Chapter 5


AN/ I got the whole story typed up so I'm posting the final chapters up tonight. Enjoy


Ryeowook had torn up the hotel room in his anger and confusion. Blankets and pillows were thrown across the room, the towels in the bathroom were spread out. The hotel room was a mess.


Ryeowook was in the corner of the spacious living room, his head in his hands as he sobbed. He didn't hear the door open and Shindong muttering, “What the hell...”


Shindong pulled a suitcase inside, Yesung right behind him. The door shut with a sound click and Shindong put the suitcase by the door.


Yesung muttered tank you before scanning the room for the sound of the sobbing. He spotted Ryeowook in the corner, going over to the younger male. He gently hugged Ryeowook, feeling him tense slightly before relaxing in his arms.

Yesung carried Ryeowook to the master bedroom, setting the smaller male on the bed.


Ryeowook had fallen asleep in Yesung's arms barely 5 minutes after they had gotten to the hotel.


Yesung sighed and turned around to see Shindong standing in the doorway. “Kyuhyun Sungmin,” he said quietly.


Unknown to Shindong and Yesung, Ryeowook was awake and was listening to the speak.


Shindong barely moved, “Is Sungmin alright?”


Yesung sighed and leaned back on the bed's railing, “He's okay for now. Donghae said he's still upset but he'll be fine.”


Shindong paused, “And Kyuhyun?”


“We haven't decided what to do yet,” Yesung said sadly.


Shindong and Yesung chatted for a few more minutes about what to do with Kyuhyun and how Shindong was leaving for the dorm because of his schedule before shuffling out of the room, the door closing softly.


Ryeowook pushed himself up with weak arms and got off the bed. He stumbled into the connecting bathroom in a haze. He stared into the mirror, hardly recognizing his own image. He still looked malnourished and distorted. He wanted to cry but he held out. He slowly got to his knees and opened the cabinet beneath the sink to reveal basic product cleaners.


Ryeowook glanced up at the mirror, an idea popping into his head. He stood up, going into the room and grabbing the unplugged lamp off the night stand. He went back to the bathroom, holding the lamp tightly and closing the door. He threw it at the mirror, both shattering on impact.


Ryeowook grabbed a piece of shattered glass, letting it hover above his wrist. He slowly pressed it against the taut skin, watching as blood showed up as it dragged across his skin.


The bathroom door flew open and Yesung grabbed the piece of glass from Ryeowook's hand. He grabbed a hand towel off the sink, pressing it tightly against the cut. He hissed, “What the hell do you think your doing?”


Ryeowook cried out, “Just let me die already!” He tried to pull away but Yesung held him in place tightly.


Yesung growled, “Because we can't just let you die! We all love you, Ryeowook! We're trying to keep you from making a stupid decision!”


Ryeowook struggled, “If you and the other members love me, you would let me see Kyuhyun!”


Yesung knew he couldn't let Kyuhyun near Ryeowook, it would risk the youngest member allowing him to put idea's in Ryeowook's head. He sighed, “Ryeowook, you know that's a bad idea. We can't let you do that.”


Ryeowook looked up at Yesung, tears welling up in his eyes, “Please hyung! I need to see him! I love him!”


Yesung looked down, “Fin, I'll see what I can do.”


Ryeowook's eyes brightened only to instantly wince as Yesung applied more pressure to his wrist. He glanced down at his wrist, “I'm sorry about this hyung.”


Yesung nodded and his hair affectionately. He said softly, “Let's go get you bandaged up, alright?”


Ryeowook smiled, “Yeah.”


A loud annoying ringtone woke Leeteuk from his sleep. He groaned and reached over the sleeping Heechul to grab his phone. He flipped it open, “What?”


A soft voice came over the receiver, “Hyung, I'm sorry. Did I interrupt something?”


Leeteuk looked at the TV with the ending credits and at Heechul before answering, “No, what is it?”


“I...I wanted to know if Ryeowook could see Kyuhyun.”


Leeteuk felt himself slowly being pulled into a state of alertness as he heard those words. His expression hardened, “Absolutely not, Yesung.”


“Please Leeteuk! He's so depressed! He tried to kill himself!”


Leeteuk paused before sighing, “It's a bad idea. He's not stable yet and you know that.”


A pause, “I know, but he seems pretty torn up about it. Can't we allow them 5 or 10 minutes together?”


Leeteuk answered curtly, “No.”


“Please hy-”


“No,” Leeteuk cut him off. “No means no, Yesung.” He glanced at the clock beside the TV, saying, “Go to bed, Yesung. We'll talk about this in the morning.”

Yesung mumbled a good night before shutting the phone with a quiet click. He turned to Ryeowook, who was sitting on the kitchen counter, waiting nervously. He said quietly, “He said we can talk about it in the morning.”


Ryeowook frowned and looked down, “So that means no?”


Yesung shook his head, “No, it means Leeteuk is too tired to talk about it right now.”


Ryeowook nodded and hopped off the counter. He mumbled, “I’m going to bed.”


Yesung said, “Night.” He watched as Ryeowook walked into the master bedroom, silently with his head low.


Two hours later, Yesung had fallen asleep on the couch.


The door to the master bedroom slowly opened, Ryeowook peaking out. He slowly and carefully walked over to the couch, examining Yesung's pockets. He slowly reached into the older's front pocket and pulled out a phone. He reached into the other pocket to pull out a key.


Ryeowook made his way back into the bedroom and closed the door, leaning against it. He flipped open the phone and dialled Kyuhyun's number.


The phone dialled before a groggy voice came over the receiver, growling, “What do you want?”


Ryeowook sighed contently, “Kyuhyun, it's Ryeowook.”


Kyuhyun's voice suddenly took a light tone, “Ryeowook, what are you doing? Did Yesung let you call?”


Ryeowook shook his head, saying softly, “No, I stole his phone. I really wanted to hear your voice again...”


“Ryeowook, put the phone back. I don't want you getting into any more trouble.”


Ryeowook started to panic, “N-No! Please don't go! I miss you. Please Kyuhyun, I want to see you.”


A sigh, “Ryeowook, what if someone finds out?”


“They won't! I swear!”


“Fine, let's meet at the park.”


Ryeowook smiled, “Alright. I love you.”


A quiet laugh, “I love you too Wookie.”


Ryeowook closed the phone quietly, sighing softly. He straighted up and shoved the phone in his pocket. He opened the door, peaking out again. When Yesung was still asleep on the couch, he scurried out of the room. He slowly made his way to the front door, using the key to unlock the door, which had been specially made to keep him in.

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Chapter 6: I remember first reading this and it hit me hard.. because I was seriously worried to piecees over wook that time.. its a really good story tho
Chapter 2: What is this :< what kyu did. I still don't get it. But its quite sad... Poor wookie :+
Chapter 1: Hello there...... New reader here :) wow..... I found this..... Still gray.... Not really clear.... What kyu did ... But it sounds so Scarry >\<<<<< merinding brrrrr
Wow, this is exactly the sort of story I love! :D I found this to amazing. :D
Wow - can't wait for the sequel to be finished!
MujaELFClouds #6
Wow, I'll the sequel<br />
but I don't really understand when the story began hehe
omo! so... full! and intense!! wow:D
yMaruChan #8
man i love this story!! so intense!