♡~ Kai and Sulli ~♡

ღ Invisible Princess ღ

During free time, 


IU was alone in the corner and Sulli approached her...

"IU shii~ why are you alone here?" Sulli noticed that IU is sad and her eyes are glowy.

"Yah~ are you crying?" 0.0 

IU shaked her head and she hugs her legs and hide her face.

"Im Okay~" IU whispered with soft voice.

Sulli sighs and said, "Is it because of Myungsoo?"

"It's because he always think about that Ga Yoon.. I dont even know why so many boys like her. Yeah~ she's pretty but her attitude is....... /sighs/" IU answered..

"Ahh~ Myungsoo~" Sulli giggles.


Sulli told her love story which makes IU to cheer up~


"You know what? I saw myself on you.." Sulli tapped her and IU widen her eyes....

"Me? Hahaha~ Why me?" IU points at herself.








"Yes~ you~ At first, I didn't expect that me and Kai will be like this today... 

I remember~! It was our first year high school when I liked him.. Everyone knows that I like him except from him..

He's the only person who didn't know that. But when the time passes by,

he noticed it and my friends keep on teasing him to me..

There was even a time when I heard what he said..." Sulli looks at IU and smiles.

"He said he won't like me...  But look what happened now?" Sulli giggles when she's telling that to IU.


IU was blushing and she was touched my what Sulli told her.. 

"Awww. That's so sweet. /sighs/ I wish Myungsoo will be like Kai.. :(

I wish he can like me the way I like him. But," IU looks down with teary eyes and said "I know it will never happen..." 


"You will never know~ just believe and it will happen~ prove him that you can be someone for him.. Go and make it happen~" Sulli hold IU's hand..



"Yeah.. I wish that would be easy as that... ~ Thanks Sulli yah~" IU hugged her and Myungsoo and Kai appeared..


"Yow! What's going on here?" Myungsoo smiles at IU while carrying his guitar

IU looks at Myungsoo and told him, "We're just having a girl talk here."

"Yah~ Sulli~ please help me with this problem in Math?" Kai showed his paper to Sulli.

"Hey IU~ I'll just do something~ remember what I told you okay? Dont lose hope" Sulli tapped IU's head and winks.

IU nods and smiles~ 


Myungsoo asked Sulli, "Dont lose hope? Where?" 

"Poor boy. :33 You'll know soon!" Sulli mehrongs at Myungsoo.


When Sulli and Kai were gone, Myungsoo sat behind IU...................................................



















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LOL~ TYPO. Okay so... I changed Krystal into Gayoon. Pheww.. Zz. xDD Hahah~ :) Thank you~ ^^


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Chapter 6: Update pleaseeeee... :')
nunchii #2
Chapter 5: is that a real pic of Myungsoo and Jiyeon together?
Chapter 4: God Myungsoo , open your eyes . Why can't you realize that IU likes you?! You're eyes are not even as small as Sunggu's?!

I wan't to hit you on the head so bad -___-

Anyways ... GREAT STORY! Keep it up Author-nim <3
Chapter 6: I hope Myungsoo will realize IU's feeling for him and fall for her too :)
cygne-arts #5
just a suggestion, put names as ur tag; key, gayoon, myungsoo, iusinger. :)
so u will have more subbies. :)
Hello. Would you like graphics for your story? Come and check out ∞ Infinite Possibilities ∞ :)

Chapter 6: awww~ so cuteee chapters.... UPDATE SOON OKAY?! stupid MYUNGSOO~ HIIH~:")
Chapter 6: Awhhhhhhhh !
Myungsoo +.+
Chapter 5: dawww...jealous IU :333
Jiyeonnie, go to your bf and stay away from Myungsoo, kay? :))
Chapter 5: Hey jiyeon! go to your bf! XD