Bestfriend. :) and love. ♥

ღ Invisible Princess ღ

After IU let Myungsoo see the song, she started to feel like everything between them are slowly changing...


"Myungsoo! Are you doing to Sulli's house later?" IU texted Myungsoo..

Myungsoo saw her message but he decided not to reply.

IU waited for hours for him to reply but still, there's no answer ... 

IU started to feel ignored by Myungsoo.



*ring ring ring* IU answered the phone.

"Hi IU~ this is Sulli~" 

"awww. yeah yeah~ hi Sulli!"

"Hello! I just wanna ask if youre going to my house later for our English project?"

"Ofcurse I'm going~ ^^ By the way, who else are going?"

"hmmm. Suzy, You, Jiyeon, Baekhyun, Kai and Myungsoo.."

"Ahh.. *IU bite her hand* I see then" 

"Yes~ so see you later nae? Byee! :D"

"Nae~ good byee!" IU told Sulli...


IU's not sure if she's going or not because she's afraid of what will happen..

She's afraid that she might be ignored again by Myungsoo.


In Sulli's house,

Kai and Baekhyun were the first one to go.. 

and was followed by Jiyeon and Suzy...

After a while, Myungsoo came with the materials that they will use in project making...



Suzy tried to call IU but she's not answering the phone..

"Is IU going?" Myungsoo asked Suzy.

"I tried to call her but, she's not answering" 

"She said she's going~" Sulli told Suzy and Myungsoo

"So where is she now?" Suzy asked them..








*knock knock at the door* 

"I'll open it" Myungsoo fastly opened the door~

As he opened the door, he was speechless because IU was so different..

She's wearing a dress and she looks really cute.


"Hi" IU greeted Myungsoo.

Myungsoo smiled at her and stares at her...

"May I come in?"  IU asked him..

"Oh yeah... definitely!" Myungsoo smiled at her ...

Suzy and others were shocked on how she looks... 

"What happened to you?" Sulli asked IU and IU only smiled hug them..


Myungsoo was staring at IU and Baekhyun noticed him..

"Yah! Why are you staring at her?" Baekhyun hold his head

"Staring? Staring at whom?" Myungsoo acts innocent.

"Stop acting like that! I saw you staring at IU" Baekhyun whispered at Myungsoo

"Ahh. Nothing. She just look different." Myungsoo smiled at him.. and looked back at IU

IU saw him staring at her and they smiled with each other...


When they are making the project, IU was with Suzy, Kai was with Sulli, Jiyeon was with Baekhyun and Myungsoo was working alone..

When IU decided to get something in the kitchen, Myungsoo followed her..

"Hmm. What are you searching for?" Myungsoo asked IU as he enters the kitchen

"Ahh. the sticks for the project" IU opened the cabinet.

"Need a help?" 

"Aww. No thanks. I can handle it" IU smiled at him

"Sure?" Myungsoo scratch his head..

"Yeah.. Thanks" IU keeps on searching the stick in the kitchen..

Myungsoo saw the sticks that she needs.. "You dont need to find it" Myungsoo hold her hand and gives the sticks to her..

IU takes the sticks and looks down.. Myungsoo leaves the kitchen... 

"Myungsoo! Thanks." Myungsoo smiled at her. 

IU seems vey happy but when she went out of the kitchen.. 


She saw Jiyeon stood up and seat behind Myungsoo.

Jiyeon and Myungsoo are having fun and enjoying themselves in the sofa..

IU was with Suzy and they were staring at them..

"Ohmygee~ I can smeel something fishy bout them" Suzy whispered at IU

"Hahaha, Yah! Dont think like that~ they're only friends. I know Jiyeon. She will not do something that will hurt me.. Trust me." IU answered Suzy.

"Zz. I hope there's nothing" Suzy was worried about IU. 


After that time.. At school. Jiyeon and Myungsoo started to spend time with each other..

They were like a couple and they were very happy~


Suzy hold IU's hand "You think Jiyeon will not do something that will hurt you?"

"I dont know now.. I dont know why it hurts seeing the both of them happy" IU said with a tears pouring on her sweet cheeks

"She's your bestfriend.. You should ask her bout what's happening to her and Myungsoo" Suzy gives an advice to IU

IU hugged Suzy tightly~ "thanks for being a good friend Suzy". ♥





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LOL~ TYPO. Okay so... I changed Krystal into Gayoon. Pheww.. Zz. xDD Hahah~ :) Thank you~ ^^


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Chapter 6: Update pleaseeeee... :')
nunchii #2
Chapter 5: is that a real pic of Myungsoo and Jiyeon together?
Chapter 4: God Myungsoo , open your eyes . Why can't you realize that IU likes you?! You're eyes are not even as small as Sunggu's?!

I wan't to hit you on the head so bad -___-

Anyways ... GREAT STORY! Keep it up Author-nim <3
Chapter 6: I hope Myungsoo will realize IU's feeling for him and fall for her too :)
cygne-arts #5
just a suggestion, put names as ur tag; key, gayoon, myungsoo, iusinger. :)
so u will have more subbies. :)
Hello. Would you like graphics for your story? Come and check out ∞ Infinite Possibilities ∞ :)
Chapter 6: awww~ so cuteee chapters.... UPDATE SOON OKAY?! stupid MYUNGSOO~ HIIH~:")
Chapter 6: Awhhhhhhhh !
Myungsoo +.+
Chapter 5: dawww...jealous IU :333
Jiyeonnie, go to your bf and stay away from Myungsoo, kay? :))
Chapter 5: Hey jiyeon! go to your bf! XD