The Contest

A Sudden Wedding at KCON

After a short while the group of four had to eventually leave the area where EXO was, but it wouldn't be the last time that they would see them. The events that just occured had replayed in Lovely's head. "I have to win that contest no matter what!" She looked at her friends for their support. Breanna raised a fist,

"Hwaiting! You can do it!"

"What song are you gonna sing then?" Abeli asked while still recovering from her spazz attack. "That's just it... I don't know what to rap... I don't even think I CAN rap..." she suddenly lost all confidence,


"Calm down, you have time to practice don't you. We can help you find something to rap." Nkem patted the worried girl's shoulder then looked at Abeli and Breanna, "Do you two have an ipod with you?" Both nodded their heads and they knew where this was going. There was about 40 minutes until the contest and that gave them enough time to go sign up and get something to eat. The contest itself will be judged by the rappers of the grups that where there, so this was going to be one interesting event for the fans. That factor had also made Lovely even more nervous. She will be doing this right infront of Chanyeol... "I hope I dont screw this up..."
"You guys go find a place to sit and eat while I take Lovely to go sign up." Nkem said and the other two nodded and looked for a table to sit at. 
There wasn't that long of a line at the information desk or people to sign up, so obviously not many people where going to do this contest. 'Watch, there may be a few people that signed up but they are more than likely to know what they are doing..' Lovely let out a loud sigh that attracted Nkem's attention. She shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose.
"You are doing this whether you like it or not!" Lovely was still not motivated and dropped her head with shame.
"How many times in your life do you get the chance to impress your idol? I'd do it." A familiar deep voice said and when the girls looked to the side of them there, in a grey hoodie and with sunglasses, was Chanyeol. Lovely almost died from a heart attack and Nkem just laughed at the sudden surprise,
"Ya' know, that's a really bad disguise... We can tell its you." 
Chanyeol's mouth dropped,
"I spent all of that fan sign event thinking of this! Give me some credit!" 
'And this is the dork I am in love with?' Lovely chuckled causing both Nkem and Chanyeol to look at her with a raised brow.
"Wifey are you not gonna sign up?" He said with a sly smirk that was more or less learnt from Kai
"M-mwo?! Of course I am! Look!" Not wanting to back out in front of her idol she marched right up to the women running the event and signed up. 
"Oh wow... What am I gonna do with her..." Nkem shook her head and walked over her friend and Chanyeol followed with a bright smile. 
"There I signed up!" Lovely huffed out and crossed her arms
"Great. I can't wait to see you preform then. I need to go get ready. See you!" He waved goodbye and snuck his way through the crowds of fangirls. 'How do they not notice him?! He's a fricking giant compared to all these girls!'
After that whole incident the two made their way to Abeli and Breanna who were happily eating their lunch which consisted of corn dogs and fries. 
"We bough your lunch, here sit down." Abeli and Breanna made room at the table and handed their friends their share of food.
"Have you picked a rap to do yet?" Abeli wiped as she spoke.
"No... Can we look through your iPod?" 
"Sure thing! Here let's start with some EXO songs." 
Abeli shuffled her exo playlist and handed Lovely the device.
"Nope... Too difficult... Has too much swag that I can't pull off..." She skipped by every song that just so happened to be there. 
"Hey! At this rate you won't have anything!" Abeli snatched back her iPod and cleaned the screen.
"How about Key's rap from two moons?" Breanna unconsciously said out loud not meaning to say anything.
"THAT ONES IN ENGLISH!" Everyeone jumped at Lovely's out burst. 
"You can learn that in no time! See, I don't know why you have to be worrying all the time." Nkem gave her friend a thumbs up. 
"There's hope for me after all!!!" She squealed and began to practice the part.
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Oh god I'm horrible with updates... Sorry about this >.< I'll try to update at least every other day now...


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LovelyVengeance #1
Chapter 5: So much love for thismomfg!! <33
LovelyVengeance #2
Chapter 4: Damn you yeollie. Y u be teasing?! XD
LovelyVengeance #3
Chapter 3: Lol omg i was actually nervous too while reading this. XD
LovelyVengeance #4
Chapter 2: Eep too excited! XD
LovelyVengeance #5
Chapter 1: *cough*update*cough* xD
ho-baby #6
Chapter 1: "you want to marry me you say?"

OMG!! chanyeol :-P
LovelyVengeance #7
i made an account just so i can subscribe!XD i freakin love this already omfg. xD