Chapter 11: Revelations

Seoul Search


Chapter 11: Revelations

                Over the next few weeks, things went back to normal. Kind of. Gaeyon and Jonghyun were going steady, school was fine, and yet, Kate felt empty. Sure, she had Min Ho, but the way she and Jay split up still bothered her. She felt she needed to explain herself to him. Yet, every time she called, he would ignore her. She got it though. She had hidden the truth from him. He had every right to be angry. But she felt she deserved to get her side of the story out before he made a judgment like that. She missed him terribly. It’s not that Min Ho was a bad boyfriend, she liked him. But, there wasn’t that same spark there that she had shared with Jay. She just couldn’t make herself love him, like she did Jay, and that made her feel even worse.

                One night, Jay Park was walking home from the club. He had been drinking heavily for weeks now. He couldn’t believe that Kate would cheat on him. He loved her with all his heart and she lied to him. He stumbled on the sidewalk and bumped into someone.

                “Oh, 미안해,” he looked up and saw a rather attractive woman. In his inebriated state, he grabbed the back of her neck, and kissed her. His tongue made its way into , searching for a partner. He grabbed her by the shoulders and drew her close. Her hands pushed on his shoulders, but as wasted as he was, he couldn’t tell if it she was trying to push him away or contain herself. He bit her lip and gently kissed her neck. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. I just got caught up in the moment.” She shook her head.

                “It’s ok. Why don’t I call you a cab? You look pretty tired.” He nodded.

                “Alright.” He looked at her again. He tried to concentrate on her harder. His vision was a bit blurry, making it so that he couldn’t see properly. He swayed a little bit, trying to regain his balance, and fell onto the girl. She dusted herself off and picked him up. He grabbed onto her waste, accidentally grabbing her .

                “I am so sorry,” he started, but she waved him off.

                “괜찮아.” She waved down a taxi and helped him in. He couldn’t hear what she told the taxi driver, but the next thing he knew, the car was moving.

                “So, what were you doing back there?” she asked. He rolled his eyes.

                “Trying to drown my sorrows, not doing good enough obviously, if I can remember her.”

                “Who is she? The girl you’re trying to forget?”   

                “My girlfriend. She cheated on me with Choi Min Ho of SHINee, could you believe that?” he shook his head. “I can’t believe it. And on the night I confessed my love to her too.” He smirked. She looked at her. “What does he have that I don’t? How is he better than me? Why would she do that to me? It feels like I’ve been shot, and I can’t get the bullet out. I don’t know what to do with myself anymore. The worst part is, I still love her.” tears ran down his face. The girl looked at him pitifully.

                “I’m sure if you let her explain, when you’re sober that is, that you both can come to an understanding.” She said, as the cab stopped. She pulled him out of the cab, and he promptly vomited all over her.

                Min Ho held Kate’s hand as they walked through the park. The same park in fact, that Jay had dumped her in weeks earlier. Worst yet, he brought her to the same exact bench. They sat down.

                “So, how are you feeling?” he asked.

                “Fine,” she answered. Min Ho shifted uncomfortably in the awkward silence.

                “Kate, I know it’s only been a few weeks, but, I was wondering if...” he paused for a moment.

                “Yea?” she pressed on. 

                “I was just wondering if you would…” his phone rang. They both looked down. It was Key.

                “Yeoboseyeo?” his face changed from curious, to concerned, to him trying not to laugh out loud. “Alright, we’ll be there soon, just, clean yourself off and keep him out of my room.” He laughed as he hung up the phone.

                “What was all that about?” she asked. He shook his head.

                “Believe me, you’ll find out when we go back to the hotel. She cocked her head in curiosity as he grabbed her arm and ran to his car.

                When they arrived, a giggling Jonghyun and a very angry, smelly Key greeted them at the doorway.

                “I don’t know what you guys find so damn funny,” he glared at Kate. “You!” he came at her with his filthy towel that he had been using to clean himself off. “This is all YOUR fault!” she laughed.

                “How is it my fault that your covered in vomit?” she plugged her nose to try to block the stench that was emanating from him.

                “Your ex-boyfriend was drunkenly walking the streets. I, being the nice person that I am, tried to help him. YOU KNOW WHAT HE DID NEXT?” Kate shrugged. “HE GRABBED ME, AND STARTED MAKING OUT WITH ME! THEN IF THAT WEREN’T HUMILIATING ENOUGH, HE GRABBED MY !” at this point all the boys were rolling in laughter as Kate tried to stifle her giggles. “And if THAT weren’t enough, once we exited the cab, he threw up ALL OVER ME!” he shrieked. At this point, EVERYONE had burst into laughter, that is, except Key. “IT’S NOT FUNNY!” he grabbed Kate by her arm. “I need to talk to you.” As he walked away with her, he turned towards the others, who were looking back at him. “Alone.” They nodded. He dragged her to the balcony and sighed.

                “He really misses you Kate.” He said, looking into her eyes with his piercing stare. Her heart skipped a beat. She looked away. “Listen, I know it’s kinda out there right now, especially with the way he dumped you, but hear me out.” She turned back, took a deep breath, and waited for him to finish. “He told me that he was devastated. Kate, he still loves you. It hurts him so bad that he’s not with you, that the idea that he wasn’t good enough for you is swimming around in his head. You need to talk to him.” she shuffled her feet and leaned back on the balcony railing.

                She wanted desperately to believe what he said, but she still had her reservations. Would he even listen to her? Key seemed to be reading her thoughts.

                “He won’t really have a chance to not believe you, since I have witnesses to what he did tonight.” She raised an eyebrow, waiting for her answer. She nodded.

                “Once he’s sober then, and when you’ve taken a shower.” She turned around to laugh, as she tried not to gag on Key’s stench. He rolled his eyes as he motioned for her to go back in. the others had gone to their rooms, except Min Ho, who was sitting on the couch with a guitar. Key nodded to him and headed to the bathroom. Kate walked over and sat next to him.

                “뭐해?” she asked. He took a deep breath.

                “A while ago I was approached by the producer of our upcoming album. He asked me to write a song. I finally finished it.” She smiled.

                “진짜? Can I hear it?” he blushed, and nodded shyly. He picked up his guitar, and started strumming a sad sort of melody.

                “What is it called?” she asked. He smiled.

                “I Wish.” He continued to strum for a few more moments, and then began to sing:

                “I know your there inside my head

                 I see your face, over and over again.

                But the more I try, the more you stray. You got me all caught up, it’s so crazy, I just wish, you could be my lady -

                 (Chorus)I wish you could stay with me. I wish I could hold you close, kiss your lips, and call you mine. I'd love you, till the end of time. But it seems that we weren't meant to be, I’ll just have to be content with you residing in my memory.

                I know you love him more than I, it always shows. Whenever you mention his name, your eyes light up and it makes me go insane. Why can't I make you smile like that? Feel like that? Love like that? But I know we could never be like that, so-

                I know you love him, more than you could ever love me, so I'll stay back and set you free. But before I go, I just want you to know, you've changed my life more than I can show. Girl, you know-(chorus) in my memory~” once he finished, he looked into her eyes. “I know you can’t love me the way you love him, and I’m okay with that. But promise me we can still be friends?” he asked, extending his hand. She smiled with tears in her eyes. She nodded.

                “Of course!” he took her hand and pulled her into him in an embrace. As they separated, she happened to glance over in the hallway. Min Ho followed her gaze. Jay Park stood in the doorway.


ok, guys! This is the second to last chapter! I hope your liking it so far! 

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Samona #1
Chapter 12: AWwwwww love. <3
XD Taemin at the end. He's so cute.^-^
Nice story.
I liked it. :D
Samona #2
Chapter 10: Ohhh???? What is this?
Ah, Jay, why do you have to be soo stubborn. Why not listen for a second. >.<
Interesting plan. Wonder how it's going to play out.
bagoffrog #3
love SHINee!!
Samona #4
Chapter 9: Ah, so every thing is fine for now. That's good.^-^
Samona #5
Chapter 8: They're together. :D
Nice chapters.
Everyone's meeting. You're just missing Jay. XD
Samona #6
Chapter 6: :o Oh, soooo, is she and Jay dating?
Or is she just considering it?

Anyways, loving the story.^-^