*drumroll* and the WINNER is…

Yunho vs. Changmin
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*drumroll* and the WINNER is…

Time: 7:30pm

Yunho was in the bathroom, furious about what Changmin had done to him. He had to use every ounce of his will power to control his and leave before he pounced on Jaejoong.

“You think you’re so smart Shim, but you won’t win that easily.”

He took out his phone and dialed some numbers. When he finished his calls, he walked out. The other members were sitting on the sofa and waiting for him.

“Enjoyed your time in the bathroom hyung?” smirked Changmin.

Yunho gave him a malicious glare and went to join them on the sofa. 10 minutes later, the doorbell rang. “I’LL GET IT!” screamed the leader and quickly ran to the door. The other members gave each other confused looks and turned to the door.

Yunho came back holding balloons and a giant cake. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHANGMIN!”

“What?” asked Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu.

“WHAT?!” Changmin practically screamed. He knew exactly where Yunho was going with this. “My birthday was 4 months ago hyung,” he said through gritted teeth.

“I know Minnie, but we never had a celebration, so I thought better late than never right?” Yunho winked at the maknae.

Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu looked very excited.

“Oh my god yes! Let’s celebrate!” clapped Junsu.

Seconds later, the doorbell rang again and Yunho told Changmin to open it, who was trying very hard to control his anger. He opened the door to hear “SURPRISE!” and saw all the Super Junior and Shinee members. They made their way one by one into the dorm and greeted everyone.

“Happy birthday Minnie!” they all said.

“Yunho called us and said how sad you were that you didn’t have a party,” said Heechul.

“So we all came here as soon as we could,” said Minho.

“Aaawww my Yunnie is so sweet!” smiled Jaejoong.

“Yes, sweet old Yunnie,” said Changmin bitterly.

“C’mon Changminnie, these people want to see you cut the cake,” beamed Yunho.

Changmin didn’t move an inch. Yunho went and tried to push him to the table with the cake, yet he wouldn’t budge. Everyone gave each other confused looks and it took Kyuhyun, Kibum, Minho, and Yunho to move him to the table. Changmin was wondering what happened to the stupid Yunho from an hour ago. ‘He probably ed the stupid out of him in the bathroom,’ he thought.

Yunho handed him the knife while everyone was gathered around screaming and hollering and singing happy birthday.

Changmin cut the cake as slowly as possible, praying that he could develop the powers to stop time. Yunho grabbed the piece he cut with a smug look to feed the maknae. “Open up Changdola,” he smirked.

Changmin tightened his lips and clasped them shut so they wouldn’t budge while Yunho tried to force him to eat the cake. The clapping and screaming had stopped as now everyone was looking at the leader and the maknae like they were insane.

“…C’MON … MIN … DON’T … BE … SO … DIFFICULT…” groaned Yunho while trying to feed him. Changmin now had cake all over his face.

Yunho then scooped up another piece just using his hand, making everyone cringe in protest. No one could eat the cake now. Once again, Yunho tried to feed Changmin but the latter wouldn’t budge.

It was lucky for Changmin that he had evil friends because Kyuhyun thought it was much better to see the cake on Changmin’s face than in his stomach. So he smirked and grabbed a piece with his hands too and went to rub it on Changmin’s face. Then slowly everyone started laughing and went to smear cake on Changmin’s face. On any other day, he would’ve been super pissed off, but today he was thanking God.

Yunho frowned seeing his plan fall into pieces in front of him. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t afraid. Pissing off Changmin was never a good idea and the look on the maknae’s face sent Yunho the message, “I will destroy you.”

Ten minutes had passed and everyone was having fun and socializing as Junsu walked up to Kangin.

“Kangin hyung!”

“Hey Junsu,” smiled Kangin.

“Hyung, how could you lie to me and Super Junior?”

“Huh? What do you mean Junsu?”

Junsu grabbed Kyuhyun, who happened to be passing by. “Kyuhyun-ah, did you know Kangin hyung has been lying to all of us?”

“Well, Kangin’s always lying so yeah, it doesn’t surprise me,” shrugged Kyuhyun.

“YAH! Call me hyung!” scolded Kangin.

“Yeah, I don’t think so Kangin,” said Kyuhyun and then walked away.

Kangin sighed

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Chapter 8: What is forehead dutiesssss?! Omgggg fck hilarious hahaha
EvaKim2804 #2
Chapter 8: Hahahahahaha I loved. The story was too funny
EvaKim2804 #3
Chapter 4: Hahaha too funny!! Hahaha
EvaKim2804 #4
Chapter 3: Hahahaha I can not stop laughing. What drug did those 2 take?
EvaKim2804 #5
Chapter 2: Hahaha I can not stop laughing. this yunho is lost. I think if you smoke something hahaha
dee_9576 #6
Chapter 8: Yay Lord Voldemin rules!!
Poor Yunho though haha