Be Ma Girl,again?


Listening to:Be Ma Girl by TeenTop

“Myungsoo?”you whispered so that nobody can hear it.The guy turned around and it was indeed Myungsoo.He walked towards you  holding a single rose your favourite,white rose.

“Hi!Herah!Welcome home!Umm…ladies and gentlemen this girl right here,”he said while pointing at you,”is the perfect girl that every guy dreamed of.2 years ago I broke up with her and I lied to her that I loved someone else but like I said it’s only a lie back when I was a trainee we were’nt allowed to be in a relationship so I broke up with her.But luckily one day I saw her in a bench near our café crying I did’nt know it was her so I walked up to her she looked at me and wanted to run but I grabbed her and hugged her and explained everything but she understood it and I promised to myself that I’ll get her back when she returns so this is the day.”He took a deep breath and said,”Would you Be my girl,again Herah?”she nodded and everybody in the building cheered for you some were even crying.TeenTop and Infinite sang Be Ma Girl together and when the song ended Myungsoo leaned in and kissed her in front of many people causing all of them to cry not because of jealousy but because of happiness.


Myungsoo’s contract ended and you got married to Myungsoo.You had 2 kids with him.Hesoo and Myurah.You lived a happy life with him and you would never forget the day that he asked you to be his girl again.And the both of you lived happily ever after becoming Mr. and Mrs. Kim.


         THE END


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Chapter 5: Aww so cute I like this story
And its good for your first one too
Chapter 5: Aww that was cute
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Chapter 5: please be kind!!