The next day is coming. As usual, Jessica was waiting at the same place, but for now she had another excuse to stand there, since Yuri just would found it weird if she still using the same reason; moreover today wasn’t raining. She was holding both Yuri’s items, as she promised yesterday to bring it today. But after 15 minutes waiting, she was beginning to worry, as the one that she was waiting for didn’t show any sign of her presence. Finally, Jessica was trying to look for Yuri at her class, that was located next to her class; but it was almost empty. And Yuri wasn’t there. She just could found one pupil left who seemed still cleaning up her desk.

       “Umm... Hi... Do you see Yuri?” Jessica was asking. The pupil was lifting her head and facing Jessica.

       “Owh.. Yuri was absent today,” the girl was answering.

       “Absent?” Jessica was repeating. The girl was nodding.

       “Ummm.. Do you know... her address? I’ve to return something to her,” Jessica was asking, hence explaining her aim, as she didn’t want to raise any suspicion from her.

       “Ummm... Wait, let me check! I think I have her address,” the girl was taking her mobile phone and touching her screen a few times.

       “Ah, here is it,” she said and let Jessica write down the address on the paper.

       “Anyway, if you don’t mind, can you take this for Yuri?” the girl asked and handed a piece of paper to Jessica. “That’s Yuri result test and another English assignment to do. It supposed to be finished by tomorrow,” she was explaining.

       “Uh, sure, sure, I will give it to her. Anyway, I think I should go now. Thank you for helping,” Jessica said and smiled, then left the class.




       Jessica was hesitating for a moment when she found Yuri’s house. It was a small and simple house, without any park or garage. But then she was stepping forward, greeting, and few minutes later, a woman just opened the door. She smiled to Jessica.

       “Annyeonghaseyo,” Jessica was greeting and bowing. “Is it Yuri’s house?”

       “Ne... Are you...?”

       “Ah, Jessica imnida, Yuri’s friend,” Jessica was introducing herself.

       The woman seemed a little bit surprise, as she thought she knew all of Yuri’s friends, and she didn’t expect Yuri had a friend like... like an angel? She was really beautiful, well-maintained, and polite. Why Yuri never told her about this one?

       “Who’s that, Omma?” Suddenly Yuri’s voice was heard.

       “Your friend, Yuri-ahhhh... Do you feel better, Yul?” her mom was replying.

       “A little, Omma. But don’t worry, I’ll recover soon,” Yuri said.

       “Y-Yuri was sick?” Jessica asked.

       The woman was nodding her head. “I thought she was fever. But that kid... as she said, she will recover soon. She was strong,” the woman said and smiled again. “Uh, anyway, please come in. You could see her at her room.”

       Suddenly Jessica was shrouded by guilty feelings. 

       Yuri was sick? Fever? Was it because of rain? She was getting caught in the rain because of me... and fell sick? I caused her sick? Whereas, actually I didn’t need her raincoat. I could back home with Tiffany... But I did it on purpose. Waiting her, letting her wear the raincoat on me, and... What the hell was I doing!

       Jessica finally entered Yuri’s room. Yuri was getting surprise by Jessica’s attendance and spontaneously jumping out of the bed.

       “Hi, Yul...,” Jessica was greeting.

       “Ummm, Sica? Why are you here?” Yuri was asking, confusingly.

       “Just visiting you,” Jessica replied with smile. Yuri was shaking her head.

       “I mean, how did you know my home, and... um why do you visit me?”

       “I planned to return your stuff, remember?” Jessica asked. “I just didn’t found you at the school, and your friend told me that you’re absent. So I was looking for your address and got there,” Jessica was explaining.

       “Uh... You came here just to return my umbrella and coat? Aigooo, Sica.. I told you to take it easy. You don’t need to...”

       “No, actually not only that. I brought your test result and your English task too,” Jessica cut off. “Here is it,” Jessica handed the paper to Yuri.

       “Ugh... You... You really don’t need to do this, Sica. I.. I owe you for this...”

       Jessica was laughing. “Aigooo... We’re friend, Yul. It’s nothing. You also give me your umbrella and your coat...”

       Suddenly Jessica hushed , remembering she was the one who caused Yuri sick.

       “Mianhae, Yul,” Jessica said. “You got sick because of me...”

       Yuri was laughing. Suddenly she was knocking Jessica’s forehead by her knuckles, but just a second, she pulled back her hand.

       “Ugh, sorry, I didn’t mean it. I used to knock my brother’s forehead when he said something silly. Sorry,” Yuri said, a little bit embarassing.

       Jessica was laughing hard. “Gwaenchana, Yuri-aaaa,” she said with unintentional aegyo. “I’m glad you’re not mad at me.”

       “Why should I mad at you?” Yuri said and shook her head.

       “You didn’t force me or rob me to give my coat, rite? I did it consciously,” Yuri stated.

       Jessica smiled wryly, as she couldn’t erase the scene - she really did it on purpose – just to get closer with Yuri – she didn’t know why, but she felt comfortable every time Yuri was near her. But she would never expect that Yuri will getting sick by her action.

       “So don’t be guilty anymore. I don’t wanna see you like that,” Yuri said, trying to make Jessica comfortable. Again?

       “Anyway... when should I give back this assignment?”

       “Tomorrow,” Jessica replied.

       “WHAT????” Yuri’s eyes were widening.

       “I didn’t good in English, anyway,” she admitted. “I think I wouldn’t make it happen...”

       Suddenly Jessica smiled widely. Yuri caught it and raised her eyebrows, seemed couldn’t found any clue behind Jessica’s smile.

       “This time let me help you, Yul. English is my favorite subject. I’m good on it.”

       “Duh, Sica... I don’t want to bother you...”

       Jessica was glaring at her. The first cold glaring that Yuri ever received from warm Jessica. She quickly hushed saw that. Jessica was only giggling afterward. But she stopped her giggling when she caught Yuri was only staring at her.

       “Mwo?” Jessica was asking, curiously.

       “Nothing... Only thinking... I never expected you’re so nice... To me...”

       “Ummm,” Jessica was rolling her eyes, touching her chin, acted like a thinker. “So what did you think about me before?”

       “Ummm.. I thought you’re cold person, barely talk to person, act arrogant, like the rumours,” Yuri said honestly.

       “Indeed,” Jessica said. “But I could be sweet and nice to the some special person,” Jessica was continuing, full of excitement.


       “Uhm, no, I mean... I mean... if you get to know me well, you will find the other side of me,” Jessica quickly said and did her best to hide her blushing face.

       “Ahhh... I see,” Yuri nodded her head. “Uh, anyway, had you already lunch?”

       Jessica was shaking her head, and realized she began to be starving.

       “Let’s take some lunch first before we do my assignment,” Yuri was asking and grabbing Jessica hand, towing her to the dining room. Jessica was trailing behind, and again, couldn’t hide her happy smile from behind.



to be continued...

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anirecamp #1
Chapter 6: author , what you will not continue anymore T_T
Chapter 6: I can feel it author..i must b cry when the time yulsic will b apart huhu.. T_T
Can u make yulsic hav their happy mm first bfore everything gone too loose?sobss..
Chapter 5: I wan her alive!! Obviously.. But if u make yuri dead than i want her to be vampire then kill both of the jerk guy..then yuri can claim sica n make the latter b a vampire too lolol~
But seriously, dat guys..i can feel dat they will b the one who gonna break yulsic apart.. Updte soon author..i lov dis fic<333
019LACS #4
Chapter 5: KEEP HER ALIVE!!!! :))
Chapter 4: wait for update..
i like this story
huskyteaser #6
For Yulsic shippers... Another Yulsic moment could be found at THE RIDDLE, MY KOREAN SWEETHEART, and a little at THE APHRODITE :)
Chapter 4: Yuri's really sweet towards her Sica.... wonder what will happen soon! Please keep updating longer and make me smile like a creep more! ^_^
Chapter 3: Jessica fall in love that easily?
Yuri is numb?


Chapter 3: Aww so sad ;(
Chapter 2: please update~! I love this so much! The first was very cute, and very original. I love Yulsic so much :'( Aaaanyways, the second is heartbreaking, especially when you put how the met!! I really can't wait to read more author-sshi so please update soon!! XD