
Perfect Nightmare (Walking on a Dream Sequel)


Beep beep beep
The clock alarms letting the world know that it's time to wake up and start another day. Not that Chanyeol needs it. He's been wide awake for days. His eyes are puffy from crying and even his bags have bags.
Chanyeol fell in love and he didn't even get to meet the man, to hear his voice, to touch his lips, to see his face.
They made so many promises. Broken promises
Chanyeol stares at the ceiling. He's given up the possibility of Kris still being alive. Wishful thinking destroys you.
"Honey? You have a letter," Chanyeol's mother knocks and cracks the door open a bit.
When Chanyeol doesn't budge, Chanyeol's mother sighs and sets the letter on his desk.
"Who is it from?" Chanyeol mumbles.
"It doesn't say. Just open it," his mom commands and exits the room.
Chanyeol lays still, contemplating ways to reach the letter without any unnecessary movements. His attempt to get the letter fails epically and he falls on the floor.
Chanyeol groans as he walks to his desk and opens the letter, destroying the envelope because of his lack if letter opening skills.
After almost ripping the letter several times, Chanyeol lets the sad remains of the envelope fall to the floor.
His eyes bug wide.
Dear Yeollie,
Hello, my love. I'm alive. I got hurt during the raid, I healed fully, but they sent me back. There's something going on that's not right. Something illegal. I can feel it. I have to get out. Come find me. I'm in Unit 27. You'll start in Unit 25 and move up. Please, I have to escape. But I won't do it with anybody else but you. Tao is dead and nobody else has the balls to escape. They're all a bunch a 's. But you. I know you'll do anything for me. I love you.
ARE YOU INSANE?!?! I don't hear from you for months and you ask me to join the army?!?! I can't join the army, ya !! 
I do love you and I would do anything for you, but the ARMY?! And I'd have to start at Unit 25 and move up to 27? That could take months!! And how the hell do you think we can escape? From. The. Army. 
I know the army is bad and duh! They do illegal things...THEY KIll PEOPLE! But you're the one who joined! 
I can't join! I won't!
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I did it!! I started writing the next chapter!! Happy day!!! Get excited!!


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Chapter 7: You're joking right? He cant be dead.

God the third one. I hope its a completed one. Incomplete krisyeol ff is not good for my heart
Chapter 4: Kai was there too? Chanyeol's kai?
Chapter 4: Kai was there too? Chanyeol's kai?
KiKarNi #4
I still haven't finished this. I'm gonna re-read this and the previous one again. The first was really good.
Chapter 6: OMG WHAT???????????????? NO NO THAT DIDNT HAPPENED
Chapter 6: Waeeeeeeeeeeeeee?? ahuhuhhu..but anyway..i like your story but omgeee..why is the ending like that's so making me cry..looking forward to the 3rd one :D
leara3 #7
Chapter 6: O.O kris died...?
Chapter 6: I pretty much just exploded. :'(