Missing you

Missing you

It was on days like this Daesung missed his hyung more than usual. He really needed him to stay with him this time. Seung Hyun always found ways to cheer him up when he wasn’t feeling good about himself. Unfortunately this was one of those days.

Seung Hyun had been away for weeks now filming his new drama. Dae was happy for him, of course, but he missed him so very much. The other members were always busy too, so Dae was usually alone.


He must have fallen asleep because when he opened his eyes it was already dark outside. He didn’t want to get up, he had no reason to get up. So he decided to try get back to sleep. Just as he was about to fall asleep his phone made the loudest sound Dae had ever heard (at least it felt like his ears were going to start bleed). It took him a couple of minutes to get up and find his phone. Apparently he had fallen asleep on it. No wonder it was so loud. Struggling to keep his eyes open he managed to check his phone.


The light that lit up the screen made Dae’s eyes hurt even more. PandaRi. That was all he could see on the very bright screen. It took him a few seconds to understand who it was, cause he couldn’t remember having a PandaRi on his contact list. Then he remembered Seungri had borrowed his phone a while ago and he probably changed his name to this. That guy was really too obsessed with Pandas. Not fully awake yet, he just kind of stared at this name for a minute or two. When he finally came to his senses he started wondering why Seungri had sent him a text at this time. It was already past midnight. He shrugged his shoulders and opened the text.

“Dae Hyung, are you busy tomorrow? Want to go out for dinner? I worry about you… Don’t be lonely, go out with me!!” 

Did Seungri really just ask me out on a date?! He just stared blankly at the text and didn't realise he had said it out loud. Seungri knew well that Seung Hyun was Dae's boyfriend and he would never cheat on him. Did Ri really just worry? It was true though.. Dae was really lonely. He missed his boyfriend and more than anything he wanted to see him. Of course, Ri was his friend and he would love to spend more time with him, but not as a date. 

He was still very tired and struggled keeping his eyes open. Since his boyfriend left he hadn't slept very well. He never did when Seung Hyun wasn't close to him. He always had nightmares. He had tried sleeping pills, but he never got he never felt rested when he took those. He had tried going to a psychiatrist for help, but no one was able to find out why he was having terrible nightmares every night. 

The thought of laying beside his boyfriend again made him forget all about the text. He had been sitting in the same position for about 30 minutes before his phone made that loud noise again. Once again PandaRi appeared on the screen. Dae didn't bother changing the name back to Seungri, he liked the nickname. He opened the text and mouthed the words as he read them in his head: 

"Hyung, you didn't answer so I'm guessing you are asleep.. You have to meet me tomorrow. I have a surprise for you! Come meet me at the restaurant we celebrated Ji Hyung's birthday, around 5. Okay? Let me know! Sleep well, Hyung! Keep smiling!!~" 

Dae smiled when he read the last sentence. Ri was always so nice. He was like a smiling panda full of sunshine and happiness. He wondered what kind of surprise it was. Dae loved surprises so it would be hard for him to turn Ri down... 



That was chapter one! Sorry if it was very short and not very interesting, but I have a lot of school stuff going on so I don't have so much time to write.. but I will continue as soon as I have time!! Hope you like it and will continue reading~ 

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Sorry for making you guys wait, we're almost done with the next chapter c:


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Chapter 6: wow..............thats the most amazing and hot one
Chapter 6: OMG this is really sweet <3 Thank you so much for writting it, I love it!
Chapter 1: Aww Seungri is so cute x3 I´m loving this fanfic *_*
Chapter 5: omo *-* please update soon <3
ILuvBigBang #5
Chapter 4: AHHHHHH omg i was crying of joy with daedae... THIS IS SOOO CUTE I LOVE U FOR WRITING THIS!! XD update soon!
Chapter 4: Awh! Yes! They're finally together again<3
I'm so curious as to what Seunghyun's going to do for Dae now that he's back c;
Chapter 2: Oooh~ i like this chapter! Seunghyuns idea is pretty good too
rhea4765 #8
Chapter 1: I want more! more!
aww, poor dae, having nightmare and all, cheer him up, pandaRi!
Chapter 1: It's good but still I want more XD.....