Chapter 10: A Grave Misunderstanding

Seoul Search


Chapter 10: A Grave Misunderstanding

                It had been about a month since her night with SHINee. Since then, her studies were steadily improving, and she and Gaeyon were on good terms. Gaeyon no longer saw her as a threat, now that she knew that she already had a boyfriend. Miranda and Veronica were doing great too. Kate didn’t want to tell them about Jay yet, she was still too nervous. Yea, they were going steady and all, but she wasn’t quite sure that she was ready to go public (to her friends anyway) about her relationship quite yet.

                She and Jay had been on several dates since their trip to Nam San Tower. He once took her to Hongdae, where they watched some indie artists at a café. He was really sweet. Every time she saw him, she got butterflies in her stomach. Everything was going great, until one day.

                Kate was sitting in the park waiting for Jay. He had asked her out to the park that day. It had been about four months since he had asked her to go steady with him. She sat there on the bench with a hot cup of coffee in her gloved hands. It was a chilly autumn day, perfect for a nice romantic walk through the woods. Or so she thought.

                Jay walked down the path towards her. She waved at him excitedly, until she saw his expression. It was very serious. In fact, he looked sort of, angry. In his left hand, he held what looked like a magazine. She wondered what could have gotten him so angry. He stopped right in front of her and shoved it in her face.

                “What the hell is this, Kate? Am I some sort of joke to you?” she put her coffee on the ground and took the magazine in her hand. The title read, “Choi Min Ho and Mystery Woman Head into Hotel”. The little caption beneath the picture read, “The couple were seen entering the building, but no one left until later the next morning.” Her jaw dropped. Right there on the cover was a very clear picture of herself, Min Ho, Jonghyun and Gaeyon. She had no words to describe the confusion she felt right now. How could she have forgotten to tell him about that night? He actually thought…

                “Wait, Jay, it’s not what you think,” she said, shooting up off the bench.

                “Oh really?” after our date you went to a hotel with Choi Min Ho, and you didn’t leave until the next day? Who do you take me for, Kate?”

                “My friend Gaeyon was there, nothing happened like that, I would never do that to you-“he cut her off.

                “Stop it; I don’t wanna hear your bull. I’m done. If you can’t be honest with me, then I don’t need to be with you.” He turned to leave.

                “Jay, stop! Please listen to me, it’s not like that. All we did was talk. Nothing happened.” He just waved her off and kept walking. She ran after him and grabbed his arm. He turned around to face her.

                “Leave me alone, Kate, I’m done with you.” He ripped his arm out of her grip.

                “Jay, listen to me, 제발. 미안해, I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you earlier, I should have, I really should have and I’m sorry. 좋아요. 정말 좋아요. And you’re the only one I like, no one but you. I would never do that to you, oppa. You know me better than that. Why would believe a tabloid over me? Wae?” he shuffled his feet and looked at her.  

                “If I mean so much to you, then how could this just slip your mind?” he shook his head, and walked away. Kate was numb. She couldn’t believe what had just happened. He was right; she should have told him earlier. But he wasn’t really giving her a chance to explain either. She ran home in tears, miserably confused.

                Later that afternoon, there was a knock at the door. She slowly rose out of her bed, and went to the door.

                “Who is it?” she asked pitifully.

                “It’s me Gaeyon, quick, open the door!” she unlocked the handle and Gaeyon burst in, knocking her off her feet.

                “Boy, you sure know how to make an entrance.” She said, picking herself up again.

                “Did you see the tabloids?” Gaeyon asked, shoving it in her face. She nodded sadly.

                “Yea, I have.” Gaeyon studied Kate’s face.

                “Kate, what happened?” Kate burst into tears and fell to her knees.

                “Jay broke up with me! He brought the tabloid and accused me of cheating on him! Then when I tried to explain, he wouldn’t listen to me! I admit, he does have a right to be angry, I should have told him earlier! I don’t know how I failed to tell him. I feel so stupid!  But he left me! I don’t know what to do Gaeyon!” she buried her head in her hands and sobbed. Gaeyon patted her on her back.

                “괜찮아, 친구. Don’t be sad. We-well I have a problem, and I need your help.” She looked up and wiped her eyes.

                “With what?” Gaeyon took a deep breath.

                “Jonghyun thinks that I took these pictures, or hired someone to do it. And, he left me. He told me I was petty and that since I couldn’t control my jealousy, it was over. He couldn’t handle it anymore.” And with that, she too burst into tears.   

                “How could you have done that, I mean, you were mean when I first met you, but I don’t peg you as the vengeful type.” Gaeyon nodded.

                “I tried to tell him that we were past that, and friends. But he wouldn’t listen to me either. I don’t know what to do. It seems we’re both in the same boat now, Kate. What do we do?” Kate thought for a moment.

                “Let’s go to Jonghyun, maybe we can work this out, together,” Gaeyon nodded. They rushed out of the dorm, and hailed a cab. They arrived at the hotel about twenty minutes later. Without a thought, they rushed up to the room and knocked on the door. Onew answered.

                “Um, hey guys. Can I help you?” he asked, eyeing Gaeyon suspiciously.

                “Onew, please, we need Jonghyun to listen to us. There has been a big misunderstanding!” pleaded Kate. He nodded.

                “Just a second.” He closed the door. What was actually ten minutes felt like two hours. He finally came back. “Alright, come in guys.” He opened up the door for them to enter. Jonghyun was sitting on the couch with Min Ho, and he did not look happy to see them. Or Gaeyon, in particular.

                “What’s up?” asked Min Ho, trying to cut the tension.

                “There has been some big misunderstanding with the tabloids, guys. Jay thinks I was cheating on him with you,” she said to Min Ho. He looked at her surprisingly.

                “Excuse me? But we didn’t do anything, you know that.” she rolled her eyes.

                “Of course I know that, but he wouldn’t listen to me. And no, Jonghyun, I don’t think she did it.” He looked at her in shock from her statement. “I don’t know why she would after we reconciled our differences. There would be no point unless she’s a spiteful .”

                “Hey,” he interjected. Kate raised an eyebrow.

                “I rest my case. If even you can’t say that about her, then I don’t think she did it either.” He looked at his hands, and then back at the girls. He sighed and walked up to Gaeyon.

                “Gaeyon. 미안해. I didn’t mean to, that is, I-“she cut him off.

                “괜찮아, oppa, I forgive you.” She hugged him tightly as he embraced her back.

                “Something tells me we’re not going to be able to persuade Jay that easily,” Key piped up. She shook her head.

                “I’ve already tried.” Taemin snapped his fingers.

                “I have an idea.” Everyone looked at him. “Prove him right.”

                “WHAT?” needless to say that everyone was a bit surprised by his answer.

                “If you pretend to date Min Ho, perhaps he will get jealous, and try to get you back. If not, perhaps it wasn’t meant to be in the first place. After all, what have you got to lose?” he asked, smiling his sweet little smile. Min Ho looked at her. She blushed as Onew and Key just stared at each other in astonishment. He got up and walked over to her.

                “Kate, would you go out with me?” he held out his hand. His heart began to race in anticipation of her answer. She smiled at him.

                “I guess so. After all, what do I have to lose?”


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Samona #1
Chapter 12: AWwwwww love. <3
XD Taemin at the end. He's so cute.^-^
Nice story.
I liked it. :D
Samona #2
Chapter 10: Ohhh???? What is this?
Ah, Jay, why do you have to be soo stubborn. Why not listen for a second. >.<
Interesting plan. Wonder how it's going to play out.
bagoffrog #3
love SHINee!!
Samona #4
Chapter 9: Ah, so every thing is fine for now. That's good.^-^
Samona #5
Chapter 8: They're together. :D
Nice chapters.
Everyone's meeting. You're just missing Jay. XD
Samona #6
Chapter 6: :o Oh, soooo, is she and Jay dating?
Or is she just considering it?

Anyways, loving the story.^-^