Mini Skirt

B.A.P. One-Shot Collection

By N.Ana


 It was a beautiful summer day, so you've thought it won’t be bad if you took the uniform skirt instead of your usual pants. Your school had a very popular uniform among the students: a white shirt with short sleeves and a tight mini skirt.

The skirt was the highlight of your uniform, because it was highlighting your slim waist and your long and beautiful legs. Of course you were not aware of this, you were just happy because you can wear a skirt.

On your way to school everyone admired you, especially the boys. All the boys you were passing by were checking you out, while others were just staring. You were a quite shy and innocent person, so you didn't understand why all the guys were looking at you like that . *Does my hairstyle look strange? Or maybe I have something on my face...You thought. 

When you entered in the school yard all the students started to stare at you. That began to annoy you. You simply didn't realize why all the people were staring at you like that, especially the boys.

"Hey, ____ ! Anyeong!" One of your classmates greeted you.

"Anyeong! Do I have something on my face, or do I have dirt on the skirt?" You asked your classmate.

"No." She said while checking.

"So why the hell is the whole school looking at me?" You almost yelled at her.

"Hahaha.... You really don't know?.... _____, look at you! With that mini skirt all your shapes are highlighted! I wonder how the boys have not yet begun to flirt with you!" She said to you.

*The boys?* You thought.

"Oh.... God! Jongup can't see me! He will be mad on me!" You told her.

You and Jongup were together for 3 months. You were in the same school but in different classes. That meant you can see each other just during the lunch. But after school he was always waiting for you to walk you home. 

"Unfortunately for you, I see that he's coming!" Your classmate said.

"Ah... Ottokae?" You asked her.

"You better run, until he sees you!" 

So you did. You ran to your class...That day you didn't leave your desk...Finally the bell rang and signaled the end of another long school day. All your classmates were beginning to gather their things...Everyone except you. You sat and thought that until now you managed to hide from him, but you didn't know how you will do this from now on cause he certainly wass waiting for you. From your class you could see the school gate, so you looked out the window to see if he was waiting for you. *It seems that Oppa didn't wait me this time.* You thought and began to gather your things.

                                                * * *

You left in a hurry, without caring about the people around you, so you didn't see the group of boys, who were behind you.

                                               * * *

Jongup's pov:

"Wow! Look at that girl! She's so hot!" One of his classmates commented, admiring you from head to toe.

Jongup didn't pay attention to him. He wondered if you got mad on him because he didn't wait you. *Ahhh... Why did I promise the boys that I will go with them?!!* 

"Yeah... Right, she's breathtaking! Hyung, you should look at that girl!" Another classmate said to Jongup.


"Hyung look at that girl!" The same classmate said.

*No way! This is ____ !* He thought.

"YAH! Take back your words!" Jongup said to his classmate.


"Because she's my girlfriend." He said and ran.

                                               * * *

Your pov:

You felt so uncomfortable, because of the people that were staring at you. *I'll never wear this skirt ever again!*

Suddenly you felt a pair of arms back-hugging you. You didn't know who it was, because you were too afraid to turn around.

"Let me go! I have a boyfriend!"

"Hey, Miss, don't you think that skirt is a little too short?"

You turned around just to see a familiar figure.

"Oppa! You scared me!" You said.

"Now seriously... Why did you put on that skirt?" He said with an authoritative tone.

"Yah!" You poked him. "Why are you being like this? I thought you'd like it, or am I not looking good in this?" You pouted at him.

"No! I'm just worried you'll catch a cold." Jongup said to you.

"Hmm?" You rose your head to see him.

"Aishh... ____, don't misunderstand me. You look so good in this skirt." Jongup shook his head. "God ____ you're breathtaking! You look so y!"

"Oooh... Oppa!" You gaveve him a quick peck.

"But this is the problem!"


"My insides burn because of your breathtaking skirt, because it's not just me who sees it but others see it too. I don't want to imagine what would have happened if I didn't see you in time! ___, you know it gets dangerous when it's dark!" He confessed to you.

"Oppa, don't be so overprotective! It's just a skirt" You said nervously while rubbing the back of your head.

"I used to be a chill guy, but in front of you I can't be like that." He said while pulling you close to him and then he started to kiss you. 

This time it wasn't a sweet kiss like always...This time the kiss was blessed with passion.

"Let's go. I'll walk you home." Jongup said putting your hand into his. 

You two walked hand in hand, until you got home.

"Bye oppa!"


"What?" You asked confused.

"Somehow... Do you have more mini skirts beside this one?" Jongup said rising his eyebrows.


"Then I think you shouldn't wear them..."

"OPPA!" You yelled at him.

"Only when you're with me!" He said giggling.

"Yah!" You pouted at him.

Then he quickly grabbed your waist and kissed you again.

"I love you!" he said.

"Me too, oppa!" You smiled at him and then entered the house.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      a Sweet Love Factory Production

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bellaxjoker #1
Chapter 6: fluff overload! error! error! shutdown sorry!
barooya #2
Chapter 1: i love this story! it's so cute. ^______^
Chapter 1: HimChan Oppa!!!! Saranghae! your story was very interesting, i LIKE it very much :)