Missing you

Missing you


”It’s about time for the fighting scene” Seung Hyun snapped out of his thoughts about Dae as the director gave him a smile.

*I hope he's doing well* Seung Hyun couldn’t help himself for worrying to death about his boyfriend. He knew that Dae always had trouble sleeping, socializing and depression every time they had to be from each other.

*How did I get myself into this drama series again?* He shook his head and thought of Dae again. He could feel his heart grew bigger and heavier as he was thinking of Dae’s face, his cute brown eyes and that gorgeous smile. “You coming?” Seung Hyun looked up at the director’s face, gave him a little smile as he got up and got back to the set.



Seung Hyun picked up his phone from his makeup table in his wardrobe when they were done filming. The first and only thing he wanted to do was to call Dae, to listen to his voice and make sure that he was okay but he didn’t.

He pressed on Seungri’s name and made him a call.

“Hey Seung hyun hyung! How’re you doing? Done with the filming yet? Coming home soon?”

“Hey listen up you!!” He said it in little bit angrier tone than expected, but he didn’t care.

“I need to ask for a favour…”

“... eeeeh but I don...”



“I need you to take out Dae on a date for me”


“I need you to contact him and make him go out with you, the thing is that he’s not going out with you. I’ll be showing up instead of you. You get it?”

“Why don’t you just call him yourself? You can just ask him out.. it's so much more easier than me doing it you know…besides… he’s your boyfriend you know… so I don’t wa…”

“Shut up and just do it!! I want to surprise him. We haven’t seen each other in more then four weeks for crying out loud!! He thinks that it’s going to take an other two weeks before we see each other so I just want to surprise him.” Ri sighed loudly and defeated.

“Okay, I’ll do it…”

“You will? Oh thank you!! That’s why I like you the most, you’re a lifesaver.” Seung Hyun heard laughter on the other line. He knew that Ri was smiling for himself because of those words. “Oh hyung you’re such a charmer” he sighed again and hung up.

Seung Hyun stared surprisingly at his own phone. *That punk just hung up on me… I wasn’t even done…*

He put his phone back on his ear waiting for Ri to pick up the phone.

“Hey you, I wasn’t done!!”


“Of course not, I need you to tell me when and where you’re taking out my boyfriend..”

“Oh yeah that’s right..eheheh… I’ll send you a message with time and place when I get in touch with him” he chuckled awkwardly and felt a little bit stupid.

“Thanks again Ri, I knew I could count on you,” Seung Hyun said and hung up. He went out to the limo, sat down in the back seat with a glass of wine while thinking of his boyfriend.



Hey guys! My lovely friend Lareine helped me write this! I haven't been in the mood to write lately, but I promise I will update more often and write other stories too! 

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Sorry for making you guys wait, we're almost done with the next chapter c:


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Chapter 6: wow..............thats the most amazing and hot one
Chapter 6: OMG this is really sweet <3 Thank you so much for writting it, I love it!
Chapter 1: Aww Seungri is so cute x3 I´m loving this fanfic *_*
Chapter 5: omo *-* please update soon <3
ILuvBigBang #5
Chapter 4: AHHHHHH omg i was crying of joy with daedae... THIS IS SOOO CUTE I LOVE U FOR WRITING THIS!! XD update soon!
Chapter 4: Awh! Yes! They're finally together again<3
I'm so curious as to what Seunghyun's going to do for Dae now that he's back c;
Chapter 2: Oooh~ i like this chapter! Seunghyuns idea is pretty good too
rhea4765 #8
Chapter 1: I want more! more!
aww, poor dae, having nightmare and all, cheer him up, pandaRi!
Chapter 1: It's good but still I want more XD.....