ღ First Day of Junior Year ღ

ღ Invisible Princess ღ




Everyone was so excited to go to school and meet their new classmates. 

But some are sad because they don't want to be separated from their best friends like IU.

She has these two pretty best friends and she was the only one who was transferred to another section. 

That section was called "UUPAO", in that section, she became close with Suzy and Jiyeon. 

Suzy, Jiyeon, and IU were sitting behind the table. Sulli and Kai joined them. 

"Hey, how are you guys? how's your summer?" Sulli asked.

Jiyeon rolled her eyes and answered, "It was a bit fun"

"It was fun actually" IU slowly answered.


Then, Baekhyun saw them talking and telling stories.

Baekhyun got bored that's why he went to that table and he joined them.

That table was the only noisy area in the classroom.

They keep on cracking jokes and playing games for kindergarten.


Everyone in the classroom were quiet and it was very awkward because they were really the only group who is very noisy.


When it's recess or lunch break,

"Hi Biiii" JB went to the classroom for Jiyeon and they hugged each other..

While Jiyeon and JB were having these sweet moments,

Suzy always shares her food with IU because IU is too lazy to buy food in the canteen.

Kai and Sulli are making fun of each other and they keep on teasing each other like a couple.

Baekhyun was just there sitting and studying for the next class.



"Yow Yow Yow Yow!" Myungsoo appeared next to IU and he's moving hyperly.

"Yes? What do you need?" IU asked.

"What do I need?! I need..... Ga Yoon" Myungsoo winks at IU




"then go to her classroom and see her~" IU answered with a sigh and she take Suzy's  bread.

"Huh? What's  theproblem with her?" Myungsoo scratched his head.

"ahaha~ nothing. She's just having her monthly period~" Suzy tapped Myungsoo's shoulder and seat beside IU

"Hey~ Myungsoo will notice that you like him! You shouldn't answer that" Suzy scolded IU

"Sorry I can't help myself from that Krystal!" IU answered. 




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LOL~ TYPO. Okay so... I changed Krystal into Gayoon. Pheww.. Zz. xDD Hahah~ :) Thank you~ ^^


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Chapter 6: Update pleaseeeee... :')
nunchii #2
Chapter 5: is that a real pic of Myungsoo and Jiyeon together?
Chapter 4: God Myungsoo , open your eyes . Why can't you realize that IU likes you?! You're eyes are not even as small as Sunggu's?!

I wan't to hit you on the head so bad -___-

Anyways ... GREAT STORY! Keep it up Author-nim <3
Chapter 6: I hope Myungsoo will realize IU's feeling for him and fall for her too :)
cygne-arts #5
just a suggestion, put names as ur tag; key, gayoon, myungsoo, iusinger. :)
so u will have more subbies. :)
Hello. Would you like graphics for your story? Come and check out ∞ Infinite Possibilities ∞ :)

Chapter 6: awww~ so cuteee chapters.... UPDATE SOON OKAY?! stupid MYUNGSOO~ HIIH~:")
Chapter 6: Awhhhhhhhh !
Myungsoo +.+
Chapter 5: dawww...jealous IU :333
Jiyeonnie, go to your bf and stay away from Myungsoo, kay? :))
Chapter 5: Hey jiyeon! go to your bf! XD