Chapter 6: Secrets

Seoul Search


Chapter 6: Secrets


                Jonghyun walked with Kate down the street to the bus stop. He turned to her and smiled. This made her feel extremely shy, so she blushed and turned away. He grabbed her shoulders and turned her towards him.

                “I had a really good time with you tonight. Will I see you again?” she nodded.    

                “Of course you can, oppa.” He smiled and hugged her. The bus pulled up as he let her go.

                “I will see you soon!” he waved goodbye as she boarded the bus. She waved as it pulled out and kept looking back until she could no longer see him.  She sat back in her seat and sighed. This was too good to be true. It was every fangirl’s fantasy. Her bias wanted to meet her. She could hardly contain herself. Then she stopped.

                ‘Wait a minute!’ she sat straight and began to panic. ‘What about Jay? Didn’t you tell him you would wait for him?’ she sat back and contemplated her next move. ‘Wow, way to go Kate, now your leading TWO boys on, when at home, you couldn’t even get one.’ She shook her head in despair. ‘What could POSSIBLY happen now?’ she asked herself. Just then, her phone rang. It was Jay.


                “Kate? Is this your number? I think I misdialed a few times, when you texted me your number, I accidentally dropped my phone in the toilet. I just barely wrote down your number when my phone died.” He giggled nervously.

                “Don’t worry, it’s me oppa,” she assured him. She heard a relieved sigh at the other end. She remembered when she had gotten his text. No wonder it had been so jumbled.

                “Oh, thank goodness! Thought I’d be talking to a bunch of strangers forever!”

                “Yeah, so I assume that this is your new phone?” she asked sarcastically.

                “Of course! So, how are your classes?” he asked.

                “Wonderful! I really like it here; it’s easier to get around than I thought.”

                “That’s good, hey, I was wondering, are you free tomorrow?” Kate flipped through her planner.

                “Well let’s see…yeah! I am! Why?” she heard him laugh on the other end.

                “I’ll just meet you tomorrow at the school, okay?”

                “Alright, see you soon, oppa!”

                “See you soon!” as she hung up her phone and gathered her things, she had a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach.

                She stepped off the bus and went into her dormitory. Miranda and Veronica were now asleep. She stepped into the shower.

                ‘What could he possibly be planning for tomorrow?’ she shot back as scalding hot water stung her back. She shimmied to the side and turned the knob over so it was colder. She stepped back into the stream, and went back to her thoughts. ‘When I wished for a boyfriend, I didn’t mean to give me two at once!’ she vigorously scrubbed her head.

                As she stepped out of the shower, she grabbed her hairbrush and began brushing her hair as she made her way to her bed. She set her school books aside and pulled back the covers. She put her brush on her end table, and lay back, drifting off to sleep.

                The next day after school, Gaeyon cornered her in the hallway.

                “Hello again.” She said, blocking Kate’s way.

                “Hello, Gaeyon, what do you need?” she asked, trying to get out.

                “I know what you’re doing, you better stop it, or I will tell everyone.” She stated, turned around, and left. Completely puzzled, she shook her head, and left. Outside the school, Jay was leaning up against a red sports car, smiling in her direction.

                “Hey stranger!” he called out, walking forward to greet her. She ran to him and embraced him. The phone conversations they had couldn’t touch meeting him in person again. “How have you been?” he asked as they pulled apart. He followed her to the other side of the car, and opened the door for her. She went in and buckled up.

                “Just fine, classes are pretty easy, as far as college classes go. But, I manage.” She smiled as he got back into the driver’s seat. He smiled at her.

                “Well, that’s great. I can’t wait to show you my surprise.” They drove for about half an hour until they arrived at a studio. He walked around the car and opened the door. “Miss,” he motioned for her to get out of the car.

                “Why thank you sir,” she said as she stepped out. He offered her his arm, and she took it as they walked inside.

                A smartly dressed woman asked them to follow her. They went up three flights of stairs and walked down the hallway for what seemed like an eternity. Then, she opened a door, and asked them to step inside.

                “Mr. Park, you’re finally here! And this is the young lady you were talking about?” a middle aged man in a black turtleneck and tight jeans walked over and hugged them both rather tightly. “It’s so nice to meet you, Mr. Park has had nothing but wonderful things to say about you!” he exclaimed.  “Wardrobe! Makeup! Get these two ready, STAT!” a small flock of people crowded around them as she was separated from Jay. He gave her a sly smile, letting her know everything was ok. After that, she relaxed, and just let them do their job.

                She could see him smiling at her through the hair covering her face. Her head was positioned several times in order to style her hair. She had her face pulled and poked and had makeup applied on her face, neck, and even her ears. She was by no means used to this, but seeing Jay so comfortable about the situation calmed her nerves immensely.

                “Alright, showtime!” the man in the turtleneck clapped his hands, and they were once again shuffled away. Jay was set in a high backed chair, smartly dressed in a black suit with a cherry red tie, his hair styled into a Mohawk, with stripes shaved into the sides of his head. Kate was in a knee length purple halter dress, with golden gladiator heels, brunette waves flowing down her back. Her eyes sparkled with glitter enhancing her eyes natural glow.

                She was placed behind him as the photo shoot commenced. She was told to do several positions, as was Jay. After the shoot, they were taken back behind the camera and were shown several shots that were up for possible use in the next issue of Vogue. After they changed out of their costumes, they headed out, his arm around her shoulder.

                As they exited the building, she caught sight of someone familiar. She turned around to confirm her suspicions.

                ‘Choi Min Ho.’ He stared at her in disbelief. Then, Jay tugged at her arm softly, urging her to come forward.

                “A bit out of it today, are we?” he asked, blissfully unaware of what had just happened.

                “Y-yeah, I guess so.” She took her seat in the car as he closed the door behind her. Min Ho watched as they sped off. He could have sworn that he had seen her somewhere before, he just couldn’t seem to think of it at the moment. 


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Samona #1
Chapter 12: AWwwwww love. <3
XD Taemin at the end. He's so cute.^-^
Nice story.
I liked it. :D
Samona #2
Chapter 10: Ohhh???? What is this?
Ah, Jay, why do you have to be soo stubborn. Why not listen for a second. >.<
Interesting plan. Wonder how it's going to play out.
bagoffrog #3
love SHINee!!
Samona #4
Chapter 9: Ah, so every thing is fine for now. That's good.^-^
Samona #5
Chapter 8: They're together. :D
Nice chapters.
Everyone's meeting. You're just missing Jay. XD
Samona #6
Chapter 6: :o Oh, soooo, is she and Jay dating?
Or is she just considering it?

Anyways, loving the story.^-^