Deja Vu

Buy A Date With Me

Mir's P.O.V.


As excited as I was about having an excuse to ask Aeyla to the party, I had know idea how I should ask her. It seems like we had just become friends at the hotel, so isn't it too soon to be asking her out? I guess if I ask her to go with me as a friend, but I don't want to be friends. I want to be more than that.

To show Aeyla that I like her I came up with a plan, and with the guys help it will surly show her how I am feeling.


Aeyla's P.O.V.


Since we had the day off, for reconstruction done in the hotels, I decided it would be a nice day to go to the park.

I wore a grey loose tank top, turquoise shorts, white sneakers, and a red headband with a bow and little white polka dots on it.

I was sitting on a bench, and something about the scenery felt familiar.

I looked left and right to see if I saw anyone I knew, but I found no one.

"The day is beautiful and I have no one to share it with." I said out loud.

"They day isn't the only beautiful thing." Someone said, sitting next to me.

Looking to the side, I saw Mir.

My eyes widened as I realized I had a dream exactly like this not that long ago.

For a while I just stared at him in disbelieve. It took a while for him to notice my staring, but when he did he gave me an amused look.

"Is there something on my face?" He asked putting his face closer to me. Those were the exact words he said in my dream.

Noticing the small amount of distance between us caused me to stutter, "N-n-n-no."

"Are you sure?" He leaned in a little closer, making my heart thump faster than normal. Was I having another dream?

There were only a few centimeters between us, and I was getting nervous.

What should I do? Now that it is reality and not a dream I feel even more nervous.

Should I push him away?

There was no more time left for me to think because Mir put his hand on my cheek, gently caressing it, getting rid of the space between us.

There was nothing I could do anymore. I decided to just give up and let whatever happens happen.

I closed my eyes and sighed.

This was it.

He was going to kiss me in real life this time, and I am not going to wake up because it's real and not a dream.

Just as I thought he was about to kiss me I realized his head was headed towards my ear, not my lips.

"I have something to ask you." He cooed in my ear, making me shiver from feeling his warm breath hit my face.

I was taken aback by what he said. Here  I am thinking he is going to kiss me and it turns out he just wanted to ask me something.

"U-u-uh w-what do you w-want to ask m-me?" I was stuttering because he never backed up from my face, and we were about 5 centimeters away from each other.

He gave me a soft smile before he yelled, "NOW!"

A group of four guys ran out holding a banner that said, 'Aeyla, would yo accompany me to a party this friday?'

I couldn't help but smile. No one has ever done something so sweet for me, and here is a guy who I still barely know asking me out to a party.

"So," he turned to me and held my hand, "will you go with me?"

"SAY YES OR ALL OUR HARD WORK WILL GO TO WASTE!" All of the guys holding the banner said.

"ALL YOU GUYS DID WAS HOLD A BANNER! I AM THE ONE WHO DID EVERYTHING!" Mir yelled at them before turning to me and giving me a smile. "So will you?" He asked again.

"Yes!" I said hugging him tightly around his neck.

"Can't....... b-breath!" Mir said under my hug.

"Sorry!" I pulled away giving him an apologetic look.

Although I barley knew Mir, he is the best relationship I have had with a guy, besides my dad. I hope in the future we could become something more, but not right now. Right now I am not ready for a relationship.


Update! YAY! Applause! Most of this chapter was copy and paste from a previous chapter, but I added a little to it. Happy late 4th of July!

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Minthepanda #1
update soon :)
Wow. Cant wait for the party. Come on. Please update this story soon. ^^
So cute! I loved it! Update soon! :)
yay! lol so cute! please update, new reader! XD
Yay Mir is going to invite Aeyla to the party! Happy early 4th of July to you~^-^
Mrem96 #6
As I read the part about getting a text...I got one...looks like Im the main chara hayyyyyyy its fate with my husband younggie bear <3 lol sorry dongsaeng~
Ah so she's fallen for Mir... can't wait to find out what'll happen next. ^^
Interesting three meetings of fate. Hmm Aeyla gave Joon her number? I wonder if he'll call her soon or not.