this story and I'm really curious with what will happen after this :'))
I respect your decision but question is....why did you give up on them so easily? When the scandal of Kai and Krystal dating came out, I wanted to do the exact same thing you did, but I didn't want to give up. And soon, Krystal and Kai broke up, and I can tell he and Kyungsoo are together, that's obvious. And it also turns that Baekhyun is gay, like for real, it's obvious. Don't give up.
00OrangeCookies00 #5
Hi Author-nim! I just want to say that I enjoyed reading this story. I usually refrain to comment on fics but this story is just so interesting and it's a shame that it's discontinued. I won't really ask for you to continue this story and i respect your decision because i also felt kind of... discouraged when I saw Kai dating Krystal and seeing exo slowly falling apart.
Getting back to my point, I suggest to let someone adopt this story of yours (preferably someone you trust and knows how to write the story that is not his/hers and that he/she understand the path you want your story to go).
I can see that there are many people waiting and subscribing in your story, especially new exo fans. I think you should consider my request if you don't want to continue seeing that this was way back on 2014 and the plot line is already faint on your head.

This is only a request by the way. I really enjoyed reading your story and i hope to read more of your works.
Chapter 18: Ahhhh!!!! I love this story!!! Authornim~~~ when are u going to update??~~~ I'm super curious you know...I wonder if kai really has change back to his human form after kyunsoo confess his feelings.. I need u authornim to satisfy my curiosity *puppy eyes*
enonmia #7
Chapter 18: damn i remembered this story from a while ago and decided to read it again IT S LIT
hadzluvsDO #8
Chapter 18: This is amazing. I love the storyline and literally everything! Hopefully you would update soon? Thank you author-nim
Em1412 #9
Chapter 18: Awwwwwwwww~ SO FREAKING CUTE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!! PLEASE UPDATE!!! :)