Changmin’s Suffering

Yunho vs. Changmin
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Changmin’s Suffering

Time: 6:00pm

Now it was just Changmin, Yoochun, and Junsu in the living room.

Yoochun and Junsu sighed and sat down on the sofa while Changmin was about to leave. With all the commotion before, he was able to distract his hunger, but now it came back to mock him. He wanted to go to his room and distract himself.

“Oh Minnie, wait…” said Yoochun.

Changmin turned around to look at him. “Yes hyung?”

Junsu was starting to get all giggly and squealy. “We have a surprise for you!”

Yoochun nodded and said, “Yeah Min, we have an awesome present for you! … We would have given it sooner but we kinda forgot after Yunho hyung’s mental breakdown.”

They all laughed and Junsu ran to the dining table to get a white box and handed it to Changmin.

Yoochun and Junsu were both so excited. “Come on Minnie, open it!”

Changmin was excited for his present too now and was grinning widely while opening the box. Junsu and Yoochun were watching him happily. Changmin’s smile immediately turned into a frown as soon as he opened the box.

“DO YOU LOVE IT?!” squealed Junsu.


“It’s ok Min, we’ll give you a second to take it in. We know how excited you must be,” smiled Yoochun.


Junsu eyed Changmin suspiciously. “Ok Minnie Min, second’s over, you can be excited now.”

Changmin took the box and placed it on the dining table. Then he walked back to Yoochun and Junsu and pointed accusingly at the box. “What the hell is that?” he demanded as calmly as possible.

“Umm … double-dark-chocolate-molten-lava-cake?” answered Junsu.

Changmin pointed at the other two members and yelled, “AHA! So you admit you know what it is!”


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Chapter 8: What is forehead dutiesssss?! Omgggg fck hilarious hahaha
EvaKim2804 #2
Chapter 8: Hahahahahaha I loved. The story was too funny
EvaKim2804 #3
Chapter 4: Hahaha too funny!! Hahaha
EvaKim2804 #4
Chapter 3: Hahahaha I can not stop laughing. What drug did those 2 take?
EvaKim2804 #5
Chapter 2: Hahaha I can not stop laughing. this yunho is lost. I think if you smoke something hahaha
dee_9576 #6
Chapter 8: Yay Lord Voldemin rules!!
Poor Yunho though haha