A Day With The Big Pink Bunny

B.A.P. One-Shot Collection

By N.Ana



You were in your room sulking because Himchan haven't contacted you for about 3 weeks. *What if he doesn't care about me anymore? What if he found another girl?* You thought as tears started to flow.

Suddenly you heard the front door opening and a certain person entering your room. It was Himchan. *That's right! I gave him the key of my apartment, so he can come every time he wants.* You remembered.


"Go away! I don't want to see you!!" You screamed at him.

 "Wae? Why are you being like this? He asked you a little confused by your behavior.

 "I don't wanna talk with you!" You told him.

 "Ok!" he said while leaving.

You were flabbergasted by his reaction and the fact that he didn't ask for an explication. You were dazed by the fact that he gave up so easily. All of a sudden you heard the door again. Right when you wondered who it was you saw Himchan with a big pink stuffed bunny in his arms.

"If you don't want to talk to me, then fine! But you'll talk with him." He told you and covered his face with the bunny.

"Hi, you can call me Mr. Bunny. I saw you were sad so I came to cheer you up. Why are you sad?”

You looked at him lifting an eyebrow, but decided that two can play this game. It was the bunny... not Himchan.

"I'm sad because of my boyfriend!" You said pouting.

"Why? What did he do?" He asked.

"That's the point, he did nothing. For 3 weeks he did nothing. He didn't answer my calls and texts, he didn't call or visit me. He doesn't care about me at all." You said crossing your arms over your chest.

"It's not true! You have to think how busy he is with filming, promotions, and school. He barely had time to breath, and to call yo.? Have you thought about this?" The bunny asked.

"No... but still he did nothing too."

"Ok ok... I understand. How about doing something to cheer you up?" He proposed.

"Like what?"

"Let's go for a walk."

You hesitated for a moment, but then you thought it'll be fun watching Himchan walking around with the stuffed bunny in his arms.

"Ok... Let's go!" you said smiling.

It was a quiet and relaxing walk. You liked to talk with Mr. Bunny. You laughed so much, that you actually forgot you were mad with Himchan. But at that moment nothing mattered, he even bought you your favorite ice-cream. You were happy and in a way you liked the fact he's embarassing himself in front of the world only for you. You were taking this as his punishment. Suddenly you saw something and stopped.

"Hey! Why did you stop?" you were asked by the bunny.

"Do you see that big ferris wheel?" you asked him.

"Yes! What's with it?"

 "There, me and Himchan shared our first kiss... Mr. Bunny, I want to go there. Please!!?" you say doing aegyo.

"Ok, ok... How can I resist at such a sweet look!" The bunny sayid as you gigglde.

Mr. Bunny bought the tickets and you both got on the ferris wheel.

"Wow! You can see the whole Seoul from here. What a beautiful view!" You said admiring the surroundings. "Thanks Mr. Bunny for such a wonderful day!"

You hugged the bunny and without noticing you uncovered Himchan's face. You decided that he endured enough for a day and that it's time to forgive him. Right when you wanted to say something, your eyes met, and he leaned over you and kissed you. You missed him and his kisses so much that you started to cry. He broke the kiss and wiped your tears, then hugged you in one of those warm hugs that always calmed you.

"I missed you!" it was the only thing you could say then.

"I know. I did too, and I can't imagine how I resisted so much without you and your adorable eyes. Mianhae!" Himchan said.

"It's ok. Thanks to Mr. Bunny you're forgiven!" You said moving the bunny in his face.

Without realizing, the ride was over and you had to get off. Outside was dark and the weather was cooler. Himchan pulled you closer so you wouldn't be cold. And you walked like that until you reached home.



"Can you stay overnight with me?" You asked him showing the famous puppy eyes.

"Sure" He said smiling and kissed your forehead.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      a Sweet Love Factory Production                  


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bellaxjoker #1
Chapter 6: fluff overload! error! error! shutdown sorry!
barooya #2
Chapter 1: i love this story! it's so cute. ^______^
Chapter 1: HimChan Oppa!!!! Saranghae! your story was very interesting, i LIKE it very much :)