Chapter 12

He's mine! [Discontinued until further notice]

"I want a job." 


Baekhyun nearly spits out his drink. "You what?!" Chanyeol reaches over to turn off the television and the couple give their housemate their full, undivided attention. Kyungsoo quickly averts his gaze, squeezing his knees together. Come on, Kyungsoo! Just tell them! He coils his fists and fixes his eyes back on them with his eyebrows knitted in determination. "I would like to get a job." 




"Why?" Baekhyun squawks when no one reacts. Kyungsoo winces, and he hesitates to elaborate. Perhaps he should have waited until after dinner? Baekhyun is nicer on a full stomach. Chanyeol nudges his boyfriend's knee with his.The older male clears his throat and tries again, offering a smile to hopefully erase his crude outburst. "I mean, why so soon? You've only been here for a few weeks, Kyungsoo!" 


"I've lived here for two months..." 


Baekhyun's smile tightens. Chanyeol snorts behind his palm, earning a pinch on his thigh. "Chanyeol and I are perfectly capable of supporting all three of us. You don't need to worry about paying for living here. We insist," he gushes, and then mumbles under his breath, saying, "Kai isn't much of a problem either. He doesn't eat his dog food anyways. Just picks off of his owner. No wonder my baby is still so skinny! Stupid Jongin just gobbles up all his food!" 


"I know, but..." Kyungsoo juts his bottom lip outwards. "I just... I want to be able to support myself, Baekhyun. I don't want to rely on you two forever. I'm an adult now." 


Baekhyun opens his mouth to speak, but his partner immediately cuts him off. "Of course, Kyungsoo! You didn't really have to ask us. You can do whatever you want. We're not here to tell you what to do with your life." Kyungsoo bites his lip, still looking at Baekhyun for permission. "Really? You don't mind?"


"Yeah! Like you said, you're an adult now. You can make your own decisions." 


Chanyeol's boyfriend glares at him, horrified. You insensitive, stupid giant! What do you think you're doing?! Trying to drive my baby away from me? He's your son, too! You want to run him out of this house don't you?


 He leans forward to clasp Kyungsoo's hands in his. "Are you sure about this, Kyungsoo? Having a job comes with a lot of responsibilities. Plus, what about Kai? You didn't forget him, did you? Won't he be lonely once you start working?" The human had not considered his dog's feelings, and his expression falls when he realizes that Baekhyun is right. How will his poor Kai cope without him? 


"I-I haven't thought about that..."


"I'm sure Kai can breathe without you for a few hours. Why don't you try working part-time? Baek, you have part-time job, don't yo--wait, ow! What was that for?"" Baekhyun smiles at him sweatly, as if he had not just kicked his shin under the coffee table--hard. "What are you doing? Don't ecourage him!" he hisses under his breath with the fake smile still plastered on to distract the human. Chanyeol just stares at him incredulously. "I'm helping us," he mutters back.


"Helping us?! Are you crazy?! Do you want to die?!" Chanyeol nods slowly, somewhat uncertain of himself. If Kyungsoo begins working, that means less time with Jongin. Less time with Jongin means the curse won't be broken. The curse remaining untouched means they are safe from him and the King. So for what reason is Baekhyun disagreeing with him?


"Look, Baek, sure, we don't need the extra income, but why not let Kyungsoo experience life a little? He hasn't been able to do that the past few years, you know. Think about it. And," he adds, "he'll be apart from Jongin. Isn't that a good thing?" Baekhyun doesn't respond, focused on Kyungsoo watching them argue amongst themselves. The human is biting his lip again, as if doubting himself. 


"But, my baby..." Who cares about Jongin? He's a dog! Why are we so worked up about this? Kyungsoo won't fall in love with a dog, duh! I'm not going to let my baby work himself too hard. He should be at home, relaxing! Poor boy couldn't do that before either. 


Chanyeol blinks. He then bursts out laughing which startles both Baekhyun and Kyungsoo. "Is there something funny?" Baekhyun frowns, crossing his arms.


"Is that why you're so against him getting a job?" Chanyeol says between catching his breath. "Baek, Kyungsoo's not much younger than you. He's a grown man now. I think he can manage without you fussing like his mom. Right, Kyungsoo?" 


Said male nods, abashed. "I want to do this, Baekhyun. Please? It would make me feel less guilty about staying here." Both Kyungsoo and his boyfriend widen their eyes as they flash the party pooper hopeful smiles, unintentionally showering him with rainbows of aegyo. Baekhyun throws his hands up in the air as he stands up to leave the room.


"Fine! Do whatever you want. Just don't look at me with those eyes anymore, Kyungsoo. You're killing me! I really won't stop myself from adopting you, you hear?" He escapes to his bedroom, where he'll roll himself in his sheets and cry about his baby "breaking his back just to live with his own mother". 


Chanyeol winks at the human and gives him a thumbs-up.


Kyungsoo returns the latter gesture, then hops towards the front door to retrieve the daily newspaper. Now let's see... Where do I start?




The gaunt human whistles for his dog to follow him down the street, a rolled up newspaper in one hand and his resumé in the other (credits to Baekhyun). "Come on, Kai! The day's just starting and we have a lot of walking to do!" Collar tinking with every step, the dog trots close to his ankles. "There's an ad for a secretary at a small studio. What do you think? I'm fine with running errands for a few hours." Kai yips, and his owner takes that as a 'yes'. 


The studio reeks of fresh paint and artificial plants. It is empty, save for a few people in the back and construction workers lining up along the walls. A woman looks up, finally noticing that Kyungsoo had entered. "How can I help you, sir?" 


"Um..." Kyungsoo shuffles his weight onto his other foot, crinkling the papers in his hands. "I saw your 'Help Wanted' advertisement in the newspaper, and I would like to apply for the job of your secretary." 


The woman instantaneously brightens and leads him down a hallway. "Come in and have a seat! You're the first one today." She settles in a chair behind a large desk, apologizing about how unorganized the studio was at the moment. The studio will officially open in two weeks, and they were desperately looking for employees. Kyungsoo hands her his resumé as he sits down, and Kai jumps onto his lap. The woman comments on how cute the dog is while idly scanning the document. 


"Oh... It says here that you don't have a high school degree." 


"Ah, y-yes." 


The frown on her face doesn't particularly scream a positive sign, and she sighs while shaking her head. "I'm sorry, Kyungsoo-ssi. Being a secretary doesn't require a high GPA, but we do require a high school degree. Since you don't have one, I'm afraid I can't accept your offer. I'm sorry." 


Kyungsoo trudges home after that. The woman claimed his resumé is excellent (save for his nonexistent high school degree) and she recommended a few other places he could apply, but Kyungsoo's embarrassment hampers him from looking for other options in the newspaper. He just wants to lie in his bed, curled up with Kai in the sheets, while he shrivels into a ball of nothing. He keeps his head hanging low during the walk home and heads straight for his room. 


"Kyungsoo? Please open the door," Baekhyun says for the fifth time. "Let's talk about it, okay? What happened? Did you not find a job? At least come out and eat something!" Kyungsoo tangles himself further into the sheets, and Kai buries his nose in his neck, whining slightly. "Go away," he grunts, hoping his friend will take the hint and leave him alone for the evening. 




"I prefer not to talk about it," he shouts, muffled by the sheets. 


"Well, I prefer not to break down your door." 


Kyungsoo hears Chanyeol's deep voice protest on the other side and he shoots up from his bed, charging towards the door. It swings open to reveal Chanyeol holding Baekhyun's hands behind his back, while the shorter male twists his torso in order to try to bite him. "You can't break down the door! We don't have the insurance to fix it!"


"What if my baby tries to commit suicide? I'm breaking it down, and you can't stop me, you ugly giant!" 


"Baekhyun, Chanyeol! I opened the door!" Kyungsoo cries, interrupting their argument. Kai's tail wags intently as he barks at the couple. Chanyeol finally releases Baekhyun, and they both straighten themselves, avoiding eye contact. Kyungsoo blinks, and when he opens his eyes again, he's suddenly back in his room. 


Baekhyun shuts the door behind him and turns to face the human with a stern expression. Kyungsoo glances at the door. "Shouldn't you two make up..."


"Tell me what happened, Kyungsoo. And don't beat around the bush! Why are you upset?" 


The human reluctantly plops himself on his desk chair. Baekhyun isn't lying when he says they can't leave unless Kyungsoo spits it out. He leans over to place his elbows on his knees while he holds his face in his hands. "I'm stupid," he weakly admits. Baekhyun kneels in front of him, gently removing the skinny hands. 


"What are you talking about? Is that what they said?" 


"There is no 'they', Baekhyun! I only went to one interview, and the lady didn't want me because I didn't graduate high school," he sniffles, lower lip quivering. "I don't want to look for jobs anymore. I'm stupid and no one will ever want me to work for them and I'll never get a job!" 


"Aw, Kyungsoo, don't say that!" Baekhyun pulls him into a comforting hug, rubbing circles in the poor human's back. "You're being way too hard on yourself! You are not stupid. Different jobs require different qualifications. You are forgetting that there are more than one job categories." Kyungsoo shakes his head, refusing to try again. There's just no chance he will find a job with a steady income, not with his homeless years on record. 


"Hey, I don't want you doing that. There will be no negative thoughts in this house! Try again tomorrow, okay? You will find a job, I promise, Kyungsoo. You just have to look in the right place and search for the right job fit for you." He s around the desk for the newspaper Kyungsoo carelessly threw. "I'm not saying you aren't smart, but since we know you don't have a high school degree, let's look for jobs that don't ask for one."


Baekhyun spends another half hour convincing Kyungsoo to take a look at the lists of job offerings, and the human is filling out a few applications by the time dinner rolls by. He's a little worried about how tomorrow will go for his baby.... But if Kyungsoo wants a job, then he will support him!


The clock reads seven, and Baekhyun realizes that this is the longest he and Chanyeol have ever ignored each other. 


"Talk to him," Kyungsoo says when Baekhyun hasn't taken his gaze off the door in over five minutes. They have been cooped up in Kyungsoo's room for about an hour, and the older male keeps glancing at the opening as if someone might burst through it. "If you want to see him, you can go ahead. I'll finish these up by myself." 


"No, I'm mad at him," Baekhyun informs, crossing his arms over his chest. He crosses his legs as well, feigning a nonchalant ambience.


"For what, not letting you break down the door?"


"Yes." At Kyungsoo's alarmed eyes, he quickly adds, "It was an emergency! You wouldn't come out! What if it were something more serious than this? Insurance doesn't matter where your health is concerned." 


"But I did come out in the end, didn't I?" 


Baekhyun gives him a "shut-up-you-smart-mouth" look, and Kyungsoo returns it with a confident shrug of his shoulders. "Whatever," he scoffs. "I'm still mad at him." 


"Oh really?" Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow, narrowing his eyes with a challenge.


"Yes, I am," Baekhyun assures. Kai barks beside him, and his eyes tell him that the dog doesn't believe him either. Oh, what do you know, Jongin? Chanyeol and I have argued many times before! 


"I've never seen you two... well, not together." 


"We work different jobs." 


"That are across the street from each other," Kyungsoo points out. Indeed, the child boutique, along with other clothing stores, are opposite from the boring row of the post office and town library. Kyungsoo once sat at the window of the library reading a novel when he caught Chanyeol and Baekhyun waving across the street. They began shouting a conversation, and he ducked his head as he exited, too embarrassed to acknowledge they knew other. 


"It doesn't matter!" the other sharply replies. "We can go a few hours without seeing each other. It's like you and Kai! No different!" Kai perks his ears and his head. He barks again, and Baekhyun swears the dog better not have said anything along the lines of "but I can't breathe without my owner next to me". You're lucky you even share a room with him!


"Yeah, yeah. Then stop looking at the door so often, will you?"


"I'm not!" 


Kyungsoo grins at him. "Of course you aren't." Oh, this kid is getting my nerves. Is this how mothers feel when their sons talk back to them? Is this the age where humans are rebellious? I need to get a parenting guide at the library. Maybe Channie will buy me one... Wait! I am mad at Chanyeol! I will buy it myself!


"What are you thinking about? Chanyeol?" 




"If you want to see him so badly, I'm pretty sure he's in the living room. I can hear his game console whirring." 


"I don't want to see him." 


"Don't lie to yourself, Baekhyun~."


"Just finish your applications, Kyungsoo!" Baekhyun snaps. He runs a hand through his hair, mumbling to himself how he'll never have children if he can help it. 


Kyungsoo declares that he's finished already, flapping the paperwork in the air. "Now, I'm hungry. Let's get out of this room so you can make up with your boyfriend and I can make myself dinner." He grasps Baekhyun's wrist with one arm and hoists Kai in the other, ignoring Baekhyun's attempts to yank himself free. Once done dragging him to the living room, Kyungsoo dumps the squirming male on the couch, bolting to the kitchen before he could catch him.


How should I punish this human, hm? I bet he wouldn't mind a new hairstyle. Don't be surprised when you're bald tomorrow, Kyungsoo...


Chanyeol continues to play his video game, never minding his surroundings. Or maybe he's angry that Baekhyun hasn't spoken to him in over an hour. Maybe he doesn't want Baekhyun to talk to him, and his way of telling the other to leave him alone is by playing video games and ignoring him. The troubled male lies on the couch, still as he conceives what he should say to gain his boyfriend's attention.


Baekhyun sighs, and rolls off the piece of furniture. He crawls on all fours towards the lanky adult and squeezes himself under his twig arms to settle in his lap. "Hey," is all he says, leaning his head in the crook of his partner's shoulder. Chanyeol visibly relaxes, and just like that, they were back to normal.


Baekhyun likes how small Chanyeol makes him feel, how different their proportions are, because he fancied this "safe" feeling, like Chanyeol's larger build could protect him from everything. He snuggles further into the warm shirt, breathing in the scent of Chanyeol's presence. 


"Hey," Chanyeol replies, and although it appears he's too engrossed in his video game, he spares a split second to glance at him. "Did you manage to get Kyungsoo to talk?" 




"What happened? Did he get a job?" 


"No, not yet. He's looking again tomorrow."




"Uh huh." 


During a break, Chanyeol tucks his chin to nuzzle his nose against his boyfriend's shoulder. The latter giggles and rewards him with a peck on the cheek. "I'm sorry for being such a stubborn brat and getting mad at you over nothing," Baekhyun sheepishly admits. "Do you forgive me?" 


"Well, I know one way you can make it up to me." Chanyeol hands him the other game controller. Baekhyun takes it and mentally prepares himself for a few rounds of losing. Playing with Chanyeol makes it impossible to even come close to winning. "That, and this." Chanyeol leans forward to capture his lips in a sweet kiss. 


Baekhyun's heart speeds up, and his cheeks are flushed when they pull apart. "You shouldn't do that with Kyungsoo around. He's ju--"


"Shut up, Baek. I know you love my kisses." 




Day two of job hunting doesn't end well either. 


Kyungsoo just wants to go home and cry himself a river of tears after being laughed in the face by construction workered, snickered behind his back by the delivery boys, and fired only an hour in his new librarian job.


"Do I look weak to you?" he asks Kai, recalling the construction workers' comments. "Your build is too small. Can you even lift this box?" "We need men, not boys." "You're scrawny, kid. We need people with muscles." 


He raises his arm and flexes. Nothing happens. Kai barks, and Kyungsoo narrows his eyes at him. "Don't laugh at me! I'm being serious here!" 


He can't forget what the delivery boys said either. "These baskets of newspapers weight over a hundred-fifty. Those cartons of milk? One hundred and eighty. You look like you can't even carry that dog." "Have you ever ridden a bike with a hundred pounds on your back?" "Can you even ride fast? Work starts at five a.m. and ends at nine a.m. Can we trust you to have these delivered in four hours?"


Kyungsoo isn't weak. Sure, he can lift weights like a bodybuilder, but he has some muscle! The bus stops and jolts him from his seat. Kyungsoo squeaks, clinging onto the pole in front of him. Kai barks again, as if justifying his earlier statement. "What? There aren't any seatbelts! How do you expect me to stay in my seat?" 


He sighs, watching the library grow smaller and smaller in the distance. The head librarian accepted him so kindly, and Kai stayed quiet throughout the entire time. He was having a blast re-organizing books and dusting the place. So why did she fire him? On the same day, not even an hour later?" 


Oh yeah, that's right. "I'm sorry, I'm looking for someone with a strong build to carry these books up and down the stairs. I wouldn't want you overexerting yourself. I'm afraid this job might be too exertive for you." 


What is that supposed to mean? He had no trouble carrying books up and down the stairs! Sure, he broke out in a sweat, but who doesn't sweat during a little exercise? 


Kyungsoo curses his physic. 


"How will I find a job now? I'm stupid and 'fragile'. Ugh, Kai, maybe I should just stay home with you, you think?" The dog's tail whips side to side frantically in excitement, and Kai his cheek. "Yeah? You would like that, wouldn't you?" 


Kyungsoo and Kai return home to find two guests sitting in the living room. "Tao! Kris!" Kyungsoo helps Baekhyun set the table with tea cups and assorted snacks. "We decided to pop by and see how things are," Kris explains, thanking Kyungsoo softly for pouring him coffee. "And we heard you were looking for a job. How's that going?" he asks after taking a sip.


"Oh yeah! How was it? Did you find a job?" Baekhyun looks at Kyungsoo with such expectancy that the latter cringes.


"Well... not exactly. Actually, I was a librarian for an hour!" 


"Why not? All the jobs we applied for didn't require a high school degree." 


"They all said my build is too small." The room hushes. The other four send each other looks, clearly avoiding any eye contact with Kyungsoo. "Yeah, yeah, no need to try to let me down easy. I know already." 


"You do need some meat on those bones..." Tao advises, offering him a comforting smile. "What kind of jobs did you apply for?" 


"Construction worker, delivery boy, and you know, those easy jobs that don't really ask for much except attendance." 


Chanyeol chuckles, attracting everyone's attention. "No offense," he says, "but I don't think those kinds of jobs are really for you, Kyungsoo. They seem kind of... bland. You should find a job that you'll actually like doing. Do you have any skills or hobbies?" 


Kyungsoo's mind blanks. He wasn't sure he had any talents. Well, at least not anything he remembered. "I-I don't know. I don't think so," he replies quietly, looking down at his folded hands. Tao kicks Chanyeol's foot for eliciting such a pitiful expression from the human while Kai snaps at his arm. Kris curls two fingers under the collar and drags him a few inches away. The dog stops moving altogether, his focus now on the shopkeeper's assistant. Tao and Chanyeol stare at the indifferent male in bewilderment. 


"Hey, Kyungsoo, why don't you try cooking? Remember that soup you made for me and Chanyeol when we were sick? And I saw some of those snacks you made for yourself. I know you can whip up a mean batch of fried rice," Baekhyun teases and sends said male a wink. Kyungsoo shakes his head, his ears blooming pink. 


"I don't know if I would call that a talent, Baekhyun..."


"Sure you would! You won't know if you don't give it a try." Baekhyun tugs his wrist and leads him to the kitchen. "Don't leave yet, you guys! Tonight's dinner will be made by Kyungsoo!" 


Kai follows after them after sending another glance towards Kris, tail swaying back and forth, and Chanyeol shivers, finally fully relaxing against the couch. 


"That dog scares me." 


"I can't imagine why not. He glares you with that--"


"Murderous look! Right? I tried telling Baek, but he wouldn't believe me." Tao curls his lips into a sympathetic smile and pats his shoulder.


"He's just jealous," Kris informs the clueless duo, grinning at their silliness. "You're competition to him." 


Chanyeol frowns. "Competition? For what?" 


After a few seconds, Tao bursts out into giggles, covering his mouth and hunching over. "No way! But Chanyeol's dating Baekhyun!" he cries, face red with laughter. It finally clicks in the other's head, and he nods furiously. "Yeah! I'm dating Baek! I would never cheat on him!"


"Of course I know that, but he doesn't." Kris rolls his eyes. "Jongin sees you as a possible partner for Kyungsoo and this is his way of, well, 'claiming his territory'. You're going to have to stick with that until he's sure you're no longer a threat."


"He's a dog," Chanyeol whimpers.


"And not to mention Chanyeol's practically a married man," Tao deadpans. 


"This is Jongin we're talking about, you guys. You know? The Jokester who doesn't use his brains?" 


They both slap their foreheads, a groan escaping at the same time. Right. This is Jongin we're talking about.


Baekhyun's kitchen doesn't burn down, and the apartment finds a new cook, for Kyungsoo's cooking turns out to be better than Baekhyun's. He watches them dig in, pressing a pair of chopsticks against his bottom lip. His heart swells when they beg for seconds, and Kyungsoo thinks he can finally find a job.




Day three is a success.


"Looks great! You got the job!" the man says as he hands Kyungsoo's his papers back. "We can let the high school education thing slide. Although the head chef prefers not to, we need you more than education. My name's Doojoon. I'm the assistant manager. Welcome to 'Cube's Corner'!" 


Kyungsoo nearly drops the stack of papers in his hands. His jaw does though, and he's having trouble remembering to close his mouth even as Doojoon rattles off about getting his name tag. I did it! I got a job! Baekhyun and Chanyeol will be so proud of me! And Kai! I can buy him anything he wants! He shoots his brightest smile at the dog, earning a bark in return. Mom would be so proud of me, too....


Kai follows his owner and the assistant manager down the hall to the break room where a uniform is handed to Kyungsoo. "When will I meet the head chef?" the brown-haired male inquires.


Doojoon bites his lip and nervously chuckles. "The chef is really serious about his cooking, and so he will absolutely not allow amateurs in his kitchen. You won't get to see him right away... don't worry though. Just work your way up with a smile and preserverance and you'll be standing beside him in no time!


"You'll start off as a waiter, but since you applied for the chef's helper, Tuesdays and Thursdays you will have a cooking session with the chef's current helper. You know, to see if you're capable of taking a step in his domain." 


He then snaps his fingers and points at Kai. "Aaaaaaaannnndddd... no dogs. Chef hates them." 


Kyungsoo keeps that in mind as he walks home. No Kai? At this moment, Kyungsoo's afraid that it is he who most likely can't be away from the dog. Sure, Kai'll feel lonely, but how can Kyungsoo function properly without his second half next to him? Kai his ankle like he knows he's overthinking the job offer. He treads on, dispirited. 


"Did you get it? Did you get it? Did you get it?" Baekhyun asks over the phone, and Kyungsoo can practically hear him bouncing on his toes. "Did you? Did you? Did you?" 


The latter sighs into the receiver, a small smile creeping. "Yes, I got the job." He pulls the phone away from his ear as Baekhyun's screams resound throughout the small phone booth. Kyungsoo countlessly thanks him after being congratulated, and he manages to squeeze in the little problem that no dogs were allowed. 


Baekhyun doesn't reply, and Kyungsoo can hear him murmuring to someone, presumably Chanyeol. "Alright, we found you babysitters!" he announces, clapping. Kyungsoo eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets. "W-what?! Really? Who?" 


"Guess! Oh, nevermind, I'll just tell you. They're... None other than Tao and Kris!"


"Really?! They're fine with it?! I'm not troubling them, am I?" 


"Well, we haven't technically asked them yet, but I'm sure they'll agree. They have to!" 


Baekhyun urges Kyungsoo to come back home as soon as possible so they can celebrate together, congratulating him one last time before the line dies. He flashes Chanyeol a grin and hands him the phone. Chanyeol eyes widen, and Baekhyun snickers because his boyfriend closely resembled their roommate. "You want me to tell them?" 


"Who else? I'm going to bake something for Kyungsoo. Don't take too long!" Baekhyun plants a sloppy kiss on his cheek and struts off towards the kitchen, leaving the frozen male to himself. 


Chanyeol gulps, fingers trembling as they clutch the cellular device. "H-hello?" he stutters when Tao picks up. His friend asks "What's up" and he swallows the large lump in his throat. Might as well come out and say it. I'm going to die anyways.






"Tao? Are you there?" 




"Come on! We already told him. Do you know how heartbroken he'll be?"


"Why can't you or Baekhyun do it?!" Tao hisses. Kris' deep voice follows moments later, but Tao stays on the phone. Chanyeol explains that they have work, and after Tao retaliates that he also has work, he decides to use a trick card up his sleeve. 


"Chanyeol. This isn't really a good idea. We can't have him so close to the portal. I have absolutely no idea what he can do! What if he manages to go back to our world?" 


"Think of it as some time to catch up with an old friend. Hey, Jongin will be away from Kyungsoo, and you can use him to study your potions! That's hitting two birds with one stone." 








"Do it for Kyungsoo."


"Ugh, fine. I hate you guys."


"You sound exactly like Baekkie." 


"Ew, please don't call him that around me. I've had enough of your PDA." 


Chanyeol rolls his eyes and retorts, "Please, as if you and Kris don't have nicknames for each other." Tao hastily replies, "We don't!" The former smirks as his voice rises a pitch higher. "We call each other by our real names." 


"How sweet." 


"I'm hanging up. Just drop off the Jokester at the store and we'll deal with him."




Hey guys! Sorry to keep you guys waiting. T^T 

This update was supposed to be longer, but I felt bad for leaving you guys hanging for so long. 

Anyways, comment and subscribe! I love hearing from my readers!<3

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AMJ127 #1
Chapter 18: aNd wE weRe jUst geTTinG tO tHe gOoD pArT
But oml I am in love with this story ;^;
Manavi4412 #2
Chapter 18: You should really update this story cause I'll be desperately waiting for it.....?
It has been amazing so far, the pace feels just right and the plot is pretty different from what I've read till now.
Chapter 18: I really enjoyed this story and I'm really curious with what will happen after this :'))
I respect your decision but question is....why did you give up on them so easily? When the scandal of Kai and Krystal dating came out, I wanted to do the exact same thing you did, but I didn't want to give up. And soon, Krystal and Kai broke up, and I can tell he and Kyungsoo are together, that's obvious. And it also turns that Baekhyun is gay, like for real, it's obvious. Don't give up.
00OrangeCookies00 #5
Hi Author-nim! I just want to say that I enjoyed reading this story. I usually refrain to comment on fics but this story is just so interesting and it's a shame that it's discontinued. I won't really ask for you to continue this story and i respect your decision because i also felt kind of... discouraged when I saw Kai dating Krystal and seeing exo slowly falling apart.
Getting back to my point, I suggest to let someone adopt this story of yours (preferably someone you trust and knows how to write the story that is not his/hers and that he/she understand the path you want your story to go).
I can see that there are many people waiting and subscribing in your story, especially new exo fans. I think you should consider my request if you don't want to continue seeing that this was way back on 2014 and the plot line is already faint on your head.

This is only a request by the way. I really enjoyed reading your story and i hope to read more of your works.
Chapter 18: Ahhhh!!!! I love this story!!! Authornim~~~ when are u going to update??~~~ I'm super curious you know...I wonder if kai really has change back to his human form after kyunsoo confess his feelings.. I need u authornim to satisfy my curiosity *puppy eyes*
enonmia #7
Chapter 18: damn i remembered this story from a while ago and decided to read it again IT S LIT
hadzluvsDO #8
Chapter 18: This is amazing. I love the storyline and literally everything! Hopefully you would update soon? Thank you author-nim
Em1412 #9
Chapter 18: Awwwwwwwww~ SO FREAKING CUTE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!! PLEASE UPDATE!!! :)