The Bet

Yunho vs. Changmin
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The Bet

Time: 5:00pm

It was peaceful inside the DBSK dorm. Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu were still in the recording studio for their newest song. Since Yunho and Changmin were already done with their parts, they were allowed to have the day off today.

Yunho was quietly browsing the internet in his room when, “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!”

He heard the scream and fell out of his chair. He quickly got up and ran out of his room and saw Changmin standing in front of their fridge while holding a box in his hands. Yunho wasted no time and ran to his maknae to find out what was wrong.

“OH MY GOD MINNIE! WHAT’S WRONG?! WHAT HAPPENED?!” Yunho yelled while shaking Changmin by the shoulders.


“Yes Changmin-ah, tell hyung what happened.”

Changmin looked down at the box and then back up at Yunho.

“We’re all out of donuts,” he deadpanned.

“…” Yunho stared at his maknae without saying anything.



“Yunho hyung?”


Changmin was getting frustrated now.



Now it was Changmin’s turn to be in shock.

“S-Stupid donuts? Do you not realize that I don’t have any more donuts to eat! HMM?! Now I have to wait two hours until manager hyung comes back so he can drive me and get some more. How do you expect me to live until then? HOW?!”

“You know something Changmin … THAT IS THE STUPIDEST THING I’VE EVER HEARD!”

“I refuse to waste my time arguing with someone who doesn’t appreciate the fine art of donuts!”

Yunho knew this argument wasn’t going to end anytime soon so he tried his best to calm himself down.

“Why don’t you eat something else Minnie?” Yunho placated as calmly as he could.

“If there was other food, do you think I would be here talking to you? The donuts were the last food we had in the house. Jae hyung said he was gonna buy groceries later today.”

“I don’t understand why you’re hungry anyways Minnie, we just had pizza 20 minutes ago.”

“Do you hear yourself? 20. Minutes. Ago. I’M STARVING!”

Yunho placed his hand on Changmin’s shoulder and said, “I think you have a problem Minnie … you’re obsessed.”

Changmin pushed the leader’s hand away and mocked, “Oooohhhhh look who’s talking here, Mr-I-can’t-go-5-minutes-without-groping-Jaejoong!”

“YAH! I do not Jae every 5 minutes!”

“Yeah you’re right, 5 minutes would be wa

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Chapter 8: What is forehead dutiesssss?! Omgggg fck hilarious hahaha
EvaKim2804 #2
Chapter 8: Hahahahahaha I loved. The story was too funny
EvaKim2804 #3
Chapter 4: Hahaha too funny!! Hahaha
EvaKim2804 #4
Chapter 3: Hahahaha I can not stop laughing. What drug did those 2 take?
EvaKim2804 #5
Chapter 2: Hahaha I can not stop laughing. this yunho is lost. I think if you smoke something hahaha
dee_9576 #6
Chapter 8: Yay Lord Voldemin rules!!
Poor Yunho though haha