Be Ma Girl,again?


Listening to:After School’s Flashback

Herah called Gi Kwang and explained what happened but she did’nt tell her brother who her boyfriend is.Scratch that ex-boyfriend is.

“Oppa!I want to study at America,can I?”she asked him.

“Okay but tell me if someone like your ex hurts you again and tell him I’ll break his arm,”Herah smiled and said,”Sure!”

The news that she’s going to leave spread like wild fire.Everybody of course blamed Myunsoo including his friends.


Myungsoo walked out of the café to get the so-called ‘fresh air’.He was about to get inside when he heard sobs around the corner,he saw a girl sitting in the bench crying with her head bowed down.

“H-hey mind if I sit here?”he asked the girl.

“Oh su-“the girl was cutted off when she saw him.

“H-herah?”Herah wiped her tears and tried to ran but he grabbed her and hugged her.

“Let me go,”she said emotionlessly.

“Look I’m sorry,I did’nt mean to hurt you,”Myungsoo said while hugging her.

“Why?Did I do something wrong?”she asked him.

“Nothing,you are the perfect girlfriend ever,”she cried and looked up to him.

“I’m sorry Herah,it’s just that you know that I auditioned at a talent agency right?”she nodded.”I got accepted and we are not allowed to be in a relationship unless we debut,”he said and Herah can see sadness in his eyes.

“It’s alright,I’ll wait,and,Im going to US too so don’t flirt with other girls,”he nodded and he leaned in and kissed her and they walked separate ways happily.

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Chapter 5: Aww so cute I like this story
And its good for your first one too
Chapter 5: Aww that was cute
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Chapter 5: please be kind!!