Chapter 3: Missing you

Perfect Nightmare (Walking on a Dream Sequel)


"Park Chanyeol."
Chanyeol stands to his feet, making sure his body is alligned flawlessly.
His commander stands in front of him. Chanyeol salutes. "At ease." 
Chanyeol relaxes and waits for instructions.
"You have a new bunkmate. Byun Baekhyun. Treat him well. That is all."
Byun Baekhyun? No. It can't possibly be the same Byun Baekhyun.
Chanyeol then came face to face with a boy no older than twenty with a soft face, brown hair and brown eyes set with determination.
"Park Chanyeol. Do you know how hard it was to get a bunk with you?"
"Wh-what are you talking about?" Chanyeol asks.
"Kris, Tao's best friend, talked about you a lot to Tao. I've decided that you're the only one I can trust," Baekhyun explains.
"You don't even know me," Chanyeol says skeptically.
"Chanyeol, I need to avenge Tao's death. Something about that raid was not right and you know it. I need someone I can trust. Please."
"I agree. Something is wrong and of course you can trust me," Chanyeol assures.
"Thank you."
Dear Kris,
You will never guess who is my new bunk mate! Byun Baekhyun. Tao's Byun Baekhyun! He joined to avenge Tao's death. He believes something is wrong too. We have made a pact. We will find out what's going on and we will escape. 
Anyways, We are moving to Unit 26 on March 15. I'm nervous. Really nervous. I was told that in Unit 26 you have to do raids. Kris, what if I die? What if I never get to see your face?
Park Chanyeol do not speak like that! You will not die!!! I won't let that happen! Just stay strong.
Baekhyun. I can't believe it. I don't even know what to say. Tao would be proud.
Chanyeol, I need you. I yearn for you. It hurts. It really does. I'm scared that I won't be the person who you imagine. Maybe, I'm just being silly.
I love you.
P.S. I'm proud of you for moving up so soon. I can't tell you how much I'm in love you.
Kris puts his pen down and sighs. His insecurity is too distracting sometimes. 
He's happy for Chanyeol. He really is, but Kris can't help but feel a sort of emptiness. An emptiness that used to be filled by Tao.
They were best friends. They spent every good, bad, happy and sad moment together. Now, all that's left is a lonely and painful feeling.
Even when you're in love, loneliness is still present without a best friend. 
When someone dies, their image eventually starts to fade. You'll never forget them, but without pictures you can easily forget what they look like. Maybe not completely, but their face can become faded when you try to picture them in your mind.
Kris' image of Tao is beginning to fade. The memories are still there, but what is a memory without someone to reminisce with?
Unit 27 has been quiet since they were attacked. Not many soldiers remain. Unit 26 privates are moving in on March 15, but Kris doesn't know them and has no intention of befriending any of them. 
"I miss Tao more than anything. I didn't even get to see him before he died," Baekhyun sobs. He's opening up to Chanyeol to ensure trust. 
"I'm so sorry," Chanyeol mutters. He doesn't know what else to say. He's not good with sad, emotional situations.
"I never knew I could love something so much. When the military car came to my house, my heart seemed to disappear. I felt and still feel an emptiness that I don't think will ever be filled again."
"You're still wearing you're ring?" Chanyeol blurts.
Baekhyun looks down and chuckles. "Yeah. I'll always wear it. It's the closest thing to the real him. It's better than nothing. Thinking of the cheesy memory still makes me smile."
"Well, that's good! Smiling is always the best medicine!" Chanyeol pokes and squeezes Baekhyun's side. 
Baekhyun scream because he is so ticklish that it's not even funny. "Stop! Stop! Uncle! Mercy!"
Chanyeol releases the now snorting and huffing Baekhyun. "So what about you and Kris?" Baekhyun asks after he's caught his breath.
"What can I say? My family signed up for a writing program. It's where we wrote to soldiers who didn't have anyone to write to. He didn't answer at first, but I found a comfort in being able to write about my life so I kept writing. Eventually, he started writing back. I don't know how we even fell for each other. I just..." Chanyeol trails off, blushing a fiery red. "I love him."
Baekhyun just smiles at him. He feels an unexplainable need to laugh. Chanyeol looks at him with bulging eyes and Baekhyun just loses it. Chanyeol joins in his fit of laughter.
The two are heaving and snorting. They collapse on each other and take gulps of air. 
"I swear," Baekhyun coughs. "I haven't laughed that hard in so long."
"You're welcome!" Chanyeol breathes excitedly. 
Baekhyun sits up. "Seriously Yeol, thank you."
Dear Kris,
I had a funny conversation yesterday with Baekhyun. While it was funny, it was also serious and it got me thinking. 
Kris, when I thought you were dead after that horrible raid....I thought I had lost my heart. I thought I was going to die from severe heart pain. I didn't sleep much before, but this was different. My body was so exhausted, but I could not calm my mind. I couldn't stop the tears from falling. I couldn't eat without wanting to throw
up. I thought I was going to die and honestly, without you...I wanted to die.
Then, something miraculous happened. You sent me a letter. Regardless of what it said in the letter, I knew you were alive. I could sleep and eat. My body didn't feel numb. The pain in my heart truned into a big fluffy cloud.
I will do anything for you. That's why I'm here. I don't care what it takes. I love you so much that it hurts. I am NOT ever letting you go.
Wu Fan. You are my heart and soul. You. Are. My. Life. My life and my savior. I have never felt so alive in my life. Sometimes I cry at night, but they are tears of happiness and joy. 
I love you more than words can express.
I'll see you real soon.
Your's forever and always,
A/N: Where I am, there is 10 minutes left of 2012. I cannot believe this year is over. I really can't. It kind of makes me sad. I am growing up so fast and my mom isn't here to see it. I know, however, that she would be proud of me and she is up in heaven smiling down at me. 
Another thing: I wanted to thank each and every one of you for subscribing and commenting on For Blue Skies. It makes me so happy that I can inspire people by just writing a story. Thank you so much.
Thank you for convincing me to write a sequel to Walking on a Dream. I have a lot if good ideas for this story and I am grateful for your persistency and nagging :)
Keep commenting!
Happy New Year and I love you all!   
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I did it!! I started writing the next chapter!! Happy day!!! Get excited!!


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Chapter 7: You're joking right? He cant be dead.

God the third one. I hope its a completed one. Incomplete krisyeol ff is not good for my heart
Chapter 4: Kai was there too? Chanyeol's kai?
Chapter 4: Kai was there too? Chanyeol's kai?
KiKarNi #4
I still haven't finished this. I'm gonna re-read this and the previous one again. The first was really good.
Chapter 6: OMG WHAT???????????????? NO NO THAT DIDNT HAPPENED
Chapter 6: Waeeeeeeeeeeeeee?? ahuhuhhu..but anyway..i like your story but omgeee..why is the ending like that's so making me cry..looking forward to the 3rd one :D
leara3 #7
Chapter 6: O.O kris died...?
Chapter 6: I pretty much just exploded. :'(