Date me, Hyung!

Missing you


Seungri was waiting impatiently for Daesung’s answer. What if he wasn’t capable of making Dae go out with him? What was he going to do? Seung hyun’s gonna kill you if you don’t get it right. The thought of it made him nervous and shaky. 

He waited for a half an hour before he decided to make a call. It rang for a long time before he heard Daesung’s voice on the other side.

“I’m not going out…” Dae sound a little bit y, Ri didn’t like it but couldn’t do anything else bet to complain about it

“Come on hyung!! You’ve been a loner and depressed ever since Seung hyun left for the filming.”

“Leave me alone you little prick, I don’t wanna go out with you…”

“…But Daeee hyung!!! I’m really worried about you!!” He tried to sound a little bit sad and hurt, but ended sounding like a desperate idiot.

“You’re the one who made him leave to begin with, if you didn’t want him to go then you should have told him to stay…”

Dae was starting to get a little bit annoyed by the maknae and sighed out really loud. “ACK!! SHUT UP WILL YOU?”

Ri jumped a little bit about his hyung’s reaction even though he was expecting it. God I’m glad I’m not talking face to face with him right now. He sighed relieved.

“…Ehhm… sorry but I really I don’t need to hear that from you.” He could hear the apologizing tone in Dae’s voice. He didn’t really care about Dae getting mad at him as long as he could make him go out with. Or make him think that they were going out together. He kind of felt a little bit evil as he was lying to Deasung.

“My point is that this. If you don’t want him to feel guilty about leaving you for some drama-movie-series-something-shooting then you should try to have a good time while he’s gone.”

He waited a little bit to just make sure that Dae was listening to him. “So since you made him leave then you should show him that he don’t have to worry way too much about you so he can concentrate on his work so he can return to you as soon as he’s done.”

Is he listening, or did he just leave his phone somewhere because he was sick of listening to my talk…? He was about to hang up on him when he finally heard Dae sigh. ”You matured a lot since the first time a met you PandaRi.” Ri laughed when he heard his hyung using his nickname he had given himself.

He also laughed at the thought of his hyung thinking so highly about him. “So you accept my invitation?” He was expecting to wait at least half an hour  or so for an answer from his hyung. That’s at least what he told himself.

Seconds past and finally Dae sighed loudly in the phone and talked:

“Well of course, why not,” Dae said while faking a smile even though he knew that Ri wasn’t able to see it. “Where do you want me to meet you?”

Holy crap… he was all into making him go out that he didn't think of a place to meet up. “Ehhm you know that restaurant where we used to hang out a lot when we were debuting?”

“You mean that ehhm…what’s called again… ehhm… Queen’s place?”

“Yeah! That one! Meet me there in about two hours, okay? There’s something I have to get done before I can get there so I wont be picking you up.”

He heard Dae laugh a little bit low. “I’m not a complete retard you know, it’s just around the corner you Pabo…” He chuckled a little bit more. “So I’ll see you there at exactly 3 pm then?”

“Yeah, see you there at 3pm. But I’m in a bit of a hurry so I have to hang up now” he lied to his huyng. “Well of course just go on. See you then…bye~”


Seungri hurried up and texted Seung Hyun the time and place of their date so he could prepare everything for their date. ‘You owe me for this one by the way’

Now I can finally enjoy my PandaRi-day without people disturbing me. Better turn of my phone



I guess he’s got a good point about me stop making my Seung Hyun worry to much. Daesung got up from his bed, went to the bathroom and looked at his own reflection in the mirror for a moment.

His own reflection made him a little bit sad. No wonder everyone has been worried. I’m a mess!! He stared at his own sad and tired eyes disappointed of himself for allowing himself to become that depressed and empty shell of a person in only four, almost five weeks. Why can’t a be a little bit stronger? Why did I have to become this weak person?

He looked away from his reflection, brushed his teeth and got back to his and Seung Hyun’s room. He took a look at the watch on his desk. It was already 1.30pm. Well I might just put on some clothes.

There was still half an hour till he had to meet up with Ri at the Queen’s place so he decided to clean up his room before he out on his shoes and went for his date with Seungri.

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Sorry for making you guys wait, we're almost done with the next chapter c:


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Chapter 6: wow..............thats the most amazing and hot one
Chapter 6: OMG this is really sweet <3 Thank you so much for writting it, I love it!
Chapter 1: Aww Seungri is so cute x3 I´m loving this fanfic *_*
Chapter 5: omo *-* please update soon <3
ILuvBigBang #5
Chapter 4: AHHHHHH omg i was crying of joy with daedae... THIS IS SOOO CUTE I LOVE U FOR WRITING THIS!! XD update soon!
Chapter 4: Awh! Yes! They're finally together again<3
I'm so curious as to what Seunghyun's going to do for Dae now that he's back c;
Chapter 2: Oooh~ i like this chapter! Seunghyuns idea is pretty good too
rhea4765 #8
Chapter 1: I want more! more!
aww, poor dae, having nightmare and all, cheer him up, pandaRi!
Chapter 1: It's good but still I want more XD.....