Excuse me, Did you know we are gonna be married?

A Sudden Wedding at KCON

A/N Let us all pretend that by now EXO knows perfect English ahahaha xD


"YAH YOU ES BETTER HURRY UP BEFORE WE MISS MY HUSBAND!!" A voice echoed through the outside convention. Despite the thousands of fan girls, and a couple of fan boys, Lovely's voice was able to be heard by her three excited friends who she has left behind in the dust. Even when they think they have finally caught up with her Lovely had sprinted another hundred feet away. "Yo!!! Girl you need to calm yo !! We'll see them soon enough!" One of Lovely's best friends, who was dragging another girl who was physically exhausted, yelled as she checked the time. It was the second annual KCON and this time Lovely was determined to meet EXO at all costs.

A few weeks back


"YOU GOT WHAT!?!" Lovely typed into her iPhone, messaging her friend from middle school.

On the other end her friend, Breanna, had heard her kakaotalk ringtone go off and quickly replied.

"I got us VIP tickets for KCON!! ^O^"

Lovely flailed around in her room with excitement. One because she gets to go yet again to KCON and second VIP tickets meant only one thing and that was her and her friends where guaranteed to attend the fan sign event that she had missed last year. Throwing herself onto her bed she grabbed a pillow that was near by and screamed into it. The overwhelming feeling of true happiness has just been embedded into her body and she started to tear up. Calmly laying on her back and starring at her popcorn textured ceiling Lovely wiped the salty water from the corners of her eyes. She had to take deep breaths before picking up her phone once again to reply to Breanna. Staring at the screen for a while Lovely didn't know what to say. Fumbling with her thumbs for a minute or two she decided to respond.

"OMG Thank you so much!! I love you right now!"

Setting her phone on her bed she got up and looked at her EXO poster. Observing every single member she smiled. There was not one single boy on that poster whom she though was lacking, they all were perfect and gifts from god. Turning to her SHINee desk calendar that sat besides her black laptop she counted the days to the wonderful day soon to come. It was only three weeks away. 'That gives me three weeks to prepare myself...' She thought to herself. There wasn't really much time to prepare her mind for this event, but then again what KPOP fan is truly ready to see their idols up close and in person??? Last year she saw NU'EST but they were a group that she didn't pay much attention to, and she completely gave up on meeting EXO-M because she didn't receive that voucher that was only given to 150 lucky people out of the thousands that attended the first ever convention. A soft sigh fell off her lips as she clenched a tight fist. Glaring at one person in particular, Chanyeol, on her poster she darted her index finger towards him and raised a lip,



"You guys!!! EXO's fan meeting is about to start in an hour!"

"Lovely! Calm down we got an hour!" Nkem said holding her best friend down by her arm before she could run off again

"Let's look around at- OMG A ZELO POSTER!!!!" Before Abeli could finish her sentence she ran off to a nearby stand that had B.A.P merchandise that she just couldn't pass up.

"There goes- ASDFGHJKL HIMCHAN SHIRTLESS POSTER!!!!" Just like the friend before Breanna followed her in their quest to buy these rare one of a kind posters before they sold out forever

Nkem and Lovely looked at each other both realizing that no matter what this day was going to be filled with a lot of fangirling along with spazz attacks and heartaches, right now is nothing compared to what was in store for them later on that day. They just accepted this and joined the other two girls at the B.A.P booth.

Screams could be heard from every direction and people where talking non stop with others that they have just met. Cameras' where going, a few of them Lovely knew were live steams so she decided to wave into the direction of the lens just for fun. The group of four walked around looking at all the booths, occasionally stopping to buy a a bracelet or necklace, maybe even both. There where countless items at the booths from shirts, to posters and of course there were CDs that the fans could buy. Each of the girls had bought their albums beforehand, or they already had them in the first place, as a way to save time looking around for one specific thing. they had eventually moved onto the dance workshops where crowds of people watched but did not dance. All Lovely could think was 'damn these people ! dance already!' her wish was granted when Psy's Gangnam Style was played and Breanna was the first to dart off to the center of the crowd with Abeli and they danced to the music. Nkem and Lovely joined them as well as the rest of the people. Soon enough the whole convention broke out into dance. After the 3 minute song some girls yelled out that it was time for EXO's fan meeting and they rushed over to the designated area for the meet.

"OMFG LULU IM COMING FOR YOU MY PRINCE!!" Abeli yelled out as she darted across the way with the other fangirls

"CHANYEOL MY HUSBAND!!!!" Screamed Lovely

Beside her was Nkem, "KREASEEEE!!!!!" and after her was Breanna, "MY BABY BACON I MUST MEET YOU!!!!!"

There was honestly no need to run because the girls were for sure going to meet these 12 talented and handsome boys, but the excitement got to them. Girls were screaming and crying, signaling that the group of 12 was making their way to the platform. They all were dressed in their music video outfits and looked absolutely stunning in the eyes of all the girls, and some fan boys. They all walked up the small flight of stairs and walked all the way to the end of the platform as a way to make room for everyone. Heck, EXO is the junior version Super Junior so this platform was prepared in advance for that.

"WE ARE ONE!!" The group boomed out and they bowed as all the occupants of the room cheered and applauded. As the members took their seats the flash of cameras went off.

"Look its really them!!" Breanna yelled out hopping up and down next to Lovely, "Look at Chanyeol and Baekhyun over there!!"

Lovely replied, "OMFG HE'S SO Y!"

The group had introduced themselves one by one and made a cute expression as they came to the end of their turn to speak, then it was Kris who had spoke to the crowd, representing the group, in English

"Hey how is everyone today?" He smiled as he paused for the reaction

"KRIS MY BABY YOU LOOK SO FINE TODAY!!" Nkem yelled out and it must have been loud enough for Kris, of EXO-M, to turn to exactly her and send a smile and wink. This made Nkem weak in the knees, "DID HE REALLY JUST DO THAT!?!?! OH MY ING GOD!!"

Time went by, and after a good ten or fifteen minutes the lucky VIP ticket holders lined up to meet the boys. It was a REALLY long line of 150 people, like last year, and where the four friends were at now made it seem like that they will reach the group in a hundred years. Lovely was antsy and shaking, Abeli was in tears, Nkem was holding tight onto her EXO T-shirt that was to be signed, and Breanna was a mix of Lovely and Abeli. 

Soon enough the girls made their way to the first person who was Luhan and right beside him was Sehun.

"Helio~" The two said in unison as they waved. Abeli tried so hard to keep her cool, but it just couldn't be helped.

"Wǒ fēi cháng ài nǐ! Saranghaeyo oppa~" she began to tear up even more when she handed the pair of boys her album to get signed. Both were very impressed that she took her time to learn a phrase or two. Luhan, as Sehun passed the album back to him, stood up and gave Abeli a hug sending her into pure bliss. The girls behind her, including her friends, all screamed out. Abeli bowed and moved on to the next pair of people still red in the face and crying like a little girl. When it came to Kris Nkem kept her cool and had the courage to start a conversation with the guy. They took a picture together and he signed her shirt. Shortly afterwards it was Baekhyun and Chanyeol's turn.

"Lovely it's Baekhyun!!" Breanna squeeled out almost losing her mind [iiii lost my mindd~~ xD]  

The two approched the guys sitting next to eachother who looked up and smiled. Breanna waved to Baekhyun, "Hello~ Oppa is my favorite out of the group" Baekhyun made a face showing that he felt honored. Lovely used this opportunity to talk to Chanyeol.

"Yah! Park Chanyeol, I want to tell you this right here and now that you are my husband and we are getting married today!" She huffed out in one breath making the guy infront of her very confused. Breanna and Baekhyun turned to Lovely with wide eyes.

"Well..." Chanyeol did not know what to say, "umm... I" Baekhyun nudged his friend, "ooooh Chanyeol had a girlfriend and he didn't tell me?! Well what are you waiting for?! Tell her you do~"

Chanyeol signed the two albums that were in front of him and got up to face Lovely, more like he towered over her, "You want to marry me you say?" He pointed over at a contest booth accross the way with a smirk, "Win the rapping contest." Lovely Looked at the guy with a priceless expression then she smirked as well, "Challenge accepted!"


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Oh god I'm horrible with updates... Sorry about this >.< I'll try to update at least every other day now...


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LovelyVengeance #1
Chapter 5: So much love for thismomfg!! <33
LovelyVengeance #2
Chapter 4: Damn you yeollie. Y u be teasing?! XD
LovelyVengeance #3
Chapter 3: Lol omg i was actually nervous too while reading this. XD
LovelyVengeance #4
Chapter 2: Eep too excited! XD
LovelyVengeance #5
Chapter 1: *cough*update*cough* xD
ho-baby #6
Chapter 1: "you want to marry me you say?"

OMG!! chanyeol :-P
LovelyVengeance #7
i made an account just so i can subscribe!XD i freakin love this already omfg. xD