
B.A.P. One-Shot Collection

By N.Ana



*How did I got to sit at the same table with my worst enemy?... I tell you: mom. It’s just her fault! Well… She didn’t know the fact that we are enemies. But let’s start with the beginning.*



Since you two were young you did nothing but fight, but you still had to see each other almost every day. Your mothers were best friends, so every time Himchan’s mother came to your house she would drag him too. Your mom told you many times that you and Himchan should be friends so,not to ruin your mothers' feelings, you two acted like you were best friends in front of them. But how could you be friends with the one that you hated the most, the reason of your tears. He always made fun of you, because you wore glasses. He laughed behind your back with his friends and offended you many times in the past.


From here the arguments kept going, and now you and Himchan couldn’t stay together even two minutes without fighting.

Today was your mother’s birthday and you were sure his family was invited too. You felt strange to see him after 3 years. You had a strange feeling but ignored it.

You arranged yourself, got your keys and and went to your parents house.

You were talking with a friend when a blond haired boy joined in your conversation.

*He seems so familiar* You thought.

“Hi!” The boy greeted you.

“Hi...” You greeted him back.

“Oh, Himchan… How are you?” Your friend asked.

You were shocked.

“H-Hi-Himchan?” You turned around to face him.

“So much time has passed, that you don’t recognize me?” He sarcastically asked.

*Of course he had to ruin my mood!*

“No. B-But… But you've changed a lot!” You remarked.

“This?” He asked pointing at the blond hair. “Beside this I’m the same me. But look at you. You've changed from head to toe, even yor personality. I wouldn’t know who you were if your mother didn’t tell me!”

“Just like old times!” You said.

It was true you changed a lot. Since college you changed your style, your personality, your everything. You were not the same quiet and shy girl who, after every fight, would go somewhere to cry. You moved on a long time ago.

“_____, there you are!” Your mom screamed. “Oh… I see Himchan found you."

“Ne.” You smiled awkwardly.

“___, did you hear about Himchan?” Your mom asked.

“No. What?”

“He passed the audition at T.S. Ent. He will debut in a few weeks” She told you.

“Good luck!” You turned to face him.


“___” Your mom said.

*Oh no! Please… Not another show! Please don’t*

“Why can’t you be like him? He will be a singer, a star with lots of fans. He’ll earn lots of money. And you?... Your dream of becoming an author will fail. Look at her! A writer?... Pshh… I never agreed with your job. You won’t earn any money from this job. Nothing!” she finished her speech.

“ENOUGH!! I’m tired of your comments! It’s my job, I chose it and I like it. You can't tell me everything. You can criticize me all you want, but don’t mess with my job. Writing is what I like to do and I won’t ever give up on this!” You screamed at her and left the table.

*I can’t believe what she just said! I know it was her plan to make me give up on writing. What was she thinking? ‘I embarrass her and she will give up!’. I won’t ever do that!... But still… She exaggerated so much.* you thought.

You began to feel your tears flow, so you went on the terrace. When you were young it was the place where you had silence and peace.

On the table there was a bottle of wine. You leaned, took the bottle in your hand, and sat on a chair.

“Hmm… Who forgot you here was a smart person! You’re the one that will help me forget about my sadness...” you said to the bottle.

Without thinking two times you started to drink increasingly more, until you were drunk.

Himchan’s pov:

This is it! He couldn’t stay like this so he ran after you.

*She surely went to the terrace!* he thought.

When he found you, he couldn’t believe his eyes. You were crying, talking to yourself, and from time to time you were taking a sip of your bottle of wine. In other words you were drunk.

He went to you and snatched the bottle from your hands.

“___, how did you get in this state?” He screamed and shaked you.

“Why do you care?” You said a little bit dizzy.

“What do you mean?” 

“ ’What do I mean?’… So you don’t remember, huh?... What should I expect from you?!!.... You never cared about me! And you know why? ... Because you were the source of my tears. You embarrassed me your entire life, without thinking once at my fee……lings!! So why should you care about me now!!?” You raised an eyebrow.

“Pabo, I always suffered when you cried because of me. Even now I don’t know why I did those things to you in the past. All I know is the fact that now I regret everything...” he said.

Himchan leaned closer to you and hugged you. You wanted to escape, but he didn't let you.

"Let me go! I want to go home!" You said.

"No! You're drunk and you want to drive?" He said. "Please. Just this time stay."

You raised your head in order to see him better and then your eyes met each other and you felt like falling...Your lips started getting closer, and as they touched, you didn't back away, but responded to the kiss. That moment you felt that weird feeling again. Maybe it was the crazy little thing called love.

The kiss didn't last to long. After it ended, Himchan guided you to the bench. He put you in his lap and your head on his chest. He hugged you and you felt saved. Because you drank so much you quickly fell asleep in his arms.


The next day you woke up with a headache. Suddenly you felt someone's arms around you. You realized that you were still on the terrace and the fact that the person who embraced you was Himchan.

*Oh God!!... Now I remember! W-We-We k-kissed*

You turned around to face him. He was still sleepy. Just then, when you looked at his face you realized he meant something for you.You started to question if the kiss was a bad joke, meant to hurt you.

*What if he just played with my heart?... What if he is more cruel then he was in the past?... It isn't right for him to hurt me like that!*

But you didn't have much time to think, because he woke up and caught you staring at him.

"You woke up before me?" He asked with a sleepy voice.

"Yeah... I woke up just a few minutes ago." You answered.

"And you stared at me the whole time!"

You felt your cheeks red so you turned your face away. He took your cheeks in his hands and started to look at you.

"Hey! Just so you know. The kiss from last night really meant something to me. It wasn't a bad joke. I really love you. So if your feelings are the same, will you be my girlfriend?... I'm truly sorry for what I did to you in the past, and I hope you can forgive me..." Himchan said.

*Soo... He is a good guy in the end.* You thought.

"Ne..." You said a little bit shy.

He leaned closer and kissed you, a warm and passionate kiss. Until he broke the kiss you felt butterflies in your tummy. He smiled at you and took your hand in his.

"Let's go." he said.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      a Sweet Love Factory Production

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bellaxjoker #1
Chapter 6: fluff overload! error! error! shutdown sorry!
barooya #2
Chapter 1: i love this story! it's so cute. ^______^
Chapter 1: HimChan Oppa!!!! Saranghae! your story was very interesting, i LIKE it very much :)